名师精编优秀教案人教版(go for it)七年级下册第七单元Section B第一课时教学设计上高四中钟茂才一、教学课型:听说课(45 分钟)本课是人教版英语新目标(go for it )七年级下册第七单元Section B 第一课时1a-2c的内容。二、教材分析1教学内容: Unit 7 What does he look like? Section B(1a-2c)2教材处理新课程标准强调语言教学应从学生的兴趣、生活经验和认知水平出发,倡导体验、 实践、合作与交流的学习方式。本套教材采用任务型教学(Task- Based Language Teaching)模式,即直接通过课堂教学让学生用英语完成各种真实的生活,学习, 工作等任务, 将课堂教学的目标真实化,任务化,从而培养学生运用英语的能力。本节课是Section B 的第一课时,学生已在上一课时中接触了本课的基础语言。因此本人根据自己对教材的理解,紧扣课文主题设计了几个任务。 在任务前, 先以头脑风暴的形式让学生快速回忆所学的描述人的词汇并拓展少量词汇, 然后进行对话复习Section A 的基础语言, 为以下的任务打好词汇和语言基础。根据教材中1b 对明星简单的描述,设计出一个结对活动,通过观看两个影片来考验学生们的记忆以及对本单元基础语言的运用能力,让学生在感兴趣的话题中运用目标语言,给他们一个充分发挥自己创造力和合作、交流的空间。通过section B 中的听力练习,设计出任务二: Guessing game 。这一活动既启发学生思维,让学生将所学的知识与自己喜欢的明星相结合, 又使学生在运用语言同时,感觉到有乐趣。 最后在以上任务的基础上设计出描述家中某一成员并且要成文这一家庭作业。3. 教学目标(1) 知识目标 : 熟练掌握重点句型:What does he look like ? He is He has He is of What does she look like ?She is She has She is of 学习一些新的词汇:beard. glasses. have a beard, wear glasses, shabby(破旧的 ) , regular features(五官端正) (2) 能力目标:运用所学的句型和词汇,描述人的外貌并且学会把所给信息汇成小文章. (3)情感目标: 1. 能激发学生在今后日常生活中用所学的英语表达来谈论自己喜欢的明星. 2. 通过几个任务对不同的人的描述, 培养学生细心观察的好习惯. 名师精编优秀教案4. 教学重点和难点 询问他人外貌用语What does he look like? What does she look like? What do they look like? 描述他人外貌用语He/She is tall/ . He/She has short hair/ . He/She is of medium height/ . 三,教学设计1. 总体思路本节课是Section B第一课时听说课,学生已在Section A 中接触了本课的基础语言,因此本课重点培养学生口头运用语言的能力。首先将全班分成几个小组,每组 4 人, 以 pair work 和 Group work 为主进行活动,将采取小组加分进行竞赛的活动贯穿整个课堂,调动学生的积极性, 培养学生合作精神和团体意识。在任务前, 由词句对话复习Section A 的词汇和基础语言,并为下面的任务拓展词汇。在任务环节中根据教材1b 中对明星的简单描述,设计出任务一:记忆大考验。通过欣赏两段影片,在考验同学们的记忆同时,更考查同学们对描述他人外貌的基本词汇与句型的掌握情况。任务一之后,进行两个听力练习(2a和 2b) ,这都是围绕明星外貌的描述,这样让学生对明星外貌的描述能有更进一步了解,然后根据教材2c 中对自己喜欢明星的描述, 设计出任务二:Guessing game.就是通过小组活动,讨论出一个自己喜欢的明星,尽量把他/ 她的外貌描述清楚,然后由别组的同学来猜。猜出来的话,就双方都有奖励,如果猜不出来,就算失败。最后由任务二的口头练习转到笔头练习,把对明星的外貌描述的词汇与句子汇成一篇小短文。这样的任务设计是符合由易到难,由浅到深, 笔头和口头练习结合,让学生针对自己感兴趣的话题在快乐的环境中运用目标语言,给他们一个充分发挥自己创造力和合作,交流的空间。在教学过程中,本人努力贯彻以学生为主体的教学新理念,遵循由浅入深,循序渐进的教学原则, 力求使各个任务环环相扣,以符合学生的思维特点和认知水平,培养学生的能力。2,教学过程Step1. Revision 1. Brainstorm: Teacher shows some words and useful sentences and ask Ss to say them out. What does he look like? He has He is He is of long/short /curly/ straight /black blonde/brown hair thin/heavy tall/short / medium height /medium build 2. Pairwork: Teacher shows some pictures and ask Ss to describe these persons simply. A: What does she look like ? 名师精编优秀教案B: She has long black hair./She is (of). . A: What does he look like? B: He has. ./He is (of). . A: What do they look like? B: They have. ./ They are(of). . 设计说明利用图片复习Section A 中关于描述人的外貌的词汇与句型,既直观又形象,便于同学们更好的记住。在此基础上以结对活动的形式进行基础语言功能项目的复习,为本课的任务活动做好准备。Step2. Lead-in Ask Ss : “Do you know who she is?” (show a picture of me) Let students try to describe my appearance , but after that, I change my appearance. 本环节目的是为了通过照片上人物外表的改变来引出生词 beard 和 glasses,为1a 和 1b 做准备。Step3. Presentation and practice 1. Show the students the picture in 1a on page 44, then ask them to finish it. 1._has black hair 2._has a beard. 3._wears glasses 4._has blonde hair. 2. Learn the new words “beard / glasses ”. Read them together and then learn two new expression about the new words. “have a beard / wear glasses”留胡须 / 戴眼镜3.Look at 1b, and give students a few minutes to finish it. 1.Jackie Chan has black hair. 2._has a beard. 3._wears glasses. 4._has a blonde hair. 通过 1a 和 1b 的练习,不仅掌握了本课的新词汇与短语,更为下面的任务打好了语言基础。