2021云南在职攻读硕士联考考试考前冲刺卷本卷共分为2大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.一项实验显示,那些免疫系统功能较差的人,比起那些免疫系统功能一般或较强的人,在进行心理健康的测试时记录明显较差。因此,这项实验的设计和实施者得出结论,人的免疫系统,不仅保护人类抵御生理疾病,而且保护人类抵御心理疾病。 上述结论是基于以下哪项假设A免疫系统功能较强的人比功能一般的人更能抵御心理疾病。B患有某种心理疾病的人,一定患有某种相关的生理疾病。C具有较强的免疫系统功能的人不会患心理疾病。D心理疾病不会引起免疫系统功能的降低。 2.公司有人建议,只要员工都在承诺书上签字承诺不迟到,公司就取消上下班打卡制度,如果有人迟到那么所有员工的当月奖金均被扣除。公司采纳了建议,结果还是有员工迟到,但是,员工小刘仍拿到了当月奖金。 从这段文字可以推出:A小刘从未迟到过。B其他员工没有拿到奖金。C公司有人没有在承诺书上签字。D迟到的人不是该公司的正式员工。 3.一个部落或种族在历史的发展中灭绝了,但它的文字会留传下来。“亚里洛”就是这样一种文字。考古学家是在内陆发现这种文字的。经研究,“亚里洛”中没有表示“海”的文字,但有表示“冬天”、“雪”和“狼”等的文字。因此,专家们推测,使用“亚里洛”文字的部落或种族在历史上生活在远离海洋的寒冷地带。 以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述专家的推测A蒙古语中有表示“海”的文字,尽管古代蒙古人从没见过海。B“亚里洛”中有表示“鱼”的文字。C“亚里洛”中有表示“热”的文字。D“亚里洛”中没有表示“云”的文字。 4.某著名经济学家说,市场经济是一种开放经济,中国能百折不回地争取入世,从根本上讲是国内市场化改革导致的必然抉择。中国许多问题的解决都得靠外力的推动。从更深广的层面来看,WTO是中国加入的最后一个重要国际组织,这是中国自立于世界民族之林的最后一次重大外交行动,也是全面重返国际舞台的显著标志和强烈信号。所以有人曾指出,入世的政治意义大于经济意义。 依据上文,不能推出的结论是以下哪项A加入WTO后,中国已经全面重返国际舞台。B加入WTO后,中国已加入了所有重要的国际组织。C加入WTO后,中国的政治发展将快于经济发展。D中国若没有国内市场化的改革,难以取得加入WTO的成果。 5.小陈:目前1996D3彗星的部分轨道远离太阳,最近却可以通过太空望远镜发现其发出闪烁光。过去人们从来没有观察到远离太阳的彗星出现这样的闪烁光,所以这种闪烁必然是不寻常的现象。 小王:通常人们都不会去观察那些远离太阳的彗星,这次发现的1996D3彗星闪烁光是有人通过持续而细心的追踪观测而获得的。 以下哪项最为准确地概括了小王反驳小陈的观点所使用的方法A指出小陈使用的关键概念含义模糊。B指出小陈的论据明显缺乏说服力。C指出小陈的论据自相矛盾。D不同意小陈的结论,并且对小陈的论据提出了另一种解释。 6.法国与中国的贸易远远落后于日本和美国,甚至落后于英国和意大利。中国今年的国民生产总值增长率预计将达7.5%7.8%,与2001年头7个月相比,法国与中国的贸易只增长了2.7%,而同是竞争者的其他欧洲国家同中国的贸易却均增长了10%。 从以上陈述中能得出以下哪项结论A法中贸易增长率低于中国国民生产总值增长率。B法国与中国贸易的发展步伐相对缓慢。C法国与中国的贸易远远落后于其他发达国家。D除法国外的其他欧洲国家与中国的贸易都增长迅速。 7.张教授:在我国大陆架外围海域建设新油井的计划不足取,因为由此带来的收益不足以补偿由此带来生态破坏的风险。目前我国每年海底石油的产量,还不能满足我国一天石油的需求量,而上述拟建中的新油井,最多只能使这个数量增加0.1%。 李研究员:你的结论不能成立。你能因为建设的防护林不能在一夜之间消灭北京的沙尘暴而反对实施防护林计划吗 以下哪项最为确切地概括了李研究员的反驳所运用的方法:A提出了一个比对方更有力的证据。B构造了一个和对方类似的论证,但这个论证的结论显然是不可接受的。C提出了一个反例来反驳对方的一般性结论。D指出对方在一个关键性概念的理解和运用上存在含混。 8.S城的人非常喜欢喝酒,经常出现酗酒闹事,影响了S城的治安环境。为了改善城市的治安环境,市政府决定:减少S城烈酒生产的产量。 以下哪项最能对市政府的决定进行质疑A影响了S城治安环境的不仅仅是酗酒闹事。B有些喝低度酒的人也酗酒闹事。CS城市场上的烈酒大多数来自其他城市。DS城的经济收入主要来源于烈酒生产。 9.锐进软件股份有限公司是由四个子公司,即甲、乙、丙、丁组成的总公司。在总公司的利润方案下,每个子公司承担的利润份额与每年该子公司员工所占锐进软件股份有限公司总员工数的份额相等。但是去年该公司的财务报告却显示,甲公司在员工数量增加的同时向总公司上缴利润的比例却下降了。 如果上述陈述为真,财务报告还能够说明以下哪项A在四个子公司中,甲的员工数量最少。B甲公司员工增长的比例比前一年小。C乙、丙、丁公司员工增长的比例都超过了甲公司员工增长的比例。D甲公司员工增长的比例至少比其他三个子公司中的一个小。 10.S市持有驾驶证的人员数量较五年前增加了数十万,但交通死亡事故却较五年前有明显的减少。由此可以得出结论:目前S市驾驶员的驾驶技术熟练程度较五年前有明显的提高。 以下各项如果为真,最能削弱上述论证,除了:A交通事故的主要原因是驾驶员违反交通规则。B目前S市的交通管理力度较五年前有明显加强。CS市加强对驾校的管理,提高了对新驾驶员的培训标准。D由于油价上涨,许多车主改乘公交车或地铁上下班。 11.高峰体验指的是人在追求自我实现的历程中,历经基本需求的追寻并获满足之后,在追求自我实现时所体验到的一种臻于顶峰而又超越时空与自我的心灵满足感与完美感,这种感觉只可意会不能言传。 下列哪项不属于高峰体验的是A运动员登上奥运冠军领奖台时的心理体验。B科学家获得诺贝尔奖时的心理体验。C观众见证人类首次踏上月球时的心理体验。D通过十年寒窗苦读,收到理想的大学录取通知时的心理体验。 12.去年某经营儿童食品的商家采取了这样一种促销的方式,在每个出售的儿童食品包装中放入一套小的系列画片中的一枚,这样,鼓励孩子们不断购买该商家出售的同种儿童食品,以便集齐整套的系列画片。这种销售方式收到很好的效果,很多商家也都准备仿效。 以下各项,如果为真,都能对上述促销方式提出质疑,除了:A随着儿童娱乐方式的多样化,系列画片对儿童的吸引力正在下降。B在儿童们吃过一次不合口味食品后,即使里面的画片再有趣,也不会准备再去买第二次。C有些画片经营者针对儿童食品的这种促销策略,准备设计和推出更为有趣的系列画片。D因为许多系列画片中经常有一两片很难集到,有的家长已经准备到消费者协会投诉这种不正当竞争行为。 13.最近的一项研究指出:“适量饮酒对妇女的心脏有益。”研究人员对1000名女护士进行调查,发现那些每星期饮酒315次的人,其患心脏病的可能性较每星期饮酒少于3次的人低。因此,研究人员发现了饮酒量与妇女心脏病之间的联系。 以下哪项如果为真,最不可能削弱上述论证的结论A许多妇女因为感觉自己的身体状况良好,从而使得她们的饮酒量增加。B调查显示:性格独立的妇女更愿意适量饮酒并同时加强自己的身体锻炼。C护士因为职业习惯的原因,饮酒次数比普通妇女要多一些。再者,她们的年龄也偏年轻。D对男性饮酒的研究发现,每星期饮酒315次的人中,有一半人患心脏病的可能性比少于3次的人还要高。 14.一元二次方程x2-2x-5=0的两个根的倒数和等于_ABCDE1 15.周长相同的圆、正方形和正三角形的面积分别为a,b和c,则a,b,c的大小关系是_AabcBbcaCcabDacbEcba 16.一个表面为红色的正方体被割成1000个同样大小的小正方体,从中任取一个小正方体,其中有且只有两个面涂有红色的概率是_A0.032B0.064C0.096D0.108E0.216 17.已知方程x2-6x+q=0可以配方成(x-p)2=7的形式,那么x2-6x+q=2可以配方成_A(x-p)2=5B(x-p)2=9C(x-p+2)2=9D(x-p+2)2=5E(x-p-2)2=9 18.