Word我与狗狗交朋友英语作文500字带翻译 狗是我们喜爱的宠物,也是我们忠实的伴侣,更是我们看家护院的好帮手。 Dogs are our favorite pets, our loyal friends, and good helpers for us to watch the house. 对有些人来说,可能对那些可爱、洁净的小狗感爱好,也可能对那些在大街上流浪的流浪狗感到厌恶,也可能对那些凶狠的狗感到厌烦、可怕,也可能对那些训练有素的警犬感到鄙视、喜爱,也可能。可对于我来说:全部的狗都是可爱的、好玩的"伴侣'由于每一个狗都有一个可爱之处。 For some people, they may be interested in cute and clean dogs, they may be disgusted by stray dogs on the street, they may be disgusted and scared by fierce dogs, they may also be admired and adored by well-trained police dogs, or they may be. But for me: all dogs are lovely and interesting friends because every dog has a lovely place. 记得三年前,我家养的那只狗,就特别可爱,与我感情甚深。 I remember three years ago, the dog I raised in my family was very lovely and deeply affectionate to me. 那时我正在上六班级,中午和晚上都回家,每次回家时,都会在我家门口看到我家狗的身影,它总是在那接我。那时我爸我妈,还有我奶奶都要把它拴起来,可每次我都会把它放了,让他自由,可就是由于这自由,而被收狗的人下了药,在我面前死的,而我也两个星期没有好心情,还哭了一回呢。奶奶看到我哭,心疼,就又要了个狗,长大了就拴起来了,我也没给它自由他现在还活着,而上一个狗过了2年了,可我们之间的事我还是忘不了,总是想起它。 At that time, I was in sixth grade. I went home at noon and at night. Every time when I went home, I would see my dog at my door. It was always there to pick me up. At that time, my father, my mother and my grandmother would tie it up, but every time I would let it go and let him be free, but because of this freedom, the dog receiver gave me the medicine and died in front of me, and I was not in a good mood for two weeks and cried once. Grandma saw that I cried and was distressed, so she asked for another dog. When she grew up, she tied it up. I didnt give her freedom. Now she is still alive, and the last dog has been two years, but I still cant forget the things between us, always thinking of it. 不说这了,说说我姨家的那个狗吧,一开头他很凶,可我一接进它它就卧下了,我摩挲了它几下就不凶了,至少对我不凶了。 Dont say that. Tell me about my aunts dog. He was fierce at the beginning, but he lay down as soon as I took him in. I stroked him for several times, at least not for me. 总之,我与狗交"伴侣'很快,在我眼里,每只狗都是可爱、温存的。 In short, I make friends with dogs very quickly. In my eyes, every dog is lovely and docile. 3