2021年河南GRE考试模拟卷(9)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.CAPRICIOUS:AprofoundBdirectCfaithfulDlogicalE(E) deficient 2.INFINITY:Aminute differenceBdeficient capacityClimited areaDindefinite voltageE(E) resistance 3.DAMPED:AauditoryBductileCamplifiedDfocusedE(E) changeable 4.CODA:ArestrictionBincrementCsoliloquyDprefaceE(E) unprepared act 5.EXTEMPORANEOUSAlimitedBpeacefulCpremeditatedDadeptE(E) supplementary 6.PATHOLOGICAL:AnormalBsharpCsufficientDerraticE(E) provisional 7.HACKNEYED:AcarefulBacceptableChandyDgaudyE(E) original 8.EBULLIENCE:AclumsinessBmeasured self-controlCincapabilityDmeticulous planE(E) infertility 9.CRUX:Aperipheral elementBcommencementCconvictionDafflictionE(E) gratuity 10.After the investigations and - that are both necessary and inevitable after a calamity such as the recently ended crisis, it may turn out that authorities could have handled the problem in a less - way.Aobservation. convenientBanalyses . fashionableCsecond-guessing . costlyDfootwork . organizedE(E) solutions. abstruse 11.The request to censor the art work of criminals, to which the courts sometimes surrender, might be more reasonable if exposure were somehow - to the criminals, instead of humbling them.AennoblingBintriguingCbeneficialDnebulousE(E) tangential 12.These - over details are an indication of more serious battles to come, between those who want a strong centre at the heart of the Union and those who want to - the power ceded by national governments.Asympathies. boostBagreements. measureCadjudications . consolidateDassumptions . inscribeE(E) skirmishes. limit 13.Leaving no stone unturned in your - for the fugitive, gentlemen, I wish you every advantage, for the individual we seek is swift-witted, wily, and capable of the swiftest -.Aadamancy . vengeanceBwrath. chicaneryCsearch. elusionsDconsanguinity . maneuversE(E) hunt. delusions 14.It is clear that many institutional investors once voted -; now after so many scandals, some managers admit that they should have done more to - corporate excesses.Aimprudently. curbBinsolently . insinuateCintelligently. observeDprecariously . exposeE(E) insensitively . brook 15.It may be - to obtain soap that is not antibacterial, given its - as a household cleansing product, but according to a new study, such products may be a waste of time.Adifficult. ubiquityBimprudent. weaknessCtraditional . relevanceDrevolutionary . innovationE(E) extravagant. expense 16.The word "civilization" was just coming into use in the 18th century, in French and in English, when conservative men of letters preferred to avoid it as a newfangled-.AorthographyBhomonymCcognomenDmisnomerE(E) neologism 17.ASTRONOMER: TELESCOPE:Aastrologer: constellationBsurgeon: pipetteCconductor: batonDcarpenter: trowelE(E) cartographer: foolscap 18.EXHORT: SUGGEST :Aaccommodate: calibrateBcollude: premeditateCenrapture: interestDcovet: receiveE(E) enlighten: learn 19.ACT: SCENE :Astanza: lineBcomedy: mockCpoem: assonanceDballet: pirouetteE(E) choir: ensemble 20.CONNOISSEUR: EXPERTISE :Abenefactor: discretionBamateur: obsessionCzealot: incorruptibilityDmalefactor: injudiciousnessE(E) spendthrift: improvidence 21.POSTSCRIPT: LETTER :Ainscription: souvenirBappendix: textbookCfoundation: columnDsignature: epistolaryE(E) dialogue: opera 22.TAILOR: SCISSORS :Aphysician: pestilenceBphotographer: tripodCbutcher: cleaverDgardener: hoseE(E) editor: keyboard 23.SURMOUNT: ABOVE :Ainsert: acrossBpermeate: throughCdeviate: towardDcenter: roundE(E) pursue: straight 24.IMPERVIOUS: DAMAGED :Aimplacable: propitiatedBrefractory: comprehendedCtenable: confrontedDfitful: interruptedE(E) irritable: agitated 25.SCRIBBLE: WRITE :Areflect: contemplateBlisten: overhearCjot: doodleDsimper: smileE(E) glance: ogle 26.According to the passage, which of the following is true about the films that continued Eisenstein's filmmaking traditionAThey tend to trivialize the Eisenstein movement by rejecting Hollywood norms.BAlthough they have not been taught frequently, they have had a transgressive influence on experimental film-making.CTheir availability has been diminished by the apotheosis of Eisenstein as their model.DThese films are valued for the challenge they have presented to the norms of Hollywood film.E(E) These films would almost certainly be more popular with mainstream audiences, if only film studies were less specialized. 