若关于x的一元二次方程x2+mx+n=0的两个实数根分别为-1和2,则代数式n2-m的值是_A5B3C-1D-2E0 19.已知5个数的算术平均值为25,现去掉1个数,剩余数的算术平均值为31,则去掉的数为_A1B6C11D124E不能确定 20.方程x2+4x=2的正根为_ABCDE以上结果均不正确 21.过圆x2+y2=r2上的点P(x0,y0)作圆的切线,切线被x轴和y轴截下的线段长度的取值范围是_A(r,+)B2r,+)C(,+)D(2,+)E,+) 22.5个人站成一排,要求甲、乙二人之间至少间隔1人,则不同的站排方法有_A48种B72种C96种D120种E144种 23.自从行政诉讼法颁布以来,“民告官”的案件成为社会关注的热点。一种普遍的担心是,“官官相护”会成为公正审理此类案件的障碍。但据A省本年度的调查显示,凡正式立案审理的“民告官”案件,65%都是以原告胜诉结案。这说明,A省的法院在审理“民告官”的案件中,并没有出现社会舆论所担心的“官官相护”。 以下哪项如果为真,将最有力地削弱上述论证A由于新闻媒介的特殊关注,“民告官”案件的审理的透明度,要大大高于其他的案件。B有关部门收到的关于司法审理有失公正的投诉,A省要多于周边省份。C所谓“民告官”的案件审理中,在法院受理的案件中,只占很小的比例。D在“民告官”的案件审理中,司法公正不能简单理解为原告胜诉。E在“民告官”的案件中,原告如果不掌握能胜诉的确凿证据,一般不会起诉。 24.法官坚持要判某人有罪,其理由是该人不能证明自己无罪。 以下诸项中,哪一项的论证手法与该法官的做法最为类似A你偷了我的钱,理由是你不能证明你没有偷我的钱。B有人坚持托勒密的“地心说”,理由是:亚里士多德就是这么认为的。C你是有理想的人,所以我也是有理想的人。D有人说小李是个品行不端的人,理由是:他的爸爸不是个好东西,爱拈花惹草。E许多人认为大米没有白面营养价值高,理由是:为什么很多人不喜欢吃大米呢 25.白鼠通常不患血癌。在一项实验中发现,给300只白鼠同等量的辐射后,将它们平均分为两组,第一组可以不受限制地吃食物,第二组限量吃食物。结果第一组75只白鼠患血癌,第二组5只白鼠患血癌。因此,通过限制白鼠的进食量,可以控制由实验辐射导致的白鼠血癌的发生。 以下哪项如果为真,最能削弱上述实验结论A白鼠与其他动物一样,有时原因不明就患有血癌。B第一组白鼠的食物易于使其患血癌,而第二组的食物不易使其患血癌。C第一组白鼠体质较弱,第二组白鼠体质较强。D对其他种类的实验动物,实验辐射很少导致患血癌。E不管是否控制进食量,暴露于实验辐射的白鼠都可能患有血癌。 二、多项选择题(共25题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,有多个符合题意) 1.怎样才能善于发现和提出问题 2.简述想象的形成方式。 3.简述影响概念掌握的因素。 4.简述个性差异对问题解决的影响。 5.简述影响问题解决的因素。 6.简述概念掌握的途径。 7.简述问题解决的思维过程。 8.简述思维的分类。 9.常用的比较方式有哪些 10.结合教学实践,试析学生如何掌握科学概念。 11.结合教育实际论述如何培养学生的创造思维。 12.教师应如何提高学生解决问题的能力。 13.The author of FAMILY VALUE paints a rather bleak vision of signs where the traditional family is headed in our postindustrial age. Divorce is raging. More people are living alone. Couples are often living together without the commitment of marriage. These statistics are Britain today, but the phenomena are occurring throughout the postindustrial world as well. Sociologists do not agree as to the causes of this bleakness. Some lay blame on single mothers who set up a cycle of economic deprivation, emotional instability and lack of parental authority. Others feel that women working full time having fewer children, living much longer than their grandmothers, yielding to advertising and financial stress, and striving to "succeed" in terms of a man dominated world are the real causes. Also, families may be becoming more private as time and outside stress demand too much of its members. It seems, there is no sense of place in a time of continuous movement, old people need a purpose, and aging must be acknowledged. 14.Research by Deborah Tannen provides us with some important insights into the differences between men and women in terms of their conversational styles. In particular, she has been able to explain why gender often creates oral communication barriers. The essence of Tannens research is that men use talk to emphasize status whereas women use it to create connection Tannen states that communication is a continual balancing act, juggling the conflicting needs for intimacy and independence. Intimacy emphasizes closeness and commonalities. Independence emphasizes separateness and differences. So, for many men, conversations are primarily a means to preserve independence and maintain status in a hierarchical social order. For many women, conversations are negotiations for closeness in which people try to seek and give confirmation and support. 