Word欢度“六一”_描写儿童节的英语作文带翻译 五月三十一日,是一个特别的节日,是一个属于我们的节日,今日一早,太阳刚好,我们满着轻快的步伐向这次汇演的目的地动身xx二中。 May 31, is a special festival, is a festival belonging to us, this morning, the sun is just right, we are full of light steps to the destination of the show - XX No.2 Middle School. 一路上,我和好伴侣始终在探讨这个大礼堂一共有多大,能容满多少个人用不了多少时间,我们就到了。到了大礼堂后,我还是按压不住心中的感动,究竟是第一次来到外校表演"六一'汇演。 Along the way, my good friends and I have been discussing how big the auditorium is and how many people it can accommodate. It wont take much time for us to arrive. When I got to the auditorium, I still couldnt hold the excitement in my heart. After all, it was the first time I came to the foreign school to perform 61 performance. 我们表演空竹的同学先候场。我认真的端详了一下四周,发觉最吸引人,最先映入眼球的是"绽放活力,欢乐六一'这八个字,然后在前面是一个表演节目的走台,后面就有许多个座位,这些座位的旁边都有一个能过的小桌子。 Lets play diabolo first. I carefully looked around, and found that the most attractive, the first eye is the blooming vitality, happy 61 these eight words, and then in front of the stage is a performance, there are many seats behind, these seats next to a small table can pass. 不一会儿,表演就正式开头了,首先是主持人先致辞,然后是丁校长发表感言,然后就是精彩的抖嗡表演、悦耳的新儿歌联唱、声情并茂的朗诵、精彩纷呈的舞台剧、逗趣的相声 In a short time, the performance officially began. First, the host gave a speech, then the Dean delivered a speech, and then there was a wonderful shake and hum performance, a beautiful new childrens song joint singing, an eloquent recitation, a wonderful stage play, funny crosstalk 其中空竹表演里就有我,刚上台的时候,我不太紧急,但开头表演的时候我特殊紧急,以至于杆子打结了,我解的时候手都始终在不停的抖,不过后来我渐渐克服了紧急,抖得时候也很顺手。 Among them, I was in the Diabolo show. I was not very nervous when I came on stage, but I was very nervous when I started the show, so that the pole was knotted. When I released it, my hands kept shaking. But later, I gradually overcame the tension, and it was easy to shake. 在欢歌笑语声中,少先队员们度过了一个欢乐的六一儿童节。愿南湖二小的队员们能够在七彩的童年中幸福成长! In the song and laughter, the young pioneers spent a happy childrens day. Wish the team members of Nanhu No. 2 primary school can grow up happily in colorful childhood! 3