浅析千手观音的创作与表演毕业论文摘 要中华5千年的古老文化历史,留给了我们无穷尽的文化资源。著名编导张继钢利用佛教文化中的观音形象编创了舞蹈千手观音博得了全世界观众的喜爱。本文从舞蹈的创作与表演两方面入手,把千手观音与张继钢以往创作的其他舞蹈作品进行比较,同时也分析了与高金荣舞蹈的不同之处和聋哑演员的精彩演出带给观众的视觉享受。舞蹈不同于其他表演形式,它是1种最自然、最直观的肢体语言的表达,聋哑演员们用她们的真诚震撼了观众。千手观音不仅仅是1个单纯的舞蹈,它带来的是对舞蹈文化更大的推动,为以后的舞蹈发展开辟了1条新的道路,将中国舞蹈艺术的质量和地位提到了1个更高的层次。关键词:千手观音;创作;表演ABSTRACTThe old cultural history of china for five thousand years leaves a great deal of cultural resources. Famous choregrapher JiGang Zhang creates the dance named "a god with thousand hands" using the GuanYin image of Buddhism culture win the fondness of the world audiences .The GuanYin with Thousand hands is contrasted wuth JiGang Zhangs other dance work , and at the same time the difference from JinRong Gaos dance and the visual enjuyness which is taken by the performance of the deaf and dunp actors are analyzed by vieusing the creation and performance of dances in this thesis.Dance is different from other perforned forms , because it is the most natural and ocular expression by body languages. The audiences is shocked by the perfomance of the deaf and dump actors . The GuanYin with Thousand Hands is not only a dance, but also a greater powerful force to dance art. It cerats a new road for dance development from now on , and the quality and situation of the chinese dance art is rised to a higher lecel.Key words: a god with thousand hands; Creation; Performance第 2 页 共 2 页