Lets say !a-e,face. /ei/ , /ei/ , face .e,e, pen. /e/ , /e/ , pen .o-e,nose . /u/ , /u/, nose .er, tiger . / , / , tiger .i-e, nine . /ai/ , /ai/, nine .ur, nurse. /3:/, /3:/, nurseir, bird, /3:/, /3:/, bird.When the happy seals re not too away“ , ” we hear them as they playBut as they swim awayWell no longer hear them say “ , ” theyll be too away.The happy sealsfarbarkfararar arar/a:/arokparmokpcarokpbarkokpdarkokpyardokpfarmokpbarnokpshkar ar你会拼吗?你会拼吗? 3.sharp1.car 2.card4.park4人小组先拼一拼,人小组先拼一拼,然后按照数字顺序把单词大声地读出来。然后按照数字顺序把单词大声地读出来。 5. shark 6. MarkMark is three and very small.Dad is strong and tall.al/:/ball1 12 23 34 45 56 6fallwallwalkcallLets play: 两个人石头、剪刀、布,赢的同学说数字,输的同学读出单词。两个人石头、剪刀、布,赢的同学说数字,输的同学读出单词。talkDraw a b_l on a c_dDraw a sm_l sm_l b_lNow draw a c_ on the c_dDraw a c_ near a w_l听音 选择正确的答案alaralalalalalarararara _ on the tall _dogs _ in _a _ with a _Lets play ball.Ok!They walk to the park and play the ball.The ball hit Mark. Mark had a fall.Dad hit the ball . The ball hit the wall.Im ok!Are you ok?和你的同桌来个小比赛吧,看看谁说的更好。Talk barks:TalkA shark in a park.sharkReally,Talk ? Lets go!Oh,no!A shark !In the park. A sharp pin.(锋利)(锋利)Really, Talk? Lets go!Oh,no!A shark !In the park. A sharp nose.Really, Talk? Lets go!Oh,no!A shark !In the park. Sharp teeth.They walk to see the shark.Haha, Talk. No shark.同桌选一幅,演一演homework1.熟读课文第36页2.和同学演一演刚才的故事。cardcarballtallarmwall