The PurseBerryJimTinyI have a purse full of money.Dont say “I”, say “we”. It is our purse, not yours.No, I saw it first. It is my purse. I am going to keep it.That is my purse.I saw you. You are a thief.I am going to get a policeman.Oh, dear !What shall we do Dont say “we”, say “I.”You picked up the purse, not I.Moral:Always help your friends.The Two DaughtersLucyLilyHow are you How is your husband We are very well, thank you.But our garden is very dry.We want some rain for our flowers.How are you How is your husband We are very well, thank you.Look at all these pots.Arent they beautiful I am going to paint them.We do not want any rain.How are our daughters They are very well.I want my daughters and their husbands to be happy.Can I do anything WellIt is very difficult.Ask God to send rain but alsoask God not to send rain !Moral :You cannot please everyone.