Word小学二年级英语作文带翻译:看月亮 夕阳西下,天慢慢地黑了,一个会发光的黄球渐渐地从云层里升起来,露出脑袋,慢慢地它那黄黄的身体露出云层,但它四周的云彩没有被它照亮,它自己是那么刺眼,那么绚烂,它就是"月亮'。 As the sun sets, the sky gradually darkens. A yellow ball that can shine slowly rises from the clouds, revealing its head, and gradually its yellow body revealing the clouds. But the clouds around it are not illuminated by it. It is so dazzling and brilliant. It is the moon. 月亮像一个金黄色的金棱,一会儿变成玉盘,一会儿变成小船,一会儿变成廉刀,还一会儿变成细细的、弯弯的眉毛。 The moon is like a golden edge. It turns into a jade plate, a boat, a cheap knife, and a thin, curved eyebrow. 月亮慢慢地升到了天空,海水被它照得闪闪发光,山川大地被它照得犹如朦胧的早晨,它旁边的云朵被它照得亮堂堂。 The moon gradually rose to the sky, the sea was shining by it, the mountains and the earth were shining like a hazy morning, the clouds beside it were shining by it. 月光之下有些人在画着它那漂亮的身姿,有些人在月光下吟诗赋词,还有些人在月光下谈笑嬉闹。 Some people are painting its beautiful posture under the moonlight, some are chanting poems and poems under the moonlight, and some are talking and laughing under the moonlight. 月亮就像黑暗里的明珠,照亮了大地,照亮了海洋,照亮了山岥,照亮了我们地球的每一个角落。它那金灿灿的身影永久不会忘记。 The moon is like a pearl in the dark, illuminating the earth, the ocean, the mountains and every corner of the earth. Its golden figure will never be forgotten. 假如没有这漂亮的月亮,到了夜晚一片漆黑,看不到月亮漂亮的身姿,听不到人们在月光下欢快的谈笑,也看不到日全食、月全食等天文奇观。 If there is no such beautiful moon, it will be dark in the night. You cant see the beautiful posture of the moon, hear peoples happy talk and laughter under the moonlight, or see astronomical wonders such as total solar eclipse and total lunar eclipse. 更没有李白美丽的诗句:"小时不识月,呼作白玉盘。又疑瑶台镜,飞在青云端。仙人垂两足,桂树何团团。白兔捣药成,问言与谁餐?蟾蜍蚀月影,大明夜已残。羿昔落九乌,天人清且安。阴精此沦惑,去去不足观。忧来其如何?凄怆摧心肝。' Not to mention Li Bais beautiful poem: I dont know the moon when I am young, I call it a white jade plate. I doubt Yaotai mirror, flying in Qingyun end. Immortal hang two feet, sweet scented osmanthus he Tuan. The white rabbit makes medicine. Who can I eat with? Toads eclipse the shadow of the moon, and the night of the dawn is broken. Yi fell to Jiuwu in the past, the heaven and the people were clear and peaceful. The essence of Yin is perplexed by this. Go to the view of deficiency. How about worries? Pathetique destroys the heart. 假如没有这漂亮的月亮,月亮是多么珍贵啊!我们应当爱惜它,爱护它。 Without this beautiful moon, how precious the moon is! We should take good care of it and protect it. 3