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精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 * 王玉生,男,高级工程师。1998年毕业于石油大学(华东)工业电气自动化专业,获学士学位,现在中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院工作。通信地址:北京市海淀区志新西路3号938信箱,王玉生等. 中国石油海外管道发展历程及启示. 石油规划设计,2010,21(4):1516,51摘要 通过对中国石油十几年海外管道发展历程的系统总结,分析了中国石油海外管道的现状,揭示了中国石油海外管道发展启示。针对中国石油海外管道发展过程中存在的问题,提出了有针对性的建议。对今后中国石油海外管道的发展、管理和建设具有一定的指导和参考意义。关键词 中国石油 海外管道 原油 现状 规划 发展历程 启示1 概述随着国民经济持续稳定快速发展,我国原油消费量迅速上升,但是国内原油产量的增长速度远小于原油消费量的增长速度,导致中国原油供需出现缺口。自1993年我国成为原油净进口国以来,原油进口量逐年递增,2009年我国进口原油2.0379×108t,原油对外依存度达到51.3%,首次超过50%的警戒线。中国石油自20世纪90年代初,在“充分利用国内外两种资源、两个市场”和“走出去”的战略方针指引下,积极走出国门,开展国际化经营。中国石油经历了探索起步和迅速成长阶段,现已进入全面发展的新阶段。目前,中国石油已在海外建成非洲、中亚、南美、中东和亚太油气合作区,在全球29个国家运作着81个油气项目。2009年累计完成原油作业产量6962×104t,天然气作业产量82×108m 3,油气生产实现了历史性突破。在拓展海外业务的过程中,中国石油以“上游带动下游,业务协调发展”作为指导思想,使海外原油勘探生产业务的发展带动了油气管道运输业务的不断发展。2 中国石油海外管道发展历程中国石油海外长输管道建设始于1997年,当时,应苏丹政府请求,经我国外经贸部批准,中国石油利用我国政府的援外贴息贷款参与了苏丹1/2/4区(黑格利、团结和基康油田)石油项目,为分散投资风险,采用了与其他外国石油公司联合投资的方式并作为控股方对该区进行投标。1997年3月,参股者共同与苏丹能矿部签订了1/2/4区石油合同和油田至苏丹港原油长输管道建设协议。参股者还联合组建了新的石油作业公司大尼罗河石油作业公司,公司按国际石油公司模式管理,按国际标准组织作业。1998年5月,苏丹1/2/4区原油管道(黑格利油田至苏丹港管道)工程开始施工,于1999年4月机械完工,建成了一条贯穿苏丹南北长1506km、管径711mm 的长输管道及末站终端系统。该管道始于苏丹中南部的黑格利油田,经喀土穆直达苏丹港,输油能力为1500×104t/a,是苏丹原油输送的生命线,1999年6月22日,1/2/4区的油田投产,原油进入长输管道。苏丹1/2/4区原油管道为中国石油海外管道发展积累了经验、锻炼了队伍、培养了人才。自苏丹1/2/4区原油管道建成以后,中国石油在苏丹还先后参与建设了3/7区原油管道、6区原油管道。哈萨克斯坦油气资源丰富,是中亚地区主要的石油出口国之一。经济高度互补和地理相邻使中国、哈萨克斯坦两国形成了天然气的资源供求合作条件。中国、哈萨克斯坦石油合作始于1997年,为解16 王玉生等:中国石油海外管道发展历程及启示 2010年7月 决中国石油阿克纠宾油气股份公司的原油外输问题,2003年中国石油与哈萨克斯坦国家石油公司合资建成了肯基亚克阿特劳原油外输管道。随着中国石油在哈萨克斯坦上游业务的发展,为了进一步解决阿克纠宾、PK 等项目的原油外输问题,同时也为了满足中亚地区能源出口多元化的需要,2004年开始建设中-哈原油管道、KC13输气管道、中亚中国天然气管道一期工程等多条油气管道。另外,为了配合上游油田的开发,中国石油还参与收购了厄瓜多尔安迪斯重油管道和突尼斯SLK 油田外输管道的部分股权。截至2009年底,中国石油在海外参与投资已建成的输油、气管道共计10条(见表1),管道累计长度超过8400km,形成了约8000×104t 的年输油能力和约110×108m 3的年输气能力。表1 中国石油已建海外管道项目概况管道名称长度/ km 管径/ mm 设计压力/MPa 年设计输量苏丹1/2/4区原油管道 1506 711 10 1500×104t苏丹3/7区原油管道 1370 813 10 1500×104t苏丹6区原油管道716 610 10/8 1000×104t哈萨克斯坦肯-阿原油管道 449 610 6.4 600×104t中-哈原油管道一期工程 962 813 6.4 1000×104t 中-哈原油管道二期第一 阶段工程792 813 6.4 1000×104t 哈萨克斯坦KC13输气管道 156 813 6.4 52×108m 3厄瓜多尔安迪斯重油管道 503 - - 2250×104t突尼斯SLK 油田外输管道 126 203 9.4 110×104t 中亚中国天然气管道 一期工程183310679.8300×108m3注:中亚中国天然气管道一期工程目前建成的为A 线,2010年输气能力为60×108m 3/a。在海外油气管道的建设过程中,中国石油充分借鉴了国外先进的技术和经验,同时借鉴了国内成熟的管道建设技术和经验,二者的成功结合,保障了海外管道的安全平稳高效运行。目前,海外管道的运营主要由联合公司独立运营或委托专门的管道运营公司负责。随着中国石油在海外上游业务的发展和国内四大油气通道战略的实施,中国石油海外油气管道建设将迎来新的高潮。目前,在建管道主要有从土库曼斯坦经乌兹别克斯坦、哈萨克斯坦至中国的中亚天然气管道(一期工程第二阶段),中-俄原油管道以及非洲尼日尔阿贾德姆原油管道、乍得H 区块至恩贾梅纳炼油厂原油管道等。还将建设中-缅原油天然气管道、中亚天然气管道增输工程等多条管道。预计到2015年,中国石油海外油气管道总里程和输送能力将会有一个新的飞跃。3 中国石油海外管道发展启示3.1 了解相关国家油气方面的法律法规,尊重管道所在国的习惯目前,中国石油在全球29个国家运作着81个油气项目,各国有不同的政治制度,在石油天然气方面有着不同的法律法规,也有着不同的宗教信仰和风土人情。在上游油气田开发和管道建设过程中,必须对其充分了解,做到知己知彼。另外,可以通过与相关国家签订油气合作协议和合同,决定相应的油田开发和管道运营模式。3.2 加强油气管道建设,推动海外整体油气业务的协调、快速发展油气管道是连接上游资源和下游用户的重要桥梁。十一五前两年,海外管道共输原油约6076×104t,共实现管输收入11.3×108美元(不包括苏丹6区原油管道和哈萨克斯坦KC13输气管道),对海外油气资源的外输起到了决定性的作用。为了保持海外油气业务持续快速健康发展,必须加强油气管道建设,打牢业务发展基础。 