Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:快乐的假期 希望已久的国庆节到了,姑姑带着弟弟小安竹从加拿大回来了,小姨和姨夫也从北京回来了,这个国庆节我们就和他们一起在济南享受欢乐的假期了。 The long-awaited National Day has arrived. My aunt and brother Xiao Anzhu have returned from Canada, and my aunt and uncle have also returned from Beijing. This National Day we will enjoy a happy holiday with them in Jinan. 天公做美,这个假期每天都是晴空万里,蓝蓝的天上飘着朵朵白云,让人感觉秋高气爽。大街小巷挂满了飘扬的五星红旗,还有一串串红红的灯笼,大街上车水马龙,公园里人山人海,每个人看起来都那么轻松欢乐,处处是一片欢腾气象。 The sky is beautiful. Every day in this holiday is a clear sky. White clouds float in the blue sky, making people feel refreshed in autumn. Streets and alleys are full of flying five-star red flags, as well as a string of red lanterns, the streets are full of traffic, the park is crowded with people, everyone looks so relaxed and happy, everywhere is a jubilant atmosphere. 这一天,我们一家来到了千佛山,从远处看,蓝天下的千佛山郁郁葱葱,雄伟屹立,象一个身着绿色衣服的大巨人。我们从万佛道走向上山阶梯,在万佛道我们观察了许多形态各异,栩栩如生的佛像。走在山路上,很多不知名的树木身着深深浅浅绿色的袍子,随风舞动,好象在欢迎我们的到来。在满山的绿色中,间或还发觉了几簇红叶,秋天还没有把整座山的树叶染红,我想这一天也快来了吧。 On this day, our family came to Qianfo Mountain. From a distance, Qianfo Mountain under the blue sky is lush and towering, like a giant dressed in green clothes. We went up the mountain ladder from Wanfodao. We saw many different and vivid Buddha statues in Wanfodao. Walking on the mountain road, many unknown trees in deep light green robes, dancing with the wind, seem to welcome our arrival. In the green of the mountains, occasionally found a few clusters of red leaves, autumn has not dyed the whole mountain leaves red, I think this day is coming soon. 一路走一路看,很到了半山腰,我们可以看到低处的济南城,整个城市在这样的好天气里看起来特殊清楚,象一幅立体的大照片。拿出望远镜,看到了黄河,它象一条金黄色的缎子。可是我们怎么也看不见大明湖。茶馆的小伴计告知我们,由于大明湖离山比较近,所以到山顶才能观察,我想济南可真小啊!于是我们又向山顶前进,在去山顶的路上,我们看到了一个小小的瀑布,瀑布的水流进了一个小池子。池子里清亮见底,小鱼有的在水中游来游去,有的在吐泡泡,特别可爱。 Walking all the way, we can see Jinan City in the lower part of the mountain. In such fine weather, the whole city looks very clear, like a big three-dimensional picture. Take out the telescope and see the Yellow River. It looks like a golden satin. But we cant see Daming Lake. The teahouse boy told us that because Daming Lake is near to the mountain, we can only see it at the top of the mountain. I think Jinan is really small. So we went to the top of the mountain again. On the way to the top of the mountain, we saw a small waterfall, and the water from the waterfall went into a small pond. The pond is clear and bottomless. Some of the fish swim around in the water and some are foaming. They are very cute. 好不简单到了山顶,我们果真观察了大明湖。大明湖被高楼大厦包围着,看不到它的真面目。从山上下来,我们来到了金佛广场,这里很喧闹,人们在这里运动和嬉戏。我们也骑了多人自行车,我们骑自行车的时候,发觉有个人骑的太猛了,摔倒了,旁边的好心人把他扶了起来。我看着看着,差点自己也出了"交通事故',幸好我反应准时,给避开了,心想,以后骑车的时候不能一再心二意了。 It was not easy to get to the top of the mountain. We saw Daming Lake. Daming Lake is surrounded by high-rise buildings, and can not see its true face. Down the hill, we came to the Golden Buddha Square. It was very busy. People played sports and games here. We also ride bicycles for many people. When we ride bicycles, we find that a man rides too hard and falls down. The good people beside him lift him up. I looked at it and almost had a traffic accident myself. Fortunately, I responded in time and avoided it. I thought that I could not be distracted when riding a bicycle in the future. 骑完自行车,我们就要回家了,漂亮的千佛山真让人留恋忘返啊 After riding a bicycle, we will go home. The beautiful Qianfo Mountain is so memorable. 4