27.The passage implies that the present "economic situation of independent film production and distribution" isAthriving but threatenedBsecure but inertCmoribund but recoveringDpenurious and in need of helpE(E) salubrious but unpredictable 28.The author of the passage suggests that which of the following is tru e of the practice of establishing the "Eisenstein standard" as a model of modernist filmsAWhile the standard is daunting and rarely achieved, it nevertheless raises the overall standard of art making in a positive fashion.BIt is a risky position for a critic to take, given that Eisenstein's films are consistently inferior to those of his imitators.CThis practice has the unfortunate effect of establishing which films will be noted and which ignored in the future, without regard to merit.DOn the balance it is a wise practice, as it maintains interest in Eisenstein' s imitators who would otherwise go forgotten.E(E) It has the effect of ameliorating the transgressive or controversial reputation of experimental film. 29.Which of the following is most analogous to the fate that the experimental films, described above, have received as a result of their association with Eisenstein's workAA lesser-known author is discovered to have influenced a more famous one, and his works are rescued from anonymity.BAn experimental artistic tradition falls into decline as a result of its practitioners adopting the idiom of a more popular one.CA popular composer's oeuvre is held up as the epitome of the genre, so that music critics praise his pupil's work without bothering to listen to it.DThe interest in an archeological method diminishes over time, largely out of the failure of its inventor to generate new results.E(E) A painter rebels against the advice of her teacher, after critics observe that her own work is indistinguishable from his. 30.The passage suggests that the effects of volcanic carbon dioxide on the environment differ from those of sulfurous gases in thatAcarbon dioxide tends to alleviate environmental haze, while sulfurous gases usually increase itBcarbon dioxide tends to increase temperatures by trapping sunlight, while sulfurous gases tend to decrease temperatures by blocking itCcarbon dioxide tends to have an effect on the environment, while sulfurous gases for the most part do notDsulfurous gases have played an even more significant role than carbon dioxide in pushing environmental temperatures outside the habitable rangeE(E) sulfurous gases tend to decrease the level of solar radiation outside the earth's atmosphere, while carbon dioxide plays only a negligible role 31.The author mentions the eruption of Mount St. Helens (lines 25 -26) primarily in order to emphasize which of the following pointsAThe deep and enduring effect that volcanic eruptions have on the environmentBThe process by which classic volcanic eruptions tend to occurCThe relative dearth of cases with scientists can judge the effects of volcain eruptionsDA sample case with which later volcanic explosions are comparedE(E) The global cooling effects of one of the best-studied volcanic eruptions 32.Which of the following best describes the organization of the third paragraph of the passageAA theory is proposed, considered, and then amended.BOpposing views are presented, elaborated, and then reconciled.CA problem is described, then a solution is discussed and its effectiveness is affirmed.DA view is advanced, then refuted, and an alternative is suggested.E(E) A hypothesis is presented, qualified, and then reaffirmed. 33.Which of the following, if presented as the first sentence of a succeeding paragraph, would most logically continue the discussion presented in the passageAThe influence of volcanic eruptions on global weather patterns is almost completely understood at present.BScientists have only begun to understand, however, the effects of these wavelengths of light on the global environment.CThe majority of global cooling effects have thus been attributed to volcanic explosions.DThe human warming activities ameliorate by volcanic eruptions include those produced both by heavy industry and agriculture.E(E) The reason that sulfate aerosols take an unusually large time to disperse owes primarily to meteorological factors, including the jet stream. 