3.3 加强管道建设的前期研究,特别是复杂油品物性的研究目前,中国石油海外原油管道所输油品多为稠油或稀稠油混输。从中-哈原油管道一期工程和苏丹3/7区管道的实际运行情况来看,管道建设前期对项目优化运行方案的研究,特别是复杂油品的流变学研究、管道流动特性研究、析蜡及蜡晶结构研究、停输再启动研究、清管周期研究等具有非常重要的意义,是管道投产后安全平稳运行的前提保证。4 中国石油海外管道存在的问题和建议4.1 海外管道基础数据管道基础数据是管道设计的基础,基础数据的真实与否直接影响管道的安全高效运行。目前,个别管道如苏丹3/7区原油管道,由于土壤导热系数设计时选取过大,造成管道站场布局不合理,给管道运行造成了诸多不便。建议建立中国石油海外管道数据库,尽可能准确收集现有海外管道的相关基础信息,为今后海外管道设计提供参考。4.2 海外管道原油、天然气流向和配置方案海外管道原油、天然气流向和配置方案与管道的经济效益有着直接的关系,也关系着上游油气田的产能方案。 (下转第51页)第21卷 第4期 石 油 规 划 设 计 51表1 油风仿真数据标称负荷/% 标称油流量/(L·h -1)实际油流量/(L·h -1)风阀阀位信号/%36 194.4 194 42 44 237.6 236 48 52 280.8 282 54 60 324.0 325 60 68 367.2 370 66 76 410.4 411 72 84 453.6 450 78 92 496.8 497 84 100540.054190注:减压阀后压力0.55MPa,启炉前雾化风压力0.2MPa,油温80眼观察到的烟的黑度状态来加以确定。做法是:先将实际油流量手动调至最大标称值附近(540L/h),手动由最大至小调整风量,待刚冒烟时稳定5min,观察氧含量值;然后再调大风量,使氧含量升高1%,稳定10min 后,记下实际风阀阀位(90%)。同样,测出其他8组数。如果以实际油流量为横坐标,以风阀阀位信号为纵坐标,并把9个点之间连成线,就可以得到该台热媒炉的油风仿真曲线。这样的曲线不是用数学公式推导出来的,也不是根据某组典型试验数据得出的,因此,曲线与每台炉的实际情况更为接近。另外,检测仪表特别是烟气氧含量检测仪表测量的准确性较差,但重现性很好。燃料油流量计、助燃风阀位执行器和氧含量检测仪表的重现性都能较好地满足控制需要。所以,在炉控机程序软件中,采用仿真曲线不仅显著提高了调节质量,而且在很大程度上减少了对仪表品质的依赖,并且延长了有关仪表的使用寿命。其次,在梯形图中,建立实际燃料油流量及风阀阀位系统标签。在操作站中,输入表1中所示的实测值,将标签连接到仿真模块中,仿真模块的输出值Y 的计算公式如下:121121(X X X X Y Y Y Y +=式中:Y 风阀阀位输出,%;1Y 、2Y 实测风阀阀位,%;X 控制输出的燃料油流量,L/h;1X 、2X 实测燃料油流量,L/h;其中,1X X 2X 。仿真模块的输出值Y 通过9/10缩小模块和加法模块使助燃风调节阀随之动作。5 结束语ControlLogix 控制系统已经成功地应用于中国石油管道公司长春输油气分公司热媒炉的实时监测中,运行效果良好。该系统以软件编程和硬件检测、通讯为支撑,实现了热媒炉的安全、平稳、优化运行,能够满足长周期安全生产的要求。参考文献:1 李延兵,侯立刚.CENTUM CS3000在催化裂化生产中的应用J.自动化仪表,2007,28(12:45-48.2 朱凌云, 霍尼韦尔.Experion PKS系统在硝酸装置中的应用J.自动化仪表,2008,29(12:44-48.收稿日期:2010-01-25编辑:谷风桦(上接第16页) 目前,各海外管道基本上是自成体系,没有统一考虑原油、天然气的合理流向和配置问题。建议根据各合作区块的发展规划情况,从中国石油天然气集团公司层面统一考虑海外原油、天然气的合理流向和配置方案,做到效益最大化。4.3 海外管道维护抢修体系建设海外油气管道的安全非常重要。一旦发生事故,不但会影响上下游生产,还可能产生灾难性后果。油气管道延伸的地域一般很广,这又增加了安全运行的风险。目前,中国石油海外已建的油气管道,或是位于热带雨林地带,雨季时管道长期浸泡在洪水中;或是位于寒冷偏僻地区,冬季气温很低,给管道运行和维护带来诸多不便。同时,由于管道所在国家的政局,也会增加管道人为破坏的几率。目前,各海外管道的维护抢修基本都是自成体系或直接委托给外部的维护抢修公司负责,这使得维护抢修人员和设备利用率低,真正发生事故时不能协同工作。因此,建议结合国内维护抢修体系建设情况,在海外建立健全精干高效、响应迅速、保障有力的统一的维护抢修体系,以提高管道维护抢修队伍的水平。收稿日期:2010-02-03编辑:郜婕52 Vol.21 No.4 Petroleum Planning & Engineering July. 2010Program of the X80 Steel Pipe Used in the Second West-to-East Gas Transmission ProjectW ang Guoli,et al.The manufacture and application of the X80 steel pipe at home and abroad were analyzed. Based on the actual conditions of the second west-to-east gas transmission line,dozens of programs were compared and studied in the aspects of construction investment,present values of expenses,annual level of gas consumption,production and supply of steel plates,and fabrication and transportation of steel pipes in China. The recommend program of DN1219/12MPa/X80 was more economical and superior than others. Domestic steel mills and pipe mills produced high-quality products after technically tackling key problems,and achieved the nativeness of the project. It provided a guarantee to the construction of the second west-to-east gas transmission project.Prospects for Underground Gas Storage Projects of the