Step4. Task 1 Memory Challeng(记忆大考验 ) 1.Enjoy two videos, and please remember the appearance of those persons of the two videos. And then , please tell us “ What does he/ she look like?” 2. Give a few minutes to students, let them work in pairs to discuss. What does “ Da tou er zi” look like ? He has He is His hands are What does “ Xiao tou ba ba” look like ? He has 名师精编优秀教案He is His hands are What does Jackie Chan(成龙 ) look like in this movie ? He is He has What does Liu Yifei (刘亦菲 ) look like in this movie ? She is She has 本课时主要是对明星的外貌描述,根据 1a 和 1b 的练习设计出的这个任务,是为了让学生们把所学的语言知识用到对明星外貌的描述,并且为下面的听力做准备。因为听力中也需要很好的记忆。Step5. Listening 2a/2b 1. Lets listen the first time and then finish 2a. 2. The second time, please finish 2b. 3. Check the answers 4. Look at the tapescript, read by students. Johnny Dean Tina Brown Job Looks like 本课是一个听说课,所以听力练习是必不可少的。在这两个听力练习中,也是针对两位明星的外貌描述展开的。考查同学们对本课需要掌握的一些词汇和短语是否熟练, 在听完之后对听力材料的阅读,是为了后面的一个任务做铺垫。因为在之前的练习当中,同学们只是用简单的句子来描述明星的外貌,那么在听力材料中就进行了进一步具体一点的描述,并且以完整的对话形式出现。这些都为任务二的 Guessing game 作了准备。Step6. Guessing game 1. Show the demands to students(四人一组从所给出的图片中选一个来描述让别人猜 , 描述要清晰, 如果对方猜不出来, 就算失败 , 被猜出来的话, 双方都有奖品.) 以对话形式来表演: A 为猜测方 ( 别组的同学 ); B 为描述方 . 2. Give an example 李宇春( short brown hair/ tall and thin/ like a man )A: Who is your favorite star ? B: Can you guess ? I can tell you he /she is a movie actor/ singer / 名师精编优秀教案A: What does he /she look like ? B: He/She has / He/She is / He/She Do you know who he /she is? A: 3. Give students a few minutes to prepare in groups. 4. Check 这个任务是对前面所学所练的一个升华,也是对教材2C的升华 . 考验同学们对所学知识的运用能力,因为表达不清楚的话,对方是无法猜出来,而且这是带有奖品的活动, 所以同学们的积极性都被调动起来了。让课堂达到一个高潮。当然同学们讨论出的信息,也将为后面的笔头练习打下基础。Step7. Writing Describe what your favorite musician, actor and athlete look like. For example: JayChou (medium height /short brown hair/ two small eyes /cool. .) My favorite musician is Jay Chou. He is of medium height and has short brown hair. Although he has two small eyes, he is very cool. He likes basketball and chicken. 这个是对教材2c 的一个拓展 , 从简单的口头练习转到笔头练习. 通过前面大量的口头练习 ,同学们已经掌握大量材料, 足以让这些材料形成一篇小文章. 并且为了激发学生的想象力, 我还向同学们展示了明星三十年后的样子,让学生们去描述,这样不仅可以巩固前面所学, 还可以拓展词汇量. 最后我设计了一个与之相关的家庭作业 . Step8. Summary 1. Review and learn some useful words and expressions (tall , thin, long curly hair, medium height, long blonde hair, pop singer, movie actor, black hair, has a beard, wears glasses ) 2. Review and practice these useful sentences What does sb look like ? He/She has He/She is He/She is of Step9. Homework Write an article about a member in your family: What does he/she look like? And what will he or she look like after 30 years? 这一家庭作业是对本课所学知识的一个汇总,也是为下一节课的写作练习打好基础。名师精编优秀教案板书设计Unit7 What does he look like? Section B(1a-2c) 附:教材内容2a/2b (Tapescript) Maria: Don t you love Johnny Dean, Danny ? Danny: Johnny ? Maria: Dean. The pop singer. Danny: I dont know. What does he look like? Maria: He s really tall and really thin. And he has long curly hair. And he has funny glasses. Look, there he is. Danny: Oh, yeah, I see him. Maria: Hey, here come the movie actors. Danny: Oh, wow! Maria: Who s your favorite actor? Danny: I like the woman with the long blonde hair. Maria: The tall woman? Danny: She s of medium height and she has long blonde hair. Maria: Oh, Tina Brown. Danny: Yeah, I think shes really good. She was in that great action movie last month. What does he /she look like ? He/she is He/she has He/she is of beard glasseshave a beard wear glasses shabby regular features JayChou medium height short brown hair two small eyes cool. .