34.According to the passage, scientists have decided that sulfur aerosols from volcanic eruptions affect global temperatures to a greater extent than ash clouds becauseAthe greenhouse gas effect produced by human activities tends to have a much greater environmental effect than that of volcanic explosionsBclouds of sulfur-rich gases tend to achieve greater heights in the stratosphere than do ash cloudsCa particular explosion producing high sulfur and little ash had a greater environmental effect than the converseDthe burning of fossil fuels tends to exacerbate the effects of sulfurous aerosols, but not those of ash cloudsE(E) global warming effects tend to minimize the impact of ash clouds, but not those of sulfurous aerosols 35.Which of the following discoveries would likely have an effect upon the views of scientists similar to that of the explosion of El ChicoAThe history of wildfires in North America demonstrates that controlled blazes have a positive effect on the environment, on the whole.BThe capability of certain metal alloys to withstand great heat proves greater than that of another, confirming metallurgists' suspicions.CThe study of seismological data proves that existing safety standards in construction will likely prove insufficient in the future.DOne cigarette brand is found to cause fewer cases of cancer than another brand, disproving the notion that the first brand's contents are more carcinogenic.E(E) Ideas concerning the causes of schizophrenia are complicated by the discovery of a rare new psychotic condition whose symptoms defy explanation. 36.The passage suggests that which of the following would be true if volcanic eruptions did not take placeAThe environment would likely contain fewer non-biodegradable pollutants, due to lesser quantities of sulfurous gases and ash clouds.BGreenhouse gas effects on rising global temperatures would likely be somewhat less worrisome than those postulated by scientists today.CAcid rain produced by heavy industry would likely be more of a problem than it currently is, given the tendency of volcanic eruptions to hasten atmospheric cycles.DGlobal warming effects caused by human activities would be far more substantial than they are today if volcanic cooling effects ceased to take place.E(E) The environment would likely be cooler, for the atmosphere would contain fewer sulfurous gases and ash clouds. 37.PROFLIGACY:AauthenticityBmeagernessCapathyDpersistenceE(E) frugality 38.PROMPT:Astep downBcheckCdeceiveDperplexE(E) bend 39.AUDACIOUS:AcontrolledBapparentCshyDdumbE(E) elegant 40.IMPUGN:AfacilitateBelucidateCexaltDpredictE(E) discard 41.CLINCH:AobscureBsplit randomlyCcoddleDevoke suspicionE(E) awaken 42.DENIGRATE:ArefuseBhonorCadmitDterrifyE(E) review 43.PUISSANCE:AcynicismBvilenessCwisdomDpowerlessnessE(E) generosity 44.AUTONOMY:AamoralityBamicabilityCrelianceDmalleabilityE(E) resistance 45.BAROQUE:ArefinedBvolatileCsimpleDornateE(E) brilliant 46.ASSUAGE:AdetachBchooseCproliferateDsharpenE(E) separate 47.PERSISTENCE:AincapabilityBimmoderationCdigressionDchangeabilityE(E) unfairness 48.Although scientists have long - the human appendix as - organ, there is a growing body of evidence indicating that the appendix does in fact have a significant function as a part of the body's immune system.Aoverestimated . a minorBdiscounted . a vestigialCvalued . a majorDignored . a pivotalE(E) studied . an inaccessible 49.The teacher has - catering to some students, but to retain his tenure, which effects only after a teacher has unanimously gratified his students, he offers his complaints -.Aa hesitancy about . carelesslyBan aptitude for . sparinglyCa repugnance toward . tactfullyDan enthusiasm about . zealouslyE(E) a blitheness about . carefully 50.Current estimates put thirteen percent of global flora at risk of extinction, but this number does not include - plants from tropical regions, where the majority of the world's plants grow.AapocryphalBdeciduousCrareDinnumerableE(E) vanished第24页 共24页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页第 24 页 共 24 页