Word抗击疫情最美逆行者先进事迹英语作文素材_抗“疫”英雄李文亮 作为武汉市中心医院的医生,他始终处在抗击疫情的第一线,他有良知,有才智、有士气,他是去年二月第一个向人们发出警告,"预言'这场灾难的医生,他是"逆行者',更是"吹哨人'! As a doctor of Wuhan Central Hospital, he has always been in the front line of fighting against the epidemic. He has conscience, wisdom and courage. He was the first doctor to give a warning to people in February last year, predicting the disaster. He is a rebel and a whistleblower! 但是,他敏感地提示四周同事留意感染和防控,却被一些警官认为是"杞人忧天',胡乱发布谣言!直到疫情爆发,李文亮医生才获得了清白。但李文亮医生却没有和警官们较真儿,而是快速回到抗疫的第一线,全身心的投入到临床救治工作。他不畏艰险、恪尽职守、救死扶伤的精神,值得全中华人民向他学习! However, he sensitively reminded his colleagues to pay attention to infection and prevention and control, but some police officers thought it was alarmism and randomly released rumors! It was not until the outbreak that Dr. Li Wenliang was cleared. But Dr. Li Wenliang didnt get along with the police officers. Instead, he quickly returned to the front line of anti epidemic and devoted himself to clinical treatment. It is worth learning from him that he is not afraid of difficulties and dangers, and that he is dedicated to his duties, and that he can save the lives and help the wounded! 但是,疫情凶狠无比,像一个做了坏事的人,它像是知道了是这个穿着白大褂的人类揭穿、发觉了它的阴谋,于是无情的把"吹哨人',李文亮熬煎致死。人们痛惜、哀悼、致敬,祈祷着李文亮医生在阴间一切安好。 However, the epidemic is extremely fierce, like a person who has done a bad thing. It seems to know that this man in a white coat has exposed and discovered its plot, so he mercilessly tortured the whistleblower and killed Li Wenliang. People deplored, mourned and paid homage to Dr. Li Wenliang and prayed for his safety in the underworld. 但是,李文亮医生的"哨声'还是传播开来,同学们谨慎起来,相互转告,接着,更多医生知道后都开头做防护,人们都说:"李文亮医生救了许多人!'即便远方没有第一时间听到的人,也知晓了他们的存在。一个有英雄的世界会给人更多盼望,会激励前线"战士'"作战'的斗志! However, Dr. Li Wenliangs whistle still spread. The students became cautious and told each other. Then, more doctors began to do protection when they knew it. People said, Dr. Li Wenliang saved many people! Even if there is no one in the distance who hears for the first time, they know their existence. A heroic world will give people more hope, and will inspire the fighting spirit of the front fighters and fighting! 现在疫情虽然已经得到了肯定的掌握,但正是这个时候,我们更需要凝神聚力,不能懈怠,我们要记住李文亮医生的话,用最大的努力、最小的牺牲,治好最多的患者,用最短的时间打赢这场不能输的战斗! Although the epidemic situation has been controlled to a certain extent, it is at this time that we need to concentrate more and not slack off. We need to remember Dr. Li Wenliangs words, with the greatest effort and the smallest sacrifice, cure the most patients, and win the invincible war in the shortest time! 3