Word我喜欢的美食英语作文范文带翻译600字 我喜爱的美食(英语作文)范文带翻译600字 我的老家在盐城阜宁,那里盛产阜宁大糕。大糕用糯米制成,雪白如雪,轻柔如云,香甜如蜜,滋润细嫩,老少皆宜,在家乡的美食中最富盛名。 My hometown is in Funing, Yancheng, where there are plenty of Funing cakes. The cake is made of glutinous rice, white as snow, soft as clouds, sweet as honey, moisturizing and tender, suitable for all ages. It is the most famous food in our hometown. 你可别小瞧了阜宁大糕。相传在清乾隆年间,乾隆在南巡江南的时候,阜宁县令就用当地的名点阜宁大糕向皇上进贡。乾隆吃后,赞不绝口,见阜宁大糕色白如玉,状如玉带,便给此糕赐名为"玉带糕'。在我们老家,阜宁大糕寓含着大吉大利、步步高升之意。所以,在婚庆佳节以及新年里都要借阜宁大糕祈福。据说,大年初一还有"不吃大糕不说话'这一习俗呢! Dont underestimate Funing Cake. Legend has it that during the reign of Qianlong in the Qing Dynasty, when Qianlong was touring the south of the Yangtze River, the Funing County decree paid tribute to the emperor with the local name of Funing Cake. After Qianlong had eaten it, he praised it endlessly. When he saw that the cake in Funing was white as jade and shaped like jade ribbon, he named it jade ribbon cake. In our old home, Funing Cake implies great auspiciousness and rising step by step. Therefore, in the wedding festival and the New Year, we should borrow Funing cake to pray for blessings. It is said that on the first day of New Years Day, there is also the custom of not eating big cakes and not talking. 作为传统美食,阜宁大糕的包装也很古朴。一块长方形的大糕,裹在玫红色的纸中,看上去又艳丽又喜庆。红纸正中竖向排列着四个刚劲有力的黑色隶字"阜宁大糕'。认真端详一下,大糕有25厘米长、10厘米宽、5厘米厚,已被匀称地切成2毫米厚的薄片,便利大家食用。随着时代的进展,阜宁大糕又设计了现代包装,以满意大家的需要。只见五六片大糕被密封在一个透亮的小塑料袋中,每袋只有掌心那么大,小巧玲珑,卫生便捷,最适合我们这些爱吃的小馋猫了。 As a traditional delicacy, the packaging of Funing Cake is also very simple. A rectangular cake, wrapped in rose-red paper, looks bright and festive. In the middle of the red paper, there are four strong black official characters Funing Grand Cake. Looking carefully, the cake is 25 centimeters long, 10 centimeters wide and 5 centimeters thick. It has been evenly cut into 2 millimeter thick slices for everyone to eat. With the development of the times, Funing Cake has designed modern packaging to meet the needs of everyone. Five or six pieces of cake were sealed in a small transparent plastic bag. Each bag was as big as the palm. It was small and exquisite. It was sanitary and convenient. It was most suitable for our favorite kittens. 阜宁大糕的食用方法多种多样!奶奶喜爱把撕成片的大糕放到锅里油炸,享受它的酥脆爽口。只见她娴熟地用筷子从大糕中间轻轻一夹,再放入油中定型,炸完后的米糕精致极了,活像一只只金黄色的小蝴蝶,在翩翩起舞呢!我最喜爱把阜宁大糕撕成一小片一小片地塞入口中,细嚼慢咽,享受它的软糯香甜,唇齿留香。这时,它就成了名副其实的"手撕糕'了。 There are many ways to eat Funing Cake! Grandma likes to fry the torn cake in a pan and enjoy its crispness and delicacy. See her skillfully use chopsticks from the middle of the cake gently clip, and then put into the oil to finalize, fried rice cake is exquisite, like a little golden butterfly, dancing in the air! I like to tear the Funing cake into small pieces and plug it in the mouth, chew it slowly, enjoy its soft, waxy, sweet and fragrant lips and teeth. At this time, it has become a veritable hand torn cake. 远离家乡,只有老家人来徐时才能带来一些阜宁大糕。今年,我只拿到了一点儿,还真有点舍不得吃了呢! Far away from home, only when the old family comes to Xu can they bring some Funing cakes. This year, I only got a little, but Im a bit reluctant to eat it! _ 3