The Impact of Culture What It Means For Brands TodayBrands Are Becoming More Involved In Culture2As An Industry, We Need To Learn More AboutConsumer Perspectives On Brand Involvement With CultureWhat Steps Brands Can Take To Become More Relevant Today3We Did Some Preliminary Research 4 webcam-based mini-groups were conducted for online discussion (90 min each) Pre-group assignment to find a digital ad they thought was culturally relevant, which were shown and discussed in the groupsWhatBrands that are culturally relevant are brands that align well with cultural events, promote trends that define todays culture, and support social issues that benefit everyone*Findings How should we define culture from a consumers point of view? How do consumers think about culture in relation to the brands they interact with?Why4*Brand cultural relevance defined in survey as having an impact on ideas, views, or behaviors in society.Next, We Used A Two Pronged Research Approach5Objective: Measure the branding impact of culture focused strategiesMethod: Mobile testing on MAGNAs Twitter app12Objective: Uncover what consumers think about brands involvement in cultureMethod: Online surveySurvey on Brands + CultureAd Effectiveness TestingSurvey On Brands + Culture / Methodology6RecruitRecruited panelists into online survey US General Population A18+, n=865 Twitter Booster Sample n=153Culture Deep DiveDeep dive into what consumers think about brands involvement in cultureBrand IndexParticipants were randomized to rate brand perceptions, including cultural relevance, for a range of brands across 6 industry verticalsDemographicParticipants were asked standard demographic questions to ensure representativenessConjointConjoint questions to pinpoint the most important factors consumers consider when making purchase decisionsAd Effectiveness Testing /MethodologyParticipantsRecruited participants on mobile devices from a representative online panelUS General Population A18+ n=785Twitter Booster Sample n=591SurveyInitial survey with demographic and media consumption questionsMedia ExperienceParticipants were randomized into a test cell and asked to view their Twitter feed. Note that additional testing was conducted with skippable pre-roll on premium websitesPost SurveyPost exposure survey to measure traditional brand metrics (ad recall, perceptions, etc.) and qualitative feedback7Ad Effectiveness Testing/Media Experience Personal Twitter FeedParticipants logged into their own Twitter page and saw real time content from their feed, along with test ad: 15 sec promoted videoSkippable Pre-roll On Premium WebsitesParticipants selected which content they wanted to watch. Participants could skip the 15 sec video after 5 seconds8Consumer POVBrands + Culture9Theres Much More To Culture Than Youd ThinkU.S. general population, n=865 Q: When you think about culture in your own life, what comes to mind? Please select all that apply.When You Think About Culture In Your Own Life, What Comes To Mind?60%59%48% 45%43%41%55%37%33%28%24%12%26%26%22%TraditionsFamily/HeritageCuisineLanguageReligionCelebrationsMusicArtsTv/MoviesFashionSocial TrendsCelebsSportsCurrent EventsPoliticsTraditional CulturePop CultureCurrent Affairs10% Agree83% of consumers think of culture as something other than just the traditionalConsumers Think Brands Should Be Involved, Particularly In Social Issues. Events Control n=309; Standard Ads n=533; Culture Focused Ads n=534 = Statistically significant difference between test and control groups at >=90% confidence30Impact of Ad Strategy - (Test - Control)+3%+7%Culturally Relevant+2%+6%Socially Responsible-4%+5%InnovativeStandard AdsCulture Focused AdsIn Fact, Cultural Ads Create More Memorable Brand Experiences All Platforms; Control n=309; Standard Ads n=533; Culture Focused Ads n=534 = Statistically significant difference between test and control groups at >=90% confidence31Impact of Ad Strategy - (Test - Control)Aided Ad Recall: Standard AdsAided Ad Recall: Culture Focused Ads+56%+48%Even The Least Culturally Relevant Brand Made Great StridesLeast Culturally Relevant Brand: Control n= 99, Standard Ads n=136, Culture Focused Ads n=135 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence32Impact for Least Culturally Relevant Brand - (Test - Control)+51%+64%Aided Ad Recall-5%+11%I Would Pay More For+12%+12%Purchase IntentMetrics For Least Culturally Relevant BrandPre-existing Cultural Relevance ScoreBrand ABrand BBrand C45%39%37%Standard AdsCulture Focused AdsCultural Ads Perform Best In Culture Friendly EnvironmentsPremium Websites: Control n=158; Standard Ads n=317; Culture Focused Ads n=310 Twitter: Control n=151; Standard Ads n=216; Culture Focused Ads n=224 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence33Impact of Ads by Platform - (Test - Control)+12%+12%Culturally Relevant+7 %+12%Socially Responsible+2 %+10%Inclusive of a Wide AudienceStandard AdsCulture Focused Ads-4%+3%Culturally Relevant-2%+1%Socially Responsible-1%-1%Inclusive of a Wide AudienceTwitterPremium WebsitesCulture first environments can even have a halo effect on standard ads On general websites, theres no meaningful impact on culture- related attributesAt Higher Completion