Word小学国庆节英语作文范文带翻译:游玩国庆节 国庆节是一年一度祖国妈妈的生日,祖国母亲今年70岁了,在这一天街上张灯结彩,我与妈妈来到了街上,街上真是人山人海啊! National Day is the annual birthday of the motherlands mother, motherlands mother is 70 years old, on this day, the streets are decorated with lights, I and my mother came to the streets, the streets are really crowded ah! 店门口都在插上了我们国家的国旗-五星红旗,每个中国人都是这么爱我们的国家呀!走着走着,我和妈妈就去了海边游玩,也是喧闹及了。一眼看去一望无际的大海,蔚蓝的海水与天连在一起,似乎天地连接一般。让我不由自主的想起了这样的一首歌,大海呀,大海我正想唱呢,看到一群游人似乎在海边找着什么,我和妈妈也就过去了,突然,我就看到石头上,海水里都有小海螺,我就惊异的叫起来,啊,原来他们在抓小海螺呀,我也让妈妈和我抓起来了,抓呀,抓呀,不一会抓了一大把,咦!惊奇,我看到有一个小海螺里面,怎么还有小螃蟹呢,我不假思考地问妈妈,妈妈说:"那是小海螺的肉给小螃蟹吃了,小螃蟹霸占了小海螺的家',哦,原来是这样呀。 Every Chinese loves our country so much. Walking along, my mother and I went to the beach to play. It was also lively. At first glance, we can see the boundless sea. The blue water is connected with the sky as if the sky and the earth were connected. Let me involuntarily think of such a song, the sea, the sea. I just wanted to sing. When I saw a group of tourists looking for something at the beach, my mother and I passed by. Suddenly, I saw small conch on the rocks and in the sea. I was surprised and cried out. Ah, they were grabbing small conch. I also let my mother and I grab it, grab it, grab it, and soon catch a big one. Oh, yeah! Strange, I see a small conch inside, how there are small crabs, I do not hesitate to ask my mother, mother said: That is the meat of the small conch for the small crab to eat, the small crab occupied the small conchs home. Oh, so it is. 我和妈妈也抓了不少的海螺了,我起身看了一下不远的地方,这时海水也退去了不少,海水浅的地方露出了沙滩来,我大声的欢呼起来,沙滩,沙滩,我就一蹦三跳的向沙滩的地方跑去了,妈妈也跟着来了,我们光着脚丫踩在沙滩上,走过去背后都会留着一个脚印,妈妈说:"做人要这样踏踏实实的,一步一个脚印的',听妈妈说完,我就和妈妈打起了沙子仗,一会又堆起了沙堡,一会又拿起手机拍起了相片,玩的快乐极了。 My mother and I also grabbed a lot of conch. I got up and looked at the place not far away. At this time, the sea water retreated a lot. The shallow part of the sea exposed the beach. I shouted loudly. The beach, the beach, I jumped three times to the beach and ran to the beach. Mother followed me. We stepped barefoot on the beach. On the beach, there will be a footprint behind walking. Mother said, We should be so down-to-earth, step by step. After listening to my mother, I started a sand fight with my mother, piled up sand castles, took photos with my mobile phone, and had a great time. 就这样的玩下去,不知不觉得时间就像飞一样的过去了,我们也要回家了,在回家的路上,我在想是大地的漂亮,祖国的昌盛带给了我们这样美妙的生活,我不由自主的喊出了祖国母亲生日欢乐! So play on, I do not know that time flies past, we also want to go home, on the way home, I think is the beauty of the earth, the prosperity of the motherland has brought us such a good life, I can not help but shout out - Happy Mothers Birthday! 3