West-to-East Gas PipelineFang Weilong ,et al.The underground gas storage(UGS )played an important role in guaranteeing the safe,stable ,and efficient operation of the gas pipeline and the demand of natural gas consumers. The types,characteristics ,and functions of the underground gas storage were introduced,the current state and development of the underground gas storage at home and abroad were also analyzed. Further development of the underground gas storage of the west-to-east gas pipeline was forecasted. Suggestions on the long-way layout according to the geological conditions in China were put forward as follows:large-scale reservoir underground gas storage should be mainly constructed in the middle and upstream of the pipeline,in order to guarantee the seasonal peak shaving and the strategic reserve of natural gas from abroad;underground gas storage by salt cavern with higher-distribution ability should be mainly constructed in the middle and downstream of the pipeline with aquiferous underground gas storage for supplement,in order to guarantee the peak shaving and efficient operation of the pipeline.Development Course of CNPCs Overseas Pipelines and Its EnlightenmentW ang Yusheng,et al.The development course of CNPCs overseas pipelines in the past ten years was summarized. The current situation of CNPCs overseas pipelines was analyzed and its enlightenment was proposed. According to the existing problems in the development of CNPCs overseas pipelines,corresponding suggestions were put forward. It would provide some references to the development,management ,and construction of the CNPCs overseas pipelines in the future.Post Evaluation Method of the ERP Project in CNPCChen YanbinThe post evaluation of the ERP project was different from general fixed capital investment project which had quantitative evaluation indicator,clear evaluation content,prominent evaluation emphasis ,and comprehensive evaluation system. The evaluation method of ordinary projects should not be simply applied to the ERP project ,and the new evaluation system aiming at characteristics of the ERP project should be established. The method and theory of post evaluation of domestic and foreign ERP projects were introduced. The post evaluation of the ERP project should be conducted in two aspectsof acceptance evaluation and application performance evaluation,and the application performance evaluation should be emphasized.Sources of Piping Vibration in the Operation of Reciprocating Compressors and the Preventive Measures in the Engineering DesignRen ZhiThe piping vibration in the operation of reciprocating compressors was one of the most commonly problems in the worksite. The basic concepts and sources of vibration,and the requirements on vibration control in API618 Reciprocating Compressor for Petroleum ,Chemical and Gas Industry Services were analyzed. Some issues needing to pay attention to avoid the piping vibration from the perspective of