精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上 低压铸造和重力铸造 Low pressure casting and high pressure casting 低压铸造是液体金属在压力作用下充填型腔,以形成铸件的一种方法。由于所用的压力较低,所以叫做低压铸造。其工艺过程是:在密封的坩埚(或密封罐)中,通入干燥的压缩空气,金属液在气体压力的作用下,沿升液管上升,通过浇口平稳地进入型腔,并保持坩埚内液面上的气体压力,一直到铸件完全凝固为止。然后解除液面上的气体压力,使开液管中未凝固的金属液流坩埚,再由气缸开型并推出铸件。Low pressure casting is a method of molten metal fills the cavity under the pressure and then forms the casting .due to the pressure is not high ,so it is called low pressure casting .The technical process is : in the hermetic crucible (or sealed pot ) injecting the dry compressed air ,molten metal under the effect of gas pressure goes up along the pipe then through the gate placidly run into the cavity ,then keep the gas pressure upper the liquid in the crucible until the casting solidification totally .then remove the gas pressure to make the unfreezing metal in the pipe for opening run back into the crucible and at the same time use the cylinder open cavity to detrusion the casting . 低压铸造独特的优点表现在以下几个方面: The unique characteristics of low pressure casting performed as below : 1液体金属充型比较平稳; Molten metal full the cavity smoothly. 2铸件成形性好,有利于形成轮廓清晰、表面光洁的铸件,对于大型薄壁铸件的成形更为有利; The forming property is good and in favor of forming the edge shapeness and surface bright and clean .It is favorable for the large casting parts with thin section casting 3铸件组织致密,机械性能高; The tissue of casting is densification ,and mechanical behavior is high . 4提高了金属液的工艺收得率,一般情况下不需要冒口,使金属液的收得率大大提高,收得率一般可达90。 低压铸造独特的优点表现在以下几个方面: The unique characteristics of low pressure casting performed as below : 1液体金属充型比较平稳; Molten metal full the cavity smoothly. 2铸件成形性好,有利于形成轮廓清晰、表面光洁的铸件,对于大型薄壁铸件的成形更为有利; The forming property is good and in favor of forming the edge shapeness and surface bright and clean .It is favorable for the large casting parts with thin section casting 3铸件组织致密,机械性能高; The tissue of casting is densification ,and mechanical behavior is high . 4提高了金属液的工艺收得率,一般情况下不需要冒口,使金属液的收得率大大提高,收得率一般可达90。 低压铸造独特的优点表现在以下几个方面: The unique characteristics of low pressure casting performed as below : 1液体金属充型比较平稳; Molten metal full the cavity smoothly. 2铸件成形性好,有利于形成轮廓清晰、表面光洁的铸件,对于大型薄壁铸件的成形更为有利; The forming property is good and in favor of forming the edge shapeness and surface bright and clean .It is favorable for the large casting parts with thin section casting 3铸件组织致密,机械性能高; The tissue of casting is densification ,and mechanical behavior is high . 4 提高了金属液的工艺收得率,一般情况下不需要冒口,使金属液的收得率大大提高,收得率一般可达90。Improve the yield rate of the molten metal,normally dont need the dead head,and make the yield rate a high improvement,usually can achieve 90%. 此外,劳动条件好;设备简单,易实现机械化和自动化,也是低压铸造的突出优点。 in addition ,working condition is good ,equipments is not complicated and easy to realise mechanization and automation are also the highlight advantage . 重力铸造是指金属液在地球重力作用下注入铸型的工艺,也称浇铸。广义的重力铸造包括砂型浇铸、金属型浇铸、熔模铸造、消失模铸造,泥模铸造等;窄义的重力铸造专指金属型浇铸。 Gravity casting is that molten metal run in to the mould with the pressure of earth gravity ,it is also named pouring casting, generalized pouring casting incl. Sand casting ,metal mould casting ,investment casting ,evanescent mold casting and mud die casting ,ect. Narrowly pouring casting is the metal mould casting . 把金属材料做成所需制品的工艺方法很多,如铸造、锻造、挤压、轧制、拉延、冲压、切削、粉末冶金等等。其中,铸造是最基本、最常用的工艺。 