To change the world alive! Steve jobs, was born on February 24 , 1955 , San Francisco , California , United States inventor and entrepreneur , the apple co-founder and former CEO of the company. 史蒂夫史蒂夫乔布斯,乔布斯,1955年年2月月24日出生于美国加利福尼日出生于美国加利福尼亚州旧金山,美国的发明家、企业家,美国苹果公司的亚州旧金山,美国的发明家、企业家,美国苹果公司的联合创始人及联合创始人及前前CEO。Profession 职业Achievement 成就 Jobs Jobs has led and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac, has led and launched the Macintosh computer (Macintosh), iMac, iPod, iPhone, and the world of electronic products, profoundly changes iPod, iPhone, and the world of electronic products, profoundly changes the modern communication, entertainment and way of life.the modern communication, entertainment and way of life. 乔布斯乔布斯先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机(先后领导和推出了麦金塔计算机(MacintoshMacintosh)、)、iMaciMac、iPodiPod、iPhoneiPhone、iPadiPad等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻等风靡全球的电子产品,深刻地改变了地改变了现代人们的通讯现代人们的通讯、娱乐和生活方式娱乐和生活方式。 On September 17, 1985, Mr. Jobs left apple.In 1996 ,when the Apple company into a dilemma,he came back again and pulled out the iPod media player which saved Apple.He holds up an iPhone and told us Jobs was back,Apple was back,innovation was back! He holds up an iPhone and told us Jobs was back,Apple was back,innovation was back!“一个海盗,一个偏执狂,一个将艺术和科一个海盗,一个偏执狂,一个将艺术和科技完美结合的技完美结合的ITIT领袖,一个改变了世界的人。领袖,一个改变了世界的人。”Evaluate评价 The end