Word快乐的国庆节英语作文500字:国庆节长假 星期六,我和妈妈一同来到了郑州办事,顺便逛逛街,早上坐车来的时候,座位几乎没有空的,可我们没有在意。 On Saturdays, my mother and I came to Zhengzhou to work together and go shopping. When we came by car in the morning, the seats were almost empty, but we didnt care. 办事很顺当,不到中午,我们来到了人气最旺盛的德化街。首先映入眼帘的是"百年德化'四个大字,只见德化街两边彩旗飘扬,来这里逛街购物的人们,络绎不绝。真不愧是郑州最繁华的商业区,街的两边座落着大大小小的商场,由于是国庆长假,各大商场人满为患,商家忙的不亦乐乎,而心里却早已乐开了花。与德化街紧密相连的是历史悠久、众所周知的二七广场,二七广场的人气不比德化街差,也是人山人海,人头攒动,由于二七塔正在维护当中,所以,我只能领会它宏伟的外表,这是今日唯一的圆满,改天我肯定再来一览二七塔的风采。 The work went smoothly. Before noon, we came to Dehua Street, the most popular street. First of all, the four characters of Dehua for a hundred years are reflected in our eyes. We can only see the flags flying on both sides of Dehua Street. People who come here to shop and shop are in an endless stream. Zhengzhou is indeed the busiest business district, the streets on both sides of the large and small shopping malls, because the National Day holiday, the major shopping malls are crowded, busy businessmen are happy, but the heart has been happy to blossom. Closely connected with Dehua Street is Erqi Square, which has a long history and is well-known. The popularity of Erqi Square is not worse than Dehua Street. It is also crowded and crowded. Because Erqi Tower is being maintained, I can only appreciate its magnificent appearance. This is the only regret today. I will definitely look at Erqi another day. The elegance of the tower. 乘车来到汽车站门口,观察很多人都蹲在门口,因当时正值下午,天气较热,我以为他们是在乘凉呢。谁知一进售票大厅,整个大厅全都是人,简直没有一个落脚的地方,每个售票窗口好像都排了一条长龙,这时,我们都愣住了,怎么这么多人?这才想起来今日是国庆假期,出游和回家的人比平常多了好几倍,没方法只好渐渐排队了当排到我们时,售票员却告知票已售完。 When I arrived at the gate of the bus stop, I saw many people crouching at the gate. Because it was in the afternoon and the weather was hot, I thought they were in the cool. Who knows when we enter the ticketing hall, the whole hall is full of people, there is hardly any place to stay. Every ticketing window seems to have a long queue. At this time, we are all stunned. Why so many people? This reminds us that today is the National Day holiday, there are many times more people traveling and returning home than usual, so we have to queue slowly. Team. When we arrived, the conductor told us that the tickets were sold out. 带着绝望,拖着疲乏的双腿,来到火车站广场上,只见火车站被人们围了个水泄不通,这里又是一个人山人海,人头攒动。我和妈妈就像两只没头苍蝇一样,在火车站里随着人流,挤来挤去。最终来到了售票处,可是一看队已经排到对面公路上去了,我们只好使出了"千年绝技'插队法,这才最终买到了回家的车票。 With disappointment, dragging tired legs, came to the railway station square, only to see the railway station was surrounded by people, here is a sea of people, crowded. Like two headless flies, my mother and I were crowded with people in the railway station. At last, we arrived at the ticket office, but as soon as we saw that the queue had already lined up on the opposite road, we had to use the thousand-year stunt queue-jumping method, which finally bought the ticket to go home. 今日最终让我见识了,国庆小长假出游的弊端了,所以,我在这里奉劝大家,尽量避开小长假出游。 Today, let me finally see the drawbacks of the National Day holiday travel, so I am here to advise you to avoid the long holiday travel as far as possible. 3