Word英语日记250字带翻译:老鹰抓小鸡游戏 下午,老师带着我们去玩老鹰捉小鸡的嬉戏。 In the afternoon, the teacher took us to play the game of Eagle catching chicken. 嬉戏开头了,"小鸡'们都纷纷躲在"母鸡'的身后,"老鹰'嗷嗷地叫着向一只"小鸡'猛地扑了过去,"母鸡'死死地盯着"老鹰',不让"老鹰'靠近"小鸡',"老鹰'想绕过"母鸡'去捉"小鸡',可是,它走到哪儿,"母鸡'就跟到哪儿,根本没法靠近"小鸡'。所以,"老鹰'的第一个阴谋被识破了。这时,"老鹰'找准机会,又朝另一只"小鸡'猛扑过去,"母鸡'奋下顾身地爱护着"小鸡',正值"老鹰'预备扑向"小鸡'时,"母鸡'突然消失在了"老鹰'的面前,张开双翅,拦住了它的去路。就这样,"老鹰'的其次次攻击又失败了。 The game begins, the chicks are hiding behind the hen, the Hawk screams to a chicken and pours at it, the hen stares at the Eagle and keeps the Eagle away from the chick. The Eagle wants to bypass the hen to catch the chick. However, wherever it goes, the hen will follow where it goes, which is not reliable Close to chicken. So the first plot of Eagle was discovered. At this time, the Eagle looked for the opportunity and rushed to another chicken. The hen spared no effort to protect the chicken. Just as the Eagle was ready to pounce on the chicken, the hen suddenly appeared in front of the Eagle, spreading her wings and blocking its way. In this way, the second attack of Eagle failed again. 同学们玩得可真兴奋呀! How happy the students are! 2