Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:游玩包头乐园 今年国庆节,爸爸、妈妈和我一起去包头乐园游玩。 On National Day this year, my father and mother went to Baotou Paradise with me. 到了包头乐园,首先呈现在眼前的是一个湘降落伞一样大的气球,高高地飘在空中,足有20米高,上面还有两个可以做人的椅子。我和一个小姐姐上了大气球,大气球满满的升向高空。开头我还有些可怕,渐渐地,便不怎么怕了。当气球停在高空中时,我向远方望去,整个游乐园尽收眼底;再看看下面的爸爸妈妈,简直就像玩具娃娃一样。 When we arrived at Baotou Paradise, we first saw a balloon as big as a Hunan parachute. It floated high in the air, 20 meters high, and there were two chairs on it. I went to the balloon with a little sister, and the balloon was full of air. At first I was a little scared. Slowly, I wasnt so scared. When the balloon stopped high in the sky, I looked far away and saw the whole amusement park. Looking at the father and mother below, it was like a doll. 接着,我又玩了"嫦娥奔月',你知道"嫦娥'是怎样"奔月'的吗?让我告知你吧!我先坐上了小费车,系好平安带,小飞车顺着一个封闭的圆形滚筒始终向上行驶,最终到达大约10米高的顶部,然后小飞车从顶部沿着两条轨道飞速的奔驰而下。由于我的身体又瘦又小,所以在座位上左摇右晃,感觉整个人都要被扔出去了。 Then, I played Change Running to the Moon again. Do you know how Change Running to the Moon works? Let me tell you! First, I got on the tipple, fastened my seat belt, and the small flying car ran up along a closed circular drum until it reached the top of about 10 meters high, then the small flying car followed two tracks from the top. Quickly down. Because my body was thin and small, I swayed left and right in my seat and felt like the whole person was going to be thrown out. 之后,我玩了这里最刺激的车乘项目过山车,车速飞速,上下飞腾,左右摇摆。人们大声尖叫,有的还吓哭了。我呢,还算英勇,没哭,所以,下来之后,妈妈叫我"妞大胆'。 After that, I played the most exciting ride here - roller coaster, fast, up and down, swing left and right. People screamed and some cried. I was brave enough not to cry, so when I came down, my mother called me Niu Bold. 除此之外,我还玩了"一波三折',"星转斗移',"太空闲逛',"自旋滑车'和"豪华波浪',每一种都布满刺激,布满惊险。 In addition, I also played twists and turns, star swing, space walk, spin pulley and luxury waves, each full of excitement and adventure. 包头乐园给了我无限的欢快,和我一起度过了一个难忘的国庆节。 Baotou Paradise has given me unlimited joy and spent an unforgettable National Day with me. 3