1上上海海立立信信会会计计学学院院ShanghaiShanghai LixinLixin UniversityUniversity ofof CommerceCommerce工工商商管管理理学学科科高高层层次次人人才才招招聘聘启启事事JobsJobs OpenOpen forfor RecruitmentRecruitment forfor BusinessBusiness AdministrationAdministration DisciplineDiscipline ProgramProgram上海立信会计学院是上海市人民政府举办的全日制普通高等学校,是中国现代会计教育的发源地之一。上海市启动“高等学校高高等学校高峰学科和高原学科峰学科和高原学科”建设,我校工商管理(会计)学科在上海市高校一流学科建设的基础上,成功入选高原学科建设序列。为推进工商管理高原学科建设,实现学科建设特色与水平的提升,现面向海内外诚聘会计与审计领域的学科带头人、学术带头人及优秀博士学科带头人、学术带头人及优秀博士。Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce is a public university responsible for the government of Shanghai. It is one of the earliest institutions providing modern accounting education in China. Shanghai has launched “High Education Peak Disciplines and Highland Disciplines” programs. The Business Administration (Accounting) Discipline of Lixin University has been selected as one of the “Highland Disciplines”, based on the construction of “High Education First Class Discipline” in Shanghai. To further develop our Business Administration Discipline to a new level, we are recruiting for “Discipline Leaders”, “Academic Leaders”, and “Excellent PhDs” globally.研究领域为:政府会计与审计,资本市场会计与审计,供应链会计与审计。Research fields: (1) Governmental accounting and auditing. (2) Capital market 2accounting and auditing. (3) Supply chain accounting and auditing.一一、学学科科领领军军人人才才专业领域及人数:专业领域及人数:会计学或审计学专业 13 人招招聘聘条条件件:150 周岁以下(特别优秀者可适当放宽);2具有教授职称(国外应聘者可放宽至副教授教职);3满足以下条件之一:(1)具有教育部及以上人才称号;(2)主持过国家级重大课题项目并已结项;(3)发表A 级(经济研究 、 管理世界 )论文3 篇或入选JCR(工商管理学科)前30%学术论文1 篇。4具有较强的组织管理能力。岗岗位位目目标标:聘任期内(6 年)完成高原学科建设任务,推进学科排名达到国内前20%。岗岗位位待待遇遇:年薪 100 万元,住房补贴 300 万元。可一人一议。(I) Discipline LeadersResearch fields and vacancies: Accounting or Auditing, 1-3 positions.Requirements:1. Under 50 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)2. PhD and professorship in current position (associated professorship for oversea applicants)3. One of the followings:(1) Received Talent Title given by National Ministry of Education.(2) Directed national major program and completed successfully.(3) Published three articles in A-Level journals (, ), or published one article in a journal listed by JCR30%.3Position Goal:Complete the construction of Highland Discipline Program, and advance Lixin Business Administration Discipline to top 20% national wide.Position Tasks:1. Establish a research team with worldwide competitiveness, recruit oversea excellent PhDs, and lead the team to complete the Highland Discipline program.2. Within six years, complete any two of the followings:(1) Direct one national major (key) research project, or one international cooperation major (key) project, or two national/international research projects.(2) Publish three A-Level articles or one JCR 30% article, as the first author or corresponding author.(3) Win one national award for teaching or research excellence (top 2 among first class, top 1 among second class), or provincial award for teaching or research excellence (top 1 among first class).(4) Direct one national excellent course program, or one national excellent teaching team program.(5) Apply one of national major talents programs successfully.Position benefits:One million RMB per year, with three million RMB housing allowance, or by agreement.二二、学学术术带带头头人人专业领域及人数:专业领域及人数:会计学或审计学专业 35 人招招聘聘条条件件:145 周岁以下(特别优秀者可适当放宽);2具有教授职称(国外应聘者可放宽至副教授教职);3满足以下条件之一:(1)具有省部级及以上人才称号;(2)主持过国家重点课题项目并已结项;4(3)发表A 级(经济研究 、 管理世界 )论文2 篇或入选 JCR(工商管理学科)前 40%学术论文 1 篇。