There are many ways to make the metal materials into the requested goods ,such as ,casting ,forging ,extrsion ,rolling ,madrelling ,punching ,cutting , powder metallurgy ,ect. Among them ,casting is the most basic and common technology 熔化的金属液注入用耐高温材料制作的中空铸型内,冷凝后得到预期形状的制品,这就是铸造。所得到的制品就是铸件The molten metal being injected into the medium altitude mould made by heat- resisting material ,then freezing to the shape as anticipated ,that is the process of the casting . and the freezing pasts is the casting. 铸造可按铸件的材料分为黑色金属铸造(包括铸铁、铸钢)和有色金属铸造(包括铝合金、铜合金、锌合金、镁合金等)。精密铸件厂专业从事有色金属铸造,重点是铝合金和锌合金铸造。 Casting can divide to black metal casting (incl. Cast iron, cast steel ) and nonferrous metals (incl. Aluminium alloy , copper alloy , zinc alloy , magnesium alloy ,ect.) .Precision casting factory are specially engaged in nonferrous metal casting ,and aluminium alloy and zinc alloy are the emphasises . 按铸型的材料分为砂型铸造和金属型铸造。精密铸件厂对这两种铸造工艺都得心应手,并自行设计、制造这两类铸造模具。According to the material ,casting can devide to sand mould casting and metal mould casting . Precision casting is facility with the two types of castings and design by themselves and produce the two typses moulds . 压力铸造是指金属液在其他外力(不含重力)作用下注入铸型的工艺。广义的压力铸造包括压铸机的压力铸造和真空铸造、低压铸造、离心铸造等;窄义的压力铸造专指压铸机的金属型压力铸造,简称压铸。 Pressure casting is pointed that molten metal run into the mould with the external force (excl. the gravity). Generized pressure casting include the die casting machine casting and vaccum casting ,low pressue casting ,centrifugal casting ,ect. And narrowly pressure casting is specially pointed to metai mould casitng of the die casting machine. And for short is die casting . 6 砂型铸造是一种以砂作为主要造型材料,制作铸型的传统铸造工艺。砂型一般采用重力铸造,有特殊要求时也可采用低压铸造、离心铸造等工艺。砂型铸造的适应性很广,小件、大件,简单件、复杂件,单件、大批量都可采用。砂型铸造用的模具,以前多用木材制作,通称木模。铝合金模具或树脂模具,然价格有所提高,但仍比金属型铸造用的模具便宜得多,在小批量及大件生产中,价格优势尤为突出。此外,砂型比金属型耐火度更高,因而如铜合金和黑色金属等熔点较高的材料也多采用这种工艺。但是,砂型铸造也有一些不足之处:因为每个砂质铸型只能浇注一次,获得铸件后铸型即损坏,必须重新造型,所以砂型铸造的生产效率较低;又因为砂的整体性质软而多孔,所以砂型铸造的铸件尺寸精度较低,表面也较粗糙。不过,精密铸件厂集多年的技术积累,已大大改善了砂型铸件的表面状况,其抛丸后的效果可与金属型铸件媲美。 sand mould casting is a foundry technology that using the sand as the material of the mould to make the mould , and usually sand casting use gravity casting ,and sometimes if have special requirements also adopt low pressue casting , centrifugal casting ,ect. Sand casting have a wide flexibility ,produce of small size parts ,large size parts ,simple plex one ,singleton,mass can all adopt. Sand casting ,previously sand casting use the wooden mould ,now use the aluminum alloy mould or resin mould ,the cost of aluminum alloy mould and resin mold are high than wooden mold ,but in the basss produce ,the advantage of cost stand out . sand mold has a better refractoness than metal mould . so cooper alloy and ferrous metal which metting point is high usually use this type technology, but sand casting has the shortage ,because the mould can use only once .,after casting ,the mould is damaged .and need remake the new mould .the production efficiency is low , also the bulk property of sand is soft and porous , then the casting parts have a low precision and surface is rough . after years accumulation of technology ,the surface appearance have a good improvement ,and after shot blasting the surface appearance compare favourably with metal mould casting . 7 金属型铸造是用耐热合金钢制作铸造用中空铸型模具的现代工艺。金属型既可采用重力铸造,也可采用压力铸造。金属型的铸型模具能反复多次使用,每浇注一次金属液,就获得一次铸件,寿命很长,生产效率很高。