培 训,培训管理,讲 师,支持体系,讲师体系,培训管理员体系,课程体系,培训项目,培训体系,学习路径图,课程设计与开发,知识管理,培训经理,课程设计师,培训项目经理,培训协调员,兼职讲师,内外部专职讲师,教 练,E-Learning 平台,硬件设施,制度与流程,人员发展项目,常规培训项目,6-sigma 项目,1、培训体系综述,2,Sales People Presentation Skills Learning Roadmap销售人员报告(演讲)技能学习路径图,Competency No 49: Presentation Skills : (Skilled)Is effective in a variety of formal presentation settings: one-on-one, small and large groups, with pears, direct reports, and bosses; is effective both inside and outside the organization, on both data and hot and controversial topics; commands attention and can manage group process during the presentation; can change tactics midstream when something isnt working.,