中级口译考试焦点:卫生与健康中级口译考试焦点:卫生与健康 若水1147由 分享 时间:2020-08-13 10:28:57 参加口译考试的同学们在平时要积累大量素材,为帮助同学们练习,在线学习网为大家整理了7篇中级口译考试焦点学习资料,希望对同学们有所帮助。 annual check-up 年度体检 operation room 手术室 blood test 验血 OTC drug 非处方药物 blood transfusion 输血 out-patient department 门诊部 clinic 诊所, 门诊部, 科室 personal hygiene 个人卫生 emergency room 急诊室 pharmacy 药房 general surgery 普通外科 physical condition 身体状况 health institution 保健机构 physical therapy 理疗 injection 注射 public health 公共卫生 in-patient department 住院部 sanitary inspection 卫生检查 observation ward 观察病房 symptom 症状 高频句型: 1. The 20th century may have been the age of scientific advancement, but as the new millennium begins, in terms of world health the progress has been surprisingly slow. 20世纪也许是科技进步的年代,但是随着新千年的开始,就世界范围内的健康来说,其进展是非常缓慢的。 2. WHO s top ten killers list can almost be divided between infectious disease and non-communicable disease. Infectious diseases are common in low-income countries while the latter are prevalent in wealthy nations. WHO的十大杀手名单可一分为二,一半为传染性疾病,另一半为非传染性疾病。传染性疾病在低收入国家很普遍,而后者流行于富有国家。 3. 中医是中国固有的医学,古已有之。 Chinese medicine is a form of medicine that has been in China since ancient times. 4. 中西医结合是中国特有的医疗形式,西医学习中医是促进中西医结合的重要措施。 The mix of Chinese and Western medicine is a special way of treating illness in China, and Western medical practitioners studying Chinese medicine is an important step in the promotion of the combination of Western and Chinese medicine. 命题发言: 1. How to lead a healthy life? 2. What are the best ways to stay healthy? 每天挤45分钟攻克上海口译吧,其实学习一门语言并不是难事,关键在于持之以恒。 中级口译考试焦点:卫生与健康 参加口译考试的同学们在平时要积累大量素材,为帮助同学们练习,在线学习网为大家整理了7篇中级口译考试焦点学习资料,希望对同学们有所帮助。 annual check-up 年度体检 operation r 推荐度: 点击下载文档文档为doc格式 第 3 页 共 3 页