Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:国庆节歌咏比 明天就是祖国妈妈的70岁生日-十月一日国庆节了,在我们每个中国人的心里可感动了,它的意义非凡。 Tomorrow is the 70th birthday of our motherlands mother, National Day on October 1st. Its exciting in the hearts of every Chinese, and its significance is extraordinary. 为迎接国庆的到来,今日下午我们学校进行了"童声响亮,迎国庆的合唱竞赛,'全校师生都参与了这次活动。 In order to welcome the coming of National Day, this afternoon our school held a Childrens Chorus Competition for National Day, in which all the teachers and students participated. 我们四班级全体同学早已做好了充分的预备,下午在老师的带领下,同学们穿着统一的校服,戴着艳丽的红领巾,走进礼堂。我很荣幸自己成为我们这个班级的指挥手,这一天,我也细心的装扮了一番,为能更好的在台上发挥出自己最好的水平,我也在努力着。最终开头竞赛了,同学们都在仔细认真地观看着表演,首先是全体老师们,他们的演唱曲目是唱歌祖国,老师们精神饱满,唱得非常洪亮,非常动听。接着到了一班级的同学,他们的歌声美丽悦耳,唱得有声有色。接下来就要到我们表演了,我心里特别感动,轮到我们了,当报幕员说道四班级表演时,我听到"指挥孙婉婷、'。我的心七上八下的跳个不停,但我又一想:"没什么,不用怕,肯定要表演胜利!'在我的指挥下,同学们绽开歌喉,齐心合力,用响亮的歌声唱出了对祖国的喜爱和祝愿。我们的歌声迎来了阵阵掌声,竞赛结束时,我还沉醉在欢乐的气氛当中。 All of our fourth grade students have already made full preparations. In the afternoon, under the leadership of the teacher, students wear uniforms and bright red scarves and enter the auditorium. I am honored to be the commander of our grade. On this day, I dressed up carefully. I am also working hard to better play my best level on stage. At last, the competition began. The students were watching the performance carefully. First of all, all the teachers. Their singing repertoire was Singing the Motherland. The teachers were full of spirit and sang very loudly and pleasantly. Then to the first grade students, their singing beautiful and beautiful, singing colorful. Next comes our performance. My heart is very excited. Its our turn. When the announcer said about the fourth grade performance, I heard Conduct Sun Wanting,. My heart is beating up and down, but I think again: Nothing, dont be afraid, we must perform successfully! Under my command, the students started singing, concerted efforts, with a loud song singing out the love and blessings of the motherland. Our song was greeted with applause. At the end of the game, I was still immersed in a happy atmosphere. 这次竞赛,我们只得了个三等奖,虽然成果不是很抱负,但我觉得它很有意义。这次竞赛带给我们的不仅仅是一种对祖国的祝福,更使我懂得了要喜爱祖国、喜爱学校、喜爱集体,由于我信任团结就是一种力气 In this competition, we only won a third prize, although the result is not very ideal, but I think it is very meaningful. This competition not only brings us a wish for our motherland, but also makes me know how to love our motherland, school and collective, because I believe that unity is a force. 3