15.Success in improving students thinking skills will require long-term commitment and a continuing emphasis on those proven teaching methods and activities that engage students in thinking, explicitly focus on specific thinking skills, and help students become more aware of their own thought processes. Instruction in thinking skills will have lasting benefits-students better able to acquire new information, to examine complex issues critically, and to solve new problems. In a world of rapid change and increasing complexity, it is difficult to imagine skills that are more fundamental. Like the ability to fish in the Chinese proverb, the ability to think lasts a lifetime. 16.What, then, does Drucker suggest are the new knowledge-based industries on which economic growth will depend He discusses three categories of such industries. The first of these is the information industry. This industry collects, stores, spreads, and applies knowledge It depends on the computer. In the future, however, the computer itself will probably become less important than communicating and applying knowledge. Drucker foresees a central computer that will make information available to everyone. Another source of new industries is the science of the oceans. New technologies may help to supply food and minerals from the seas. A third new source of economic growth is the materials industry. This industry provides the materials for making objects. One such industry that has already become economically important is the plastic industry. Drucker explains that throughout history our traditional materials have been metals, glass, natural fibers, and paper. Today, with the help of modern science, industries can make many new materials to meet specific needs. Because they will be created to fit a certain product, they will be highly efficient. Consequently, he points out, industries that supply traditional materials such as steel or glass will have trouble competing with those that produce these new materials. 17.Both societies, moreover, have developed to the highest levels the arts of business and commerce, of buying and selling, and of advertising and mass producing. Few sights are more reassuring to Americans that the tens of thousands of bustling stores seen in 5apan, especially the beautiful, well-stocked department stores. To American eyes, they seem just like Macys or Neiman Marcus at home. In addition, both Japan and America are consumer societies. The people of both countries love to shop and are enthusiastic consumers of convenience products and fast foods. Vending machines selling everything from fresh flowers to hot coffee are as popular in Japan as they are in America, and fast-food noodle shops are as common in Japan as McDonalds restaurants are in America. 18.On the other hand, when one is seated at a conference table before a meeting or at a dinner with a person whose good regard must not be forsaken, less may in fact be less. So what should your face be doing Im against fake smiling, although I indulge in it all the time. Beyond binge drinking, its the business activity that ultimately inflicts the most physical damage. Weve got to find something other than smiling to get the job done. But what else is there Theres frowning persively, if you can pull that off without looking indisposed. Theres a bemused mini-grin, which doesnt break all the bones in your face and conveys good will at least. Theres blank affability, which, with good eyebrow work, can serve over the course of an entire dinner. But I admit it. This is a tough one that well have to work out later. Until something better is found, smiling convincingly and in a variety of manners still rules. 