Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:快乐的游玩 国庆节,我和爸爸妈妈一起去了益阳。住在益阳的其次天,我们大家就一起去奥林匹克公园。 On National Day, I went to Yiyang with my parents. The next day we lived in Yiyang, we all went to the Olympic Park together. 奥林匹克公园真大呀!里面设计的真好看!我们先参观了游泳池。游泳池的水很深,岸边还有一个个的跳板,惋惜游泳池现在还没有对外开放,不能在这儿游泳。接着我们就来到了主体育场。主体育场里有许很多多的凳子。下面就是跑道。参观完主体育场,我们就来到了音乐喷泉的旁边,我们大家就开头"玩'音乐喷泉了。在"玩'音乐喷泉的时候发生一件好玩的事情。 The Olympic Park is so big! The design inside is so beautiful! We visited the swimming pool first. The water in the swimming pool is very deep and there are springboards along the bank. Unfortunately, the swimming pool is not open to the public and can not swim here. Then we came to the main stadium. There are many stools in the main stadium. Here is the runway. After visiting the main stadium, we came to the music fountain next to, we all began to play the music fountain. An interesting thing happened while playing with the music fountain. 音乐喷泉是一个圆形的喷泉,由几层水柱组成不断变化的水柱的图案。我们在最外面的那层水柱戏水的时候,妈妈大声的对我们说:"等最外层的水柱停下来了,你们就进喷泉里面,我立刻给你们拍照。'姐姐答应了,我还有点迟疑。这时,我想起姐姐开头在最外层的水柱停了之后她就跑了进去玩,还有很多的人都这样,我为什么不能呢?最终,我鼓足了士气,和姐姐一起进去,我们顺当的照完了这张相片。 Music fountain is a circular fountain, which is composed of several layers of water column. When we were playing in the outermost water column, my mother said loudly to us, When the outermost water column stops, you will go into the fountain. Ill take a picture of you right away. My sister agreed, but I hesitated a little. At that moment, I remembered that my sister had started to run in to play after the outermost water column stopped. There were many people like that. Why couldnt I? Finally, I had the courage to go in with my sister, and we took this picture smoothly. 照完了之后,我觉得挺好玩的。姐姐说:"我们姐弟三人一起去音乐喷泉里照张相片。'我立刻就答应了。 After taking the photos, I thought it was fun. My sister said, Our three brothers and sisters went to the music fountain to take a picture together. I agreed immediately. 姐姐抱着弟弟和我一去冲进了音乐喷泉里。这一次可没有上一次幸运了。我们才照完相,最外层的水柱就哗啦啦的往我们姐妹三人的头上淋。喷泉似乎在和我们做对似的,我们越想出去,喷泉就越大,就连里面的几层水柱也慢慢地大了起来。我们无法出去了这时,旁边许多的游人都在看我们的 My sister rushed into the music fountain with my brother and me in her arms. This time, its not as lucky as last time. When we finished taking pictures, the outermost water column crashed over the heads of our sisters. The fountain seems to be doing the right thing with us. The more we want to go out, the bigger the fountain will be, and even the inner water columns will gradually grow larger. We cant go out. At this time, a lot of visitors were watching us. "笑话'呢! Jokes! 我们一边低着头,一边受这喷泉的"熬煎'。大约过了3分钟左右,喷泉渐渐地小了。好象它累了,没有力气和我们在作对了,我们就趁机跑了出去 As we bowed our heads, we were tortured by the fountain. After about three minutes, the fountain slowly became smaller. As if he was tired and had no strength to do the right thing with us, we took the opportunity to run out. 我们出来后,休息了一会儿,就连续参观。 After we came out, we had a rest and continued to visit. 回家的路上,看着车外笔直宽敞的道路,还有路边的树木花草,我情不自禁地赞美:"益阳的变化可真大啊!' On the way home, looking at the straight and wide road outside the car, as well as the trees, flowers and plants along the road, I could not help exclaiming, What a great change in Yiyang! 4