Word老师,您辛苦了!关于感恩教师节的英语作文 老师,您辛苦了!关于感恩老师节的(英语作文) 老师节到了。我想起了我的一位老师。她很年轻就去世了留下了她幼小的女儿。虽已事隔多年。可她的音容面貌照旧那么清楚。和她一起度过的日子照旧历历在目。于是写了一篇文章来纪念她。 Teachers Day is coming. I think of one of my teachers. She died young and left her young daughter behind. Its been many years. But her voice and face are still so clear. The days spent with her are still vivid. So I wrote an article to commemorate her. 轻轻地让我告知你我的老师。你可知道。你为我们干枯的心洒下了甘甜的雨露于是它们沐浴着春雨开头茁长开头成长。您可知道你教我们播种了点点盼望于是我们撑着小小的帆而起航。你的勿以善小而不为勿以恶小而为之教会了我们如何修身如何养性。每次我们犯了错误你会微笑着叹息:"你们这些孩子啊'。让我们懂得了如何宽容对待每个人。 Gently let me tell you about my teacher. You know. You sprinkle sweet dew on our dry hearts and they begin to grow and grow in the spring rain. You know you taught us to sow a little hope, so we set sail with a little sail. You should not teach us how to cultivate ourselves and how to cultivate our nature by doing good instead of evil. Every time we make a mistake, you smile and sigh, You children. Lets learn how to treat everyone with tolerance. 让我们获益更多的是您严谨踏实的态度记得您为我们大意、浮躁而生气吗?还有您严峻的评分规章错一个字也要为零分。那时稚嫩的我们都为您的生气而幸灾乐祸,可细细回想起来您的同学应当感谢您呀! What benefits us more is your rigorous and down-to-earth attitude. Do you remember that you were angry with us for our carelessness and impetuosity? And your strict scoring rules should be zero for one word. At that time, we all rejoiced in your anger, but in retrospect, your students should be grateful to you. 轻轻地我不愿惊醒你只是想问问你有没有可以通过天国的阶梯?只是想问问你在天堂是不是有着五彩斑斓的梦? Gently, I dont want to wake you up. You just want to ask if you can pass the steps of heaven. Just want to ask you if you have colorful dreams in heaven? 还记得那节最宁静的课吗?您微笑着对我们说:这是您上的最终一节课。那一刻时间似乎停止了空气也似乎凝固了。你无语我们无语只感到有冰凉的泪滴。那一刻我们看到了您笑容的憔悴还有您对课堂的依依不舍。 Do you remember the quietest lesson? You smiled and said to us: This is your last lesson. At that moment, the air seemed to have ceased and solidified. Youre speechless, were speechless, we just feel cold tears. At that moment, we saw your haggard smile and your reluctance to teach. 轻轻地你走了可您并没有像那首诗里一样挥一挥衣袖带不走一片云彩您带走了带走了我们的无奈带走了无尽的牵挂只留给我们无尽的悔。 You walked away gently, but you did not wave your sleeves like in that poem without leaving a cloud. You took away our helplessness, took away our endless worries and left us endless regrets. 从今不再调皮从今不再把老师当成自己的乐趣。而这是您生命的意义。每次您宁愿自己生气也不惩处我们。每次气过之后您还会开怀大笑。 Henceforth, no more mischievous, no longer regard teachers as their own And thats the meaning of your life. Every time you would rather be angry than punish us. Every time you get angry, you laugh. 我们懊悔从来没有对您说声感谢从来没有说声您辛苦了呀!只是气您只是让您生病。无法遗忘最终一次见您娇小的身体似乎一阵风就可以吹倒。那不是我们熟悉的您那不是那个抱着女儿一家人快欢乐乐的您那不是那个拥有舒适笑容的您虽然您照旧微笑着。 We regret never saying thanks to you and never saying that you worked so hard. Its just that you make you sick. I cant forget that the last time I saw your tiny body, it seemed like a gust of wind could blow it down. Thats not what we know about you. Thats not the one who holds his daughter and his family happy. Thats not the one who has a quiet smile, although you still smile. 老师啊!您可知道那一刻似有千万颗刺刺痛我们的心啊! Teacher! Do you know that there seemed to be tens of millions of stabbing our hearts at that moment? 人都说一日为师终身为父。老师您就像慈父一样为我们铸爱的港湾不怕雨露风霜。师恩如海还是那么深那么宽。 Everyone says that one day a teacher is a father all his life. Teacher, you are just like a loving father. You are not afraid of rain, dew, wind and frost. Shi En is as deep and wide as the sea. 轻轻地让我告知你。老师啊这是属于您的节日是属于全部老师的节日。我想全部的老师说:老师节欢乐! Let me tell you gently. Teacher, this is a festival for you and for all teachers. I want all the teachers to say: Happy Teachers Day! 4