19.The hardest hit of all that week were Wall Streets specialist firms, the traders who were charged with maintaining orderly markets. That task required them to purchase stocks when there were no other buyers and to make sales when other sellers disappeared. Until the end of that week, a total 52 specialist firms had worked on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange: each had handled the shares of 20 to 30 specified Big Board companies. On Black Monday, the specialists grimly fulfilled their responsibilities, buying millions of shares as prices plunged all around them. Their losses could amount to as much as $750 million. Securities firms outside Wall Street also felt mortal pain. The 4 500 accounts of the New York Stock Exchange member were taken over by Rodman & Renshaw, a Chicago firm. 20.Of course you would like to double your money. I understand exactly how you feel. The hope that such a thing will happen for them is what pulls hundreds of thousands of people to the race tracks and to the gambling tables every day. But theres one great difference between those people and you. When they place a bet on a horse, a card, or a number, they do so with the full realization that the money they put up will bring them no dividends or interest, and if they happen to be wrong, the money is gone forever. Mrs. Brown, you and I have had some long sessions together. You have been frank and open with me, trusting me as your counselor, and I know how important it is to you to preserve every bit of your capital. Youve shown me the vital need to keep that money working for you so that it can produce the income you need for your living expenses. I would be doing you a serious disservice if I did not warn you, as emphatically as I know how, against the step you are considering. 21.Teamwork Working together to plan for the growth and maintenance of something is a basic human need. People are gregarious by nature: our nature is to nurture. Work, with its limited ability to financially compensate employees, provides an unending source for intrinsic motivators and rewards. Teamwork pulls and puts people together to create and produce. It becomes a self-fulfilling reward system. It provides the spirit, enthusiasm, fun, “braintrust” and environment for creative conflict and competition that drives people to produce and excel. Motivated employees, like motivated customers, are an investment for any company. In the final analysis, all businesses are customer service businesses, and all employees are emissaries. When checking its viability in the marketplace, every business must look at its responsibilities on both bottom lines: financial resources and human resources. 22.All education springs from some image of the future. (1) If the image of the future held by a society is grossly inaccurate, its education system will betray its youth. Imagine an Indian tribe which for centuries has sailed its dugouts on the river at its doorstep. During all this time the economy and culture of the tribe have depended upon fishing, preparing and cooking the products of the river, growing food in soil fertilized by the river, building boats and appropriate tools. (2) So long as the rate of technological change in such a community stays slow, so long as no wars, invasions, epidemics or other natural disasters upset the even rhythm of life, it is simple for the tribe to formulate a workable image of it