岗岗位位目目标标:协助学科领军人才,推进学科方向排名达到国内前 20%。岗岗位位待待遇遇:年薪70 万元,住房补贴210 万元。可一人一议。柔柔性性引引进进:1柔性引进的学术带头人其岗位目标与前述学术带头人要求一致,在立信工作时间不少于2 月/年。2岗位待遇为年薪35 万元。(II) Academic LeadersResearch field and vacancies: Accounting or Auditing, 3-5 positions.Requirements:1. Under 45 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)2. PhD and professorship in current position (associated professorship for oversea applicants)3. One of the followings:(1) Received Talent Title given by Provincial Ministry of Education.(2) Directed national key program and completed successfully.(3) Published two A-Level articles ( and ), or published one article in a journal listed by JCR40%.Position Goal:Assist Discipline leader, advance Lixin Business Administration Discipline to top 20% national wide.Position Tasks:1. Establish a research team with worldwide competitiveness, and direct the team to complete the Highland Discipline program.2. Within six years, complete any two of the followings:(1) Direct one national research project, or one international cooperation project.5(2) Publish two A-Level articles or one JCR 40% article, as the first author or the corresponding author.(3) Win one national award for teaching or research excellence (top 3 among first class, top 2 among second class), or one provincial award for teaching or research excellence (top 1 among first class).(4) Direct one national excellent course program, or one national excellent teaching team program.(5) Apply one of provincial major talents programs successfully.Position benefits:700 thousand RMB per year, and 2100 thousand RMB housing allowance, or by agreement.三三、优优秀秀博博士士专业领域及人数:专业领域及人数:会计学专业 8 人,审计学专业 8 人,工商管理(符合本学科研究领域)专业 4 人招聘条件:招聘条件:135 周岁以下(特别优秀者可适当放宽) ;2主持(过)省部级及以上课题项目,或发表我校认定的B 级及以上学术论文 1 篇,具有海外博士学位者可适当放宽。岗位任务:岗位任务:在建设周期(6 年)内完成聘任合同规定的科研工作量。岗岗位位待待遇遇:年薪不低于25 万元,住房补贴30 万元。可一人一议。(III) Excellent PhDsResearch fields and vacancies: Accounting 8 positions, Auditing 8 positions, Business Administration (see research fields above) 4 positions. Reqirements:1. Under 35 years old (flexible for the very excellent applicants)62. Directed one provincial program, or published one article in a journal in Lixin B-Level journals list.3. Applicants with oversea PhD do not need the above two requirements.Position tasks:Within six years, complete any two of the followings:1. Direct one provincial research project.2. Publish one A-Level articles or one JCR 60% article, as the first author or the corresponding author.3. Win one national or provincial award for teaching or research excellence (top 5 among national first class, top 3 among national second class, top 3 among provincial first class, or top 2 among provincial second class).4. Apply one of Shanghai major talents programs successfully.Position benefits:200 thousand RMB each year, and 300 thousand RMB housing allowance, or by agreement.应聘方式应聘方式HowHow ToTo ApplyApply应聘者请登陆上海立信会计学院招聘系统(学校主页人才招聘招聘系统)填写相关信息资料。Applicants should create an account and apply online from our University website (University website | Recruitment | Recruitment system).通信地址:上海松江大学园区文翔路 2800 号 上海立信会计学院 人事处 Mailing address: Personnel Division, 2800 Wenxiang Road, Shanghai Lixin University of Commerce, Songjiang District, Shanghai.邮政编码:201620 联系电话:67705068,67705070学校网址:www.lixin.edu.cn 联系电邮:hrlixin.edu.cnZip Code: 201620, Telephone: 67705068, 67705070University website: www.lixin.edu.cn Email: hrlixin.edu.cn