2021宁夏教师招聘考试考试真题卷(2)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.“举一反三”和“触类旁通”体现的是()。A创造性学习B学习动机C学习迁移D多样化学习2.孔子说:“其身正,不令而行;其身不正,虽令不从。”这反映教师劳动的()特点。A示范性B创造性C间接性D主体性3.贯彻新课改“以人为本”的教育理念首先应该做到()。A充分地传授知识B尊重学生人格,关注个体差异C培养学生正确的学习态度D让学生自主地选择课程4.王老师正在上课,学生F突然站起来,指出王老师讲解中的错误,王老师板着脸说:“F,老师不如你,以后就由你来上课好了。”说完,王老师不再理会F,若无其事地继续上课。下列选项中,对该教师行为评价正确的一项是()。A维护了正常的教学秩序B漠视了学生的主导地位C体现了教师的主导作用D挫伤了学生的积极性5.对未完成义务教育的未成年犯和被采取强制性教育措施的未成年人应当进行义务教育,所需经费由()予以保障。A国家B社会C学校D人民政府6.李明经常随地吐痰,被老师叫到了办公室。老师问道:“李明,你为什么常常随地吐痰你知道这是不好的行为吗”李明说:“我也知道这样不对,但有时候就是忍不住。”教师应从()入手对李明进行教育。A道德认识B道德情感C道德意志D道德行为7.某教师在上课过程中发现一个学生分心,便在讲课的同时用目光凝视这个学生,引起了他的注意,促使其重新专心听讲。这位教师运用的是()。A直观技能B体态表达技能C提示技能D批评技能8.教师上课时讲到重要地方,声音要适当放大放慢,使学生听清楚,这是因为知觉具有()。A选择性B理解性C整体性D恒常性9.在构成教育活动的基本要素中,主导性的因素是()。A教育者B受教育者C教育措施D教育内容10.分配学生座位时,最值得教师关心的是()。A对课堂纪律的影响B学生的听课效果C后进生的感受D对人际关系的影响11.“关注个体差异”就是根据学生实际存在的爱好、兴趣和差异,()。A完全由学生自己决定如何学习B将学生按优、中、差分班C使每个学生的特长都得到发挥D大力培养单科独进的尖子生12.教师面对课堂突发事件能迅速而正确地作出判断,并随机应变地采取恰当措施有效解决问题的能力称为()。A教育控制B教育机智C教育决策D教育诊断13.Some people hold that the more conservative the world becomes, _ have old furniture, old houses and old paintings.A. the smarter is toB. the smarter it is toC. is it the smarter soD. is one to the smarter 14.She was just about to explain _ she hadnt passed her maths test chiefly out of carelessness _ her uncle came.A. her mother whenB. to her mother why thatC. her mother that whenD. to her mother that when 15.With the shining water before you and the wind, _ trees behind you, you can not help _ .A. blown but feel relaxedB. blowing feeling relaxedC. blown but feel relaxingD. blowing but feel relaxing 16.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AtableBbenchCdesktopDchair 17.(一) 18.(二) 19.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AcomputersBmachinesCdevicesDPCs 20.(四) 21.(三) 22.(五) 23.(一) 24.(二) 25.(三) 26.(四) 27.(五) 28.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AIncludingBExceptCBesidesDWith 29.(一) 30.(二) 31.(四) 32.(三) 33.(五) 34.(一) 35.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AhandleBdealCwork outDtype 36.(二) 37.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空Afor exampleBby the wayCin the other handDWhats more 38.(三) 39.(五) 40.(四) 41.(二) 42.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AnoiseBvoiceCsoundDmusic 43.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AtiedBconnectedCjoinDlink 44.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5) , have maths processors, others have graphics processors to help process photographs and other illustrations. Still others have (6) processors. Office workers also use PCS that are not (7) to a network. These machines are used for (8) tasks as word processing, performing financial calculations, and organizing and (9) bodies of information called databases. People use PCS at (10) for some of the same kinds of tasks. They use word processing programs for (11) Communication, financial software for household budgets. Individuals also use their home computers to play (12) and to communicate (13) the internet. Small, portable PCS are (14) with people who often work away from their desks. The (15) include laptop computers, which can be (16) on the lap; notebook computers, which are about the (17) of a loose leaf notebook; and palmtop, or handheld computers, which can be operated while (18) in the hand. Laptop and notebook computers have the same (19) as desktop computers. Palmtop computers have less power but still (20) some advanced capabilities. For example, they can process household financial data.二、完形填空AtheseBsuchCdifferentDsame 45.Personal computers are used by one person at a time. The largest personal computer, or PCS, can fit on a (1) . Some of these (2) have more than one microprocessor. (3) the primary processor, which is a general-purpose device, a PC may have one or more processors to (4) special kinds of work. Some machines, (5)