Word妈妈,我爱您英语作文700字带翻译 春天的青龙山公园真是太迷人了,青龙山公园里的小花可真美呀,一棵棵大树站在原地一动不动。就像一个个爱护游客的保卫者。湖面洁净的就像一面光明的镜子,柳树姐姐站在湖边。仿佛在照镜子,小草也从土里钻了出来,就像一个奇怪的孩子探出了脑袋,奇怪地向四周张望,似乎还在说:"伴侣们,快出来,外面的世界真漂亮!'。春风中夹杂着些许的思念,妈妈,我好想你呀!。 Qinglongshan Park in spring is so charming. The flowers in Qinglongshan park are so beautiful. Trees stand still. Its like a guard protecting tourists. The lake is as clean as a bright mirror. Sister Liu Shu is standing by the lake. As if looking in the mirror, grass also came out of the soil, like a curious child sticking out his head, looking around curiously, as if still saying: friends, come out, the outside world is really beautiful!. Spring wind mixed with a little missing, mom, I miss you so much!. 每天早上我刚起来时就闻到了香喷喷的早饭,当我拖着疲乏的身体放学回到家时,妈妈都会为我预备好饭菜,然后对我说:"你先喝杯水,喝完水后休息五分钟,再去书房里写作业,等会儿饭做好了我叫你出来吃饭!'我点了点头。每当我学习到深夜时,妈妈都会给我泡杯热腾腾的牛奶,牛奶里布满妈妈对我的爱。这就是我妈妈,一个只付出不求回报的妈妈。 Every morning when I wake up, I smell the delicious breakfast. When I drag my tired body back home from school, my mother will prepare meals for me. Then she says to me, drink a glass of water first, have a rest for five minutes after drinking the water, and then go to the study to do homework. When the meal is ready, I will ask you to come out for dinner! I nodded. Whenever I study late at night, my mother will make me a cup of hot milk, which is full of my mothers love for me. This is my mother, a mother who only pays but doesnt ask for return. 妈妈,您还记得吗,有一次我在学校里不舒适,头痛发烧,还吐了的,那次老师赶忙的给您。打电话那时您正好在上班,。可您不顾一切放下手中的事情起码赶来,当您赶来时,即使是在寒冷的冬天,可宁劝头大汉,从这点可以看出你特别焦急,即使累得倒下时,可您却还背着我从五楼跑到学校门口,您穿的是高跟鞋,这件事让我终身难。 Mom, do you remember that I was sick at school, had a headache and fever, and vomited. The teacher gave it to you in a hurry. You were at work when you called,. But you are desperate to put down the things in your hands. When you come here, even in the cold winter, you would rather persuade the big man. From this point, you can see that you are very worried. Even when you are tired and fall down, you still carry me from the fifth floor to the school gate. You are wearing high-heeled shoes, which makes my life difficult. 妈妈,您还记得吗?。有一次放学时外面下着大暴雨,我没带伞,为了给我送伞,您从家里走到学校来,您来到学校时全身湿淋淋的,回到家时您因着凉而发高烧,即使您生病了,可您却说:"没事,小病一会儿就好了。'妈妈您对我真好,每次我一生病您就要带我去看病,可能生病了却说小病,一会儿就好了。 Mom, do you remember?. There was a heavy rain outside when school was over. I didnt bring an umbrella with me. In order to send an umbrella to me, you came to school from home. When you came to school, you were all wet. When you came home, you had a high fever because of your cold. Even if you were ill, you said, its OK. Ill be fine soon. Mom, you are very kind to me. Every time Im ill, you have to take me to see a doctor. If Im ill, Ill be fine in a moment. 妈妈,你可知道,在春暖花开的春天里,我愿为您化为一缕春风,让您领会春天的生气。 Mom, you know, in the warm spring, I would like to turn into a wisp of spring wind for you, let you enjoy the vitality of spring. 妈妈,您可知道在烈日炎炎的夏天里,我情愿为您化为一把扇子,给您带来凉爽。 Mom, you know that in the hot summer, Im willing to turn you into a fan to bring you cool. 妈妈,你可知道,在温和的秋天里,我情愿为您化为一片硕果累累的苹果树,让您品尝丰收的喜悦。 Mom, you know, in the warm autumn, I am willing to turn into a fruitful apple tree for you, so that you can enjoy the joy of harvest. 妈妈,你可知道,在寒冷的冬天里,我情愿化为一个火炉,让您在寒冷的时候给您带来暖和。 Mom, you know, in the cold winter, I would like to turn into a stove, so that you can bring warmth to you in the cold time. 4