物理光学英文总结麦克斯韦方程组 (Maxwells equation) 电感强度, electric displacement 电场强度, electric field strength 磁感强度, magnetic flux density 磁场强度,magnetic field strength 波动方程的平面简谐波解 (Simple Harmonic Wave) 布儒斯特定律( Brewsters Law ) Brewster law, in his own words, states that “when a ray of light is polarized(偏振)by reflection, the reflected(反射)ray forms a right angle with the refracted(折射) ray.On the laws which regulate the polarization of light 偏振光by reflection from transparent bodies.” 8.光波的叠加, Superposition of waves 9.驻波(Standing Wave) 10.拍频 (Beat frequency) 11.相速度(Phase velocity) 12.群速度(Group velocity) 13.合成波resultant wave 14.振幅amplitude 15.干涉现象(Interference):在两个(或多个)光波叠加的区域形成强弱稳定的光强分布的现象,称为光的干涉现象。 The term Interference refers to the phenomenon that waves, under certain conditions, intensify or weaken each other.16.相干光波(Coherent wave) 相干光源,Coherent light source 17.杨氏干涉试验(Youngs interference experiment) 18.干涉条纹(Interference fringes) 19.Path difference (路径差) 20.Phase difference (位相差) 21.The order of interference (干涉级) 22.The light distribution(光分布) 23.A maximum amount of light (maxima) 24.A minimum amount of light (minima) 25.干涉条纹的可见度 The visibility (contrast) of interference fringes 26.对比度(Contrast): It can be defined as the ratio of the difference between maximum areance(面积比) Emax, and mimimum areance, Emin, to the sum of such areances: K=(Emax-Emin)/(Emax+Emin) The amount of power incident per unit area is called areance (illuminance).Visibility:K=(Imax-Imin)/(Imax+Imin) 27.相干性与干涉(Coherence & interference) 28.空间相干性(spatial coherence) 和时间相干性(temporal coherence) 29.等厚干涉( Interference of equal thickne) 30.平行平板 (Plane-Parallel Plates) 31.等倾干涉(Interference of equal inclination) 32.法布里泊罗干涉仪(Fabry-Perot interferometer) 33.辨别极限和辨别本事(Resolvance of the interferometer) 34.光学系统的辨别本事(Resolving power of an optical system) 35.光的衍射(Diffraction) 36.衍射试验(Diffraction experiment) 37.衍射现象的分类 (Claification of light diffraction) (1) 夫琅和费衍射(Fraunhofer diffraction) (2) 菲涅耳衍射( Fresnel diffraction ) 38.矩孔衍射 (Diffraction by a rectangular aperture) 39.强度分布计算(Intensity distribution calculation) 40.单缝衍射 (Diffraction by a single slit) 41.夫琅和费圆孔衍射(Fraunhofer diffraction by a circular aperture) 42.椭圆的衍射图样 (Diffraction pattern) 43.光学成像系统的衍射和辨别本事Diffraction and resolving power of an optical system 44.光学系统的辨别本事(Resolving power of an optical system) 45.瑞利判据(Rayleighs criterion) 46.双缝衍射 (Double-slit diffraction) 47.多缝衍射(Multiple-slit diffraction) 48.衍射光栅 ( Diffraction gratings ) 49.光栅方程(The grating equation) 50.光栅辨别本事 (Resolvance of a grating) 51.光的偏振(Polarization of light) 52.偏振光与自然光,Polarized light and Natural light 53.线偏振光(Linearly polarized light) 54.圆偏振光(Circularly polarized light) 55.椭圆偏振光(Elliptically polarized light) 56.部分偏振光( Partially polarized light) 57.偏振光的产生(Production of polarized light) 反射和折射、二向色性、散射、双折射 Polarization by reflection Polarization by transmiion Polarization by dichroism Polarization by scattering Polarization by birefringence 58.马吕斯定律(Malus law)和消光比(Extinction ratio) 59.起偏器( Polarizer ):用来产生偏振光的偏振器件。 60.检偏器( Analyser ):用来检验偏振光的偏振器件。 61.寻常光(Ordinary light, o光)和 非寻常光 Extraordinary light , e光) 62.光轴(Optical axis) 63.主截面(Principal section) 64.表面法线 (Normal line) 65.入射光(Incident ray) 物理光学英文总结 物理光学总结 高考物理光学现象总结 物理光学演示试验总结 物理光学试验小结 物理光学课程总结(室友版) 初三物理光学课件 中学物理光学试验 物理光学期末复习总结 中学物理光学最新试题 本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第5页 共5页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页第 5 页 共 5 页