Word英语日记150字带翻译:神秘的花 今日,老师订购的一束花送来了。这束花很好看,开放的花,紫莹莹的,很清晰。 Today, the teacher ordered a bunch of flowers. This bunch of flowers is very good-looking, blooming flowers, purple Yingying, very clear. 下课后,我和君儿(蔡一君)走近数了数,一共有四十七朵花苞。其中,已经有几朵花不同程度地开放了花瓣,闻一闻,有淡淡的芳香,给人一种舒适的感觉。 After class, juner (CAI Yijun) and I approached and counted them. There were 47 flower buds in total. Among them, a few flowers have opened their petals in varying degrees. After smelling them, they have a light fragrance and give people a comfortable feeling. 我和君儿商定,肯定要记住有四十七朵花苞,我们最终要看一看有多少花苞开放了,有多少花苞没开放。 Juner and I agreed that we must remember that there are 47 flower buds. Finally, we should see how many buds are open and how many are not. 看着这漂亮的花,我的心中突然消失了一颗。接着,我又想到了一个绝妙的好办法:给这些花取个名字 神奇的花。 Looking at this beautiful flower, a sudden appeared in my heart. Then I came up with a wonderful idea: give these flowers a name - mysterious flowers. 神奇的花,你记住,我给你取的名字,就是一颗神奇的爱心! Mysterious flower, you remember, I give you the name, is a mysterious love! 2