2021年12月四级大纲新增词汇(二) 40. bias 'ba?sv./n.(使有)偏见,成见例句:His family background biases him against businessmen.他的家庭背景使他对商人抱有偏见。41. biotechnology ?ba?(?)tek'n?l?d? n.生物科技 例句:Professor Lee is an expert in biotechnology, and you can ask him for advice.李博士是生物科技方面的专家,你可以让他给你一些建议。42. bitch b?t? n.母狗 泼妇 (sing.)难办的事 (sing.)怨言 vi.挖苦,(背后)说坏话例句:Tom never bitches about other members of his team.汤姆从来不说其他队员的坏话。43. blond bl?nda.金发的例句:Jeremy's mother stroked his blond hair as she gently kissed him on the cheek.妈妈抚摸着杰瑞米金色的头发,轻轻地吻着他的脸颊。44. blueprint 'blu?pr?nt n.蓝图,方案例句:The plans for improving the financial system have only reached the blueprint stage so far.改善金融体系的计划目前尚处于筹划阶段。45. bracket 'br?k?t n.(圆)括号 托架 等级vt.把归为一类 将相提并论例句:Their incomes are brought into a higher bracket.他们的收入已进入一个较高的等级段。46. brag br?g v.吹嘘例句:He bragged to his friends about his wealth.他向朋友炫耀他的财富。47. breakdown 'bre?kda?n n.故障 破裂 细目,分类例句:The breakdown of their marriage was not unexpected.他们婚姻破裂在预料之中。48. broker 'br?k? n.经纪人,掮客 股票经纪人例句:I connected him with the broker, and they made an arrangement between them.我让经纪人和他联系上了,而且他们之间也做了一个协议。49. broke br?k a.彻底破产的例句:There used to be a rubber estate there, but the company went broke and it was abandoned.过去那边有一个橡胶园,但是那家公司破产了,橡胶园也丢荒了。50. brutal 'bru?tla.残暴的,野蛮的例句:She knew so little of the calculating, brutal world with which he was connected.她不大知道与他相牵连的那个斤斤计较的、残酷的世界。51. buckle 'b?klv.压垮,压弯 n.皮带扣环例句:The steel pillars began to buckle.这些钢柱开始变形了。 52. buck b?k n.美元,澳元 雄性动物vi.(马等)猛然弓背跃起 例句:Come on, buck up, things aren't that bad!好啦,高兴点,事情还没那么糟糕!52. buddy 'b?d? n.伙伴,好朋友 老兄,老弟 例如:They are good buddies.他们是好朋友。53. bully 'b?l? v.欺侮 胁迫n.恃强凌弱者例句:Don't let them bully you into working on Saturdays.不要让他们逼你星期六加班。54. bumper 'b?mp? n.保险杠a.异常大的例句:They hope readers will enjoy this bumper issue of "Homes and Gardens".他们希望读者会喜欢这一期特大号的家园。55. bypass 'ba?p?sn.心脏搭桥手术 旁路,旁道例句:She underwent successful heart bypass surgery on Monday.她在周一已经成功接受心脏搭桥手术。56. calf k?f n.小牛 小牛皮例句:The teacher introduced the different animals to the children: pony, puppy, chick, kitten, calf, and lamb.老师介绍给小朋友们不同的动物:赛马、小狗、小鸡、小猫、小牛和羔羊。 57. calf k?f n.(人腿的)腓,小腿肚例句:Press your thumb into the bottom of your calf muscle, hold for 5 seconds, and release.拇指按住,移向你的小腿肌肉,停留5秒钟,放开。58. calling 'k?l? n.使命感,责任感 事业,职业例句:The life of the integrity should have “three feelings”, sense of calling, lose feeling, the crisis feeling.完整的人生应有“三感”,使命感,失落感,危机感。59. calorie 'k?l?r?n.(热量单位)卡路里例句:A potato has about 90 calories.一个马铃薯大约有90卡路里。 60. cardboard 'k?db?d n.厚纸板例句:Each distribution centre has a place where plastic and cardboard are recycled.每个物流中心都有专门回收塑料和厚纸板的地方。61. cherish 't?er? vt.珍爱,爱护 怀有(好感)例句:Thankfully, you were always there to help, and I will always cherish that.幸亏,总是有你在旁协助,而我将永远珍惜这份情谊。62. cholesterol k?'lest?r?ln.胆固醇例句:Like many other Japanese foods, sushi tends to be low in fat, cholesterol, and calories.像许多其他日本食物一样,寿司是倾向于低脂肪、低胆固醇和低卡路里的。63. chore t? n.杂务 乏味无聊的工作例句:We share the domestic chores.我们分担家务。64. clarity 'kl?r?tin.清晰,清楚 清晰的思维能力例句:She had only visited the village once, but remembered it with surprising clarity.她只到过这个村子一次,对它的记忆却清晰得让人吃惊。65. climax 'kla?m?ksn.顶点,高潮 例句:When the play reached its climax all the audience were moved to tears.当比赛达到高潮时,所有的观众都感动得留下眼泪。66. clothe kl?e vt.给穿衣服 给提供衣服例句:He tugged all the year round to feed and clothe his family.他终年为全家提供衣食而劳碌。67. clown kla?n n.小丑 笨拙的人vi.扮小丑 例句:The children are diverted by the clown.小丑把孩子们逗乐了。68. coherent k?'h?r?nt a.条理清楚的,合乎逻辑的例句:His interpretation is coherent and intelligible. 他的翻译通顺易懂。69. cohesion k?'hi?n n.内聚性,凝聚力例句:There was no cohesion and there was no one person in charge.没有任何凝聚力,也没有任何一个人来主管。70. collaborate k?'l?b?re?t vi.合作,协作 例句:Researchers are collaborating to develop the vaccine.研究人员在合作研发疫苗。71. colon 'k?l?n n.冒号 结肠例句:Just as tobacco causes lung cancer, processed meats are linked to colon cancer.正如烟草导致肺癌,加工过的肉类也与结肠癌有关。72. comma 'k?m? n.逗号例句:A comma is sometimes used to set off a clause in a sentence.逗号有时用来隔开一个句子中间的从句。73. commodity k?'m?d?ti n.商品,货物 例句:Commodity prices fell sharply.商品价格急剧下跌。74. commonplace 'k?m?nple?sa.平凡的,普通的 n.常见的事物例句:Travel by air is commonplace now.坐飞机旅行现在很平常。75. commune 'k?mju:nn. k?'mju:nvi.n.公社 (法国等国家)最小的行政区 vi.和交流例句:She would happily trot behind him as he set off to commune with nature. 他出去亲近大自然的时候,她就会一路小跑,快活地跟在他后面。76. comply k?m'pla? vi.遵从,服从例句:The factory was closed for failing to comply with government safety regulations.工厂因为没有遵从政府的安全规章而被关闭了。77. comprehend ?k?mpr?'hendv.(充分)理解,领悟例句:The child read the story but did not comprehend its meaning. 那孩子看了那篇故事,但是没领会它的意思。78. conform k?n'f?m vi.(to,with)遵守例句:All members of the club must conform to its rules. 俱乐部全体成员均须遵守其规定。79. conscientious ?k?n?i'en?sa.勤勤恳恳的例句:Virginia was still struggling to be a conscientious and dedicated mother. 弗吉尼娅还在尽力成为一位勤勤恳恳、全心奉献的母亲。80. consolidate k?n's?l?de?t vt.巩固,加强 合并例句:The recent success of their major product has consolidated the firm's position in this market.公司的主要产品近来获得的成功加强了它在市场的地位。