Rates, Cultural Ads Speak To Consumers On A Personal Level And Drive Purchase IntentPremium Websites (75%+ Complete): Standard Ads n=172; Culture Focused Ads n=179 Twitter (75%+ Complete): Standard Ads n=68; Culture Focused Ads n=67 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence34Impact of Ads on Twitter (75%+ Complete) - % AgreeStandard AdsCulture Focused Ads75% 67%72%39%59%59%57%21%Purchase IntentSocially ResponsibleTrusthworthyPersonally Identify WithThe Higher The Ad Completion, The Harder Culture-Focused Ads Work Compared To Standard AdsTwitter Promoted Video: 10% n=779; 20% n=615; 30% n=479; 40% n=373; 50% n=301; 60% n=256; 70% n=216; 80% n=183; 90% n=158 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence35Impact of Ad Completion - % AgreeIs A Brand I Would Pay More ForPurchase IntentStandard AdsCulture Focused Ads0%25%50%75%100%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%Ad Completed% Agree0%25%50%75%100%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%80%90%Ad Completed% AgreeInclusivity And Charity Are Strong Ways To Become Culturally RelevantQ: What about the tweet was relevant to events, trends, or social issues happening in todays culture?36Consumer Opinions on Culturally Relevant Tweets“It is helping the community that it does business in. Very admirable!”“I think taking action in our own community is a hot topic at the moment!”Charitable“It touched on modern living and the importances sic the turns in our culture is sic taking.”Modern“It represented everyones differences and called for acceptance and equality.”Inclusive“We are all important and matter. We all deserve happiness and opportunity.”#AdCampaign #womenpowerCulture Driven Ads Resonate Most Strongly With Those Passionate About Culture To Begin WithTwitter Promoted Video: Users who are not passionate n=240; Users who are passionate n=351 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence37Impact Of Cultural Passion On Twitter - (Test - Control) Twitter Users Not Passionate About CultureTwitter Users Passionate About Culture+3%+18%Culturally Relevant-7%+10%Trendy-1%+10%Inclusive of a Wide Audience+4 %+14%Socially ResponsiblePassionate Consumers Tend To Be YoungerRespondents who are not passionate n=387; Respondents who are passionate n=398 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence38Consumers Not Passionate About CultureConsumers Passionate About Culture45%42%62%69%55%58%38%31%16-2425-3435-5455-65% Of Age Group Who Are Passionate/Non-PassionateBut Media Habits Are What Truly Set Them ApartQ: How often do you use the following social account(s)? Respondents who are not passionate n=387; Respondents who are passionate n=398 = Statistically significant difference between test groups at >=90% confidence39% Of Monthly Users Who Are Passionate/Non-Passionate36%53%41%39%40%49%64%48%60%61%60%52%TwitterFacebookInstagramLinkedInSnapchatYouTubeConsumers Not Passionate About CultureConsumers Passionate About CultureDifferences in passion based on social media usage are 25% greater than the differences that exist across age groupsWhat Do Consumers Think About When Brands Get Political?40In A Time When Politics Is Everywhere, Some Consumers Believe Taking A Stand Is NecessaryQ: Why should more brands take a political stance?41Consumer Opinions on Brands Taking a Political Stance “Im more likely to support a brand that has values I agree with.” “Not taking a stance is a stance itself.”“If they want to be relevant they should be willing to put what they believe in out there.”“It shows they care.”“Because brands have a platform, a humongous platform that they can use to inspire positive change. And I think they have a responsibility to do that.”On The Other Hand, Some Consumers Want Any Escape They Can Getand Think That Brands Getting Political Are Just Trying To Curry FavorQ: Why should fewer brands take a political stance?42Consumer Opinions on Brands Taking a Political Stance “No matter what stand you take the other side will always be upset and in the end just causes more strife. I feel when brands take a stand its seen more as a power move to get noticed by the media to stay relevant.” “I dont think it is a place for brands. There is already enough tension out there today without brands getting into it.”“It's becoming to overwhelming, it's nice to get away from it for a while.”“It would be disingenuous, hollow.”“Too much politics intertwined with the other aspects in life. Some separation is nice.”When Deciding To Take A Political Stance, Brands Should Keep Their Audience In Mind And Engage In Ways That Are Relevant To Them.43Implications: Putting Culture Into ActionToday, consumers expect brand involvement with culture, particularly when it comes to social issues. In order to stay relevant and keep pace with competitors, brands need to keep culture in mind.While there are many ways for brands to become involved, one size does not fit all. Brands should be thoughtful in their approach to ensure authenticity and appropriate brand alignment.Culturally focused advertising performs differently based on environment and audience. Brands must tailor cultural ads to the right environment to ensure intended impact.12344Thank You