金属型的铸件不但尺寸精度好,表面光洁,而且在浇注相同金属液的情况下,其铸件强度要比砂型的更高,更不容易损坏。因此,在大批量生产有色金属的中、小铸件时,只要铸件材料的熔点不过高,一般都优先选用金属型铸造。但是,金属型铸造也有一些不足之处:因为耐热合金钢和在它上面做出中空型腔的加工都比较昂贵,所以金属型的模具费用不菲,不过总体和压铸模具费用比起来则便宜多了。对小批量生产而言,分摊到每件产品上的模具费用明显过高,一般不易接受。又因为金属型的模具受模具材料尺寸和型腔加工设备、铸造设备能力的限制,所以对特别大的铸件也显得无能为力。因而在小批量及大件生产中,很少使用金属型铸造。此外,金属型模具虽然采用了耐热合金钢,但耐热能力仍有限,一般多用于铝合金、锌合金、镁合金的铸造,在铜合金铸造中已较少应用,而用于黑色金属铸造就更少了。Permanent metal casting adopt the heat-resisting steel alloy to make the cavity . metal mould can use gravity casting and pressure casting and can be used time and again . everytime pouring can got a casting part ,life is long and production rate is high .the casting prodeced by metal mould not only the dimentional accuracy is high and surface appearance is good but also can got a higher intensity than the sand casting with the same molten metal and not easy to be damaged .Metal mould casting also have some shortages :the price of heat-resisting steel alloy and cavity making is high .so the mould cost is high ,. It is not cheap to use on the small bulk production . and it is not available for the too large size parts .so it is not use widely in the limited quantities or large size parts production . in addition ,the heat-resisting is limited of the steel alloy .so metal casting is only used in aluminium alloy ,zinc alloy ,magnesium alloy not in cooper alloy casting ,it is still less in ferrous casting .8 压铸是在压铸机上进行的金属型压力铸造,是目前生产效率最高的铸造工艺。压铸机分为热室压铸机和冷室压铸机两类。热室压铸机自动化程度高,材料损耗少,生产效率比冷室压铸机更高,但受机件耐热能力的制约,目前还只能用于锌合金、镁合金等低熔点材料的铸件生产。当今广泛使用的铝合金压铸件,由于熔点较高,只能在冷室压铸机上生产。压铸的主要特点是金属液在高压、高速下充填型腔,并在高压下成形、凝固,压铸件的不足之处是:因为金属液在高压、高速下充填型腔的过程中,不可避免地把型腔中的空气夹裹在铸件内部,形成皮下气孔,所以铝合金压铸件不宜热处理,锌合金压铸件不宜表面喷塑(但可喷漆)。否则,铸件内部气孔在作上述处理加热时,将遇热膨胀而致使铸件变形或鼓泡。此外,压铸件的机械切削加工余量也应取得小一些,一般在0.5mm左右,既可减轻铸件重量、减少切削加工量以降低成本,又可避免穿透表面致密层,露出皮下气孔,造成工件报废. Die casting is on the die casting machine with metal mould, is the highest production rate in casting industy at present .die casting machine divide to hot chamber die casting machine and cold chamber die casting machine . hot chamber die casting machine automation os high and material wastage is small .production efficiency is high cold chamber mahines .but due to the machine parts heat-resisiting is limited .,so can only be widely used in amuminum alloy casting and magnesium casting with low-melting point .,at present the melting point of aluminium alloy is a little high so can only produce on cold champer die casing machine .,The characterics of die casting is that molten metal full the cavity with high pressue and high speed then solidification and shape under high pressure.the shortage of die casting .:when molten metal full the cavity with high pressue and speed ,it is unavoid to wrap the air in the cavity then occur porosity under the skin .so aluminum alloy canot got heat treatment .and zinc alloy can not powder casting but can painting ,.otherwise ,the internal poosity of the casting will thermal dilation when meet the heat then made the casting parts transformation or bubble .and then allowance of the meachanical cutting and machining should be small .usually in 0.05mm.It not only can reduce the weight of the casting parts and machining allowance cost ,but also can avoid the surface stratum compatum with making the porosity outside to make the workpiece discard as useness. 专心-专注-专业