构建“以审美为核心”的中小学音乐教育理念毕业论文摘 要音乐课是人文学科的1个重要领域,是实施美育的主要途径之1。音乐教育的重要价值是审美教育,以审美教育为核心的教育理念,丰富学生的审美情感体验,使其具有1定的审美能力,让生活变得丰富多彩,人类变得文雅和充满爱心,这是我们音乐教育的理想目标。然而,我国当前的中小学音乐教育中,审美教育并没有得到很好的贯彻,这就严重背离了音乐教育要“以音乐审美为核心”这1基本理念。自全日制义务教育音乐课程标准颁布后,“以审美为核心”的音乐教育理念被提到了1个重要的高度。同时,为贯彻这1教育理念需对教学模式进行改革与创新。因此,“构建以审美为核心的中小学音乐教育模式”是实现中小学音乐教育改革的有效途径,是实施“新课标”人才培养目标的有力措施。笔者针对当前现状,对音乐教育就教学观念、教学内容、教学方法、教学环境等几方面提出了1些浅见。关键词:音乐教育;审美;模式ABSTRACTMusic lessons are the significant field of humanities subjects, and they are one of the main ways of carrying out art education. The significant value of music education is appreciation education. The educational conception focuses on appreciation education. It can enrich students emotional experiences in appreciation. It can also make life colorful. Mankind will become elegant and be full of love. All these are the perfect aims of music education. However, appreciation education hasnt been carried out very well in primary and junior middle schools at present. It abandons the conception of “ Focusing on appreciation education” seriously. Ever since the issuement of the Standard of the Full-Time Compulsory Education in Music Curriculum, the conception focusing on appreciation education has been enhanced to a certain altitude. Meanwhile, to carry out the educational conception needs improvement and creation in teaching mode. Therefore, constructing the teaching mode, which focuses on appreciation in primary and junior middle schools, is not only the efficient way to realize the reform in music education, but also the efficient measure to carry out the aim of abilities cultivation. Respending to the present situations, Writer, gives some opinions and suggestion to musical education, including such aspect as teaching concept. teaching contents. Teaching methods and teaching environments.Key words: music education; appreciation; mode第 3 页 共 3 页