Word英语日记350字带翻译:摔跤游戏 "叮零零零零!'当电铃吹完口哨时,我们上完了课。这时,数学老师洪亮地说:"留下一部分同学。'于是我们其他人便像一只只出笼的小鸟,开心地飞奔下楼了。 Ding zero When the bell whistled, we finished our class. At this time, the mathematics teacher said loudly: leave some students. So the rest of us, like a bird out of the cage, ran down the stairs happily. 我见一位同学玩起了一个嬉戏,便凑过去参与,原来是一个摔跤嬉戏。摔跤?太好了!我们快速地分成两队,面对面敌视着,我们根据法规,各自选了一个人做对手。我则选择了卞磊。 I saw a classmate play a game, and then came to participate, it turned out to be a wrestling game. Wrestling? Great! We quickly divided into two teams, facing each other. We chose one of our opponents according to the rules. I chose Bian Lei. 我摸索地出了一拳,随时向后跳了一下,见他没反击,又出了几拳,虽然都没打中他,但是我却谨慎地凝视他,我走马灯似的转了几圈,但都没发觉马脚。 I gave a tentative punch and jumped back at any time. Seeing that he didnt fight back, he made a few more punches. Although none of them hit him, I watched him carefully. I walked around like a lantern, but I didnt find any flaws. 我又三抓两挠地和他缠在了一起。我用脚去钩他的腿,结果,他抓住我的胳膊,向前一摔,我差点摔倒。我又和他缠在一起,我玩起了旋转,我趁他不留意,突然朝前一蹦,他一屁股坐在地上了。 I scratched and scratched with him again and again. I tried to hook his leg with my foot. As a result, he grabbed my arm and fell forward. I almost fell down. I entangled with him again, I played a spin, I took advantage of his inattention, suddenly jumped forward, he sat on the ground. "噢,我赢了!'"我赢了!'这时,那边也传来了声音,太好了,我们赢了! Oh, I won! I won! at this time, there was also a voice, great, we won! 嬉戏真好玩。 Its fun. 2