Word小学四年级英语作文带翻译:我的爱好 我的爱好有许多,比如骑自行车,是由于我喜爱风拂过脸的舒服,也喜爱那种说走就走的潇洒;再比如写作,我享受那种在精神上放飞自我的快感,但是我最喜爱的,还是读书。 I have a lot of hobbies, such as riding a bicycle, because I like the comfort of the wind across my face, and I also like the natural and unrestrained way to go. Another example is writing, I enjoy the pleasure of letting go of myself in spirit, but my favorite is reading. 一杯清茶,几本好书,就足以让我度过一个闲适的下午。闻名作家高尔基也曾说过"书籍是人类进步的阶梯。'一本故事情节丰富的书能让读者将视线牢坚固定在文字间,让思绪随着故事的进展而变化,时而捧腹大笑,时而眉头紧皱,时而感既万千这就是书的迷人之处,我喜爱读书,也正是由于这个缘由。 A cup of tea and some good books are enough for me to spend a leisurely afternoon. Gorky, a famous writer, once said that books are the ladder of human progress. A book with rich story can let readers fix their eyes firmly in the text, let their thoughts change with the development of the story, sometimes laughing, sometimes frowning, sometimes feeling thousands of This is the charm of books. I like reading books, and thats why. 我还有一个"坏习惯',就是随时随地都会看书。当然,上课的时候除外。吃饭时,睡觉前,如海绵挤水一样抓住各种时间去阅读。 I also have a bad habit, that is, I can read books anytime and anywhere. Except in class, of course. When eating, before going to bed, like a sponge to squeeze water to grasp all kinds of time to read. 看书也能使人聪慧。读书明理,我想大家应当都是知道的,不过,看的书也要有选择。漫画书应当少看,历史书、科普书、小说正所谓萝卜青菜,各有所爱'大家各有各的选择。 Reading books can also make people smart. I think we all know that reading is reasonable, but we should also have a choice. Comic books should be read less, history books, popular science books, novels Just as the so-called radish and green vegetables, each has his or her own love. Everyone has his or her own choice. 读书,给人生添彩,给成长加分。我爱读书! Reading adds color to life and points to growth. I love reading! 2