machinery were put forward. The reciprocating compressors based on the design method recommended in this paper,had small vibration in the worksite,which could meet the requirements of API618 Reciprocating Compressor for Petroleum,Chemical and Gas Industry Services.Characteristics and Safety Problems of Natural Gas Trunk Lines and Lateral LinesWu JunfengFor natural gas trunk lines and lateral lines,the characteristics of the pipeline diameter,gas pressure,energy safety,and economy were analyzed. The typical safety issues such as cathodic protection,routing selection ,and crossing under the high-voltage lines,and over/under or parallel to highways were summarized and analyzed.Digital Design of the Surface System in Changqing OilfieldJi Rui,et al.The characteristics of digital design of the surface system in Changqing oilfield were described. The applications of data acquisition technology,data sub-consciousness technology,intelligent patrol technology,and remote control technology were presented. The data before and after the implementation of the digital design in well sites were analyzed. The results showed that the digital design could save the human resources,reduce the construction investment,and improve the production efficiency. Questions needing to pay attention to the digital design in Changqing oilfield were also put forward.Standardized Design of the Boosting Station in Changqing OilfieldGuo Jing,et al.The characteristics of standardized design for the boosting station in Changqing oilfield were described. Through analyzing the results of application,the popularization significance of standardized design for the boosting station was summarized. The principle of “standardized design,modularized construction,and digital management” was followed in Changqing oilfield. The standardized design for the boosting station was widely implemented in all blocks of Changqing oilfield. The efficiency and quality of design and construction were greatly improved. It provided the technical support for the completion of the production tasks in Changqing oilfield.A New Measuring Methed for the Rod-Pumped Well in the Blended TransportationLi Zhengjiang,et al.Single well measurement has been a difficult problem,since oil gathering technology with water blending and heat tracing was adopted in Jilin oilfield. Inaccurate measurement and oil freezing due to lower temperature inside the pipe during the single cycle were the main problems,which not only affected the production but also increased the workload. In order to solve the existing problems,a new measuring method without stopping the water blending was adopted in Jilin oilfield. Compared with the method with stopping the water blending ,the new method substantially increased the measurement accuracy and effectively solve the above problems. It provided reliable data for dynamic adjustment,and was helpful to improve the effect of water flooding.1156172329363943专心-专注-专业