2021浙江在职攻读硕士联考考试模拟卷(2)本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.阅读下文,完成下列4题。司马迁举了一系列发愤的著作,有的说理,有的记事,最后把诗三百篇笼统都归于怨,也作为一个例子。钟嵘单就诗歌而论,对这个意思加以具体发挥。诗品序里有一节话:嘉会寄诗以亲,离群托诗以怨。至于楚臣去境,汉妾辞宫。或骨横朔野,魂逐飞蓬;或负戈外戍,杀气雄边;塞客衣单,孀闺泪尽;或士有解佩出朝,一去忘返;女有扬蛾入宠,再盼倾国。凡斯种种,感荡心灵,非陈诗何以展其义非长歌何以骋其情故曰:诗可以群,可以怨。’使穷贱易安,幽居靡闷,莫尚于诗矣!说也奇怪,这一节差不多是钟嵘同时人江淹那两篇名文别赋和恨赋一一的提纲。序结尾又举了一连串的范作,除掉失传的篇章和泛指的题材,过半数都可以说是怨诗。至于上品里对李陵的评语:生命不谐,声颓身丧,使陵不遭辛苦,其文亦何能至此!更明白指出了刘勰所谓蚌病成珠,也就是后世常说的诗必穷而后工。还有一点不容忽略。同一件东西,司马迁当作死人的防腐溶液,钟嵘却认为是活人的止痛药和安神剂。司马迁报任安书只说舒愤而著书作诗,目的是避免姓名磨灭、文采不表于后也,着眼于作品在作者身后起的功用,能使他死而不朽。钟嵘说:使穷贱易安,幽居靡闷,莫尚于诗。强调了作品在作者生时起的功用,能使他和艰辛冷落的生涯妥协相安;换句话说,一个人潦倒愁闷,全靠诗可以怨,获得了排遣、慰藉或补偿。随着后世文学体裁的孳生,这个对创作动机和效果的解释也从诗歌而蔓延到小说和戏剧。例如周楫西湖二集卷一吴越王再世索江山讲起瞿佑写剪灯新话和徐渭写四声猿:真个哭不得,笑不得,叫不得,跳不得,你道可怜也不可怜!所以只得逢场作戏,没紧没要,做部小说发抒生平之气,把胸中欲歌欲哭欲叫欲跳之意,尽数写将出来,满腹不平之气,郁郁无聊,借以消遣。李渔笠翁偶集卷二宾白讲自己写剧本,说来更淋漓尽致:予生忧患之中,处落魄之境,自幼至长,自长至老,总无一刻舒眉。惟于制曲填词之顷,非但郁藉以舒,愠为之解,且尝僭作两间最乐之人李渔承认他剧本里欢天喜地的幻境正是他生活里局天蹐地的真境的反映剧本映照了生活的反面。大家熟知弗洛伊德的有名理论:在实际生活里不能满足欲望的人,死了心作退一步想,创造出文艺来,起一种替代品的功用,借幻想来过瘾。假如说,弗洛伊德这个理论早在钟嵘的三句话里稍露端倪,更在周楫和李渔的两段话里粗见眉目,那也许不是牵强拉拢,而只是请大家注意他们似曾相识罢了。上文最后说“他们”(弗、钟、周、李)“似曾相识”,这么说的意思是()。A弗洛伊德的理论,其实在钟嵘、周楫和李渔那里也有所体现。B文艺作品是作者某种欲望的替代物,在这点上中外理论有相通之处。C创作动机和效果常有矛盾,在这问题上弗洛伊德和我国古代作家有默契。D弗洛伊德和钟嵘、周楫、李渔等人的理论既有很大区别,又颇多相似之处。2.阅读下文,完成下列4题。近两三年,一幅中国山水画,在美国被新闻报纸炒得沸沸扬扬,引起社会广泛关注,这就是传为五代董源的溪岸图。溪岸图是一幅较早期的中国山水画应毫无疑问,而且它还是早期山水画中属保守的一派。其内容描写隐逸文人,充满着山居田园生活情趣。画中主人与妻子儿女在一起,庭院中有女仆捧着盘子似送果食,柴门外有耕作归来的男仆,路上有行人。这些细节的安排,是后来同类山水画所不具备的。细节的描写使我们想起了陶渊明归去来兮辞中的诗句。童仆欢迎,稚子候门,画中有仆人、稚子。云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还,画中有飞鸟。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴,画中穿蓑衣戴斗笠、肩负有犁的仆人,应是开春耕地回来。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流,画中除葱茂的树木外,奔流的泉水亦非常突出。登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗,画中主人倚坐在水榭栏杆之外,回首面向河水似有所思。如此等等,如果不是着意画陶诗,那也是深受陶诗影响。据宣和画谱卷十一记载,山水画家中有孙可元者好画吴越间山水,笔力虽不豪放,而气韵高古,喜图高士幽人、岩居渔隐之趣。尝作春云出岫,观其命意,则知其无心于物,聊游戏笔墨以玩世者,所以非陶潜、绮皓之流,不见于笔下。在御府收藏他的十二幅作品中,第一幅便是陶潜归去来图。这些话如果用来评价溪岸图也十分吻合,特别是关于艺术特点的笔力和高古的说法。而对董源,宣和画谱的描述是:大抵元(这里指董源)所画山水,下笔雄伟,有崭绝峥嵘之势,重峦绝壁,使人观而壮之。然画家止以着色山水誉之,谓景物富丽,宛然有李思训风格,今考元所画,信然。而沈括梦溪笔谈论其用笔特点是:其用笔草草,近视之几不类物象,远观则景物粲然,幽情远思,如睹异境。晁补之鸡肋集跋董元画亦赞成沈括的说法。既然这样,可以大胆一点,把溪岸图叫做陶潜归去来图,寄之孙可元名下。按宣和画谱已不知孙可元何许人,而好画吴越间山水,可推之大约为江南人,生活在北宋初年。他的名字与作品在南宋之后已无人知,名气不堪与董源相匹。有人怀疑溪岸图款字为后添,或许孙可元之元,与董元(源)之元有一字之同,所画又为江南景色,后添款字为宋、元间画估之所为,亦有可能。对文中有关内容的理解,正确的一项是()。A把溪岸图置于董源的名下,是因为董源下笔雄伟,而孙可元笔力不够豪放。B孙可元深受陶诗影响,其画内容多为描写高士幽人,充满山居田园生活情趣。C由于溪岸图款字为宋、元间画估所添,所以被鉴定为董源的作品。D作者考证认为,溪岸图便是收藏在御府的孙可元的陶潜归去来图。3.阅读下面材料,完成下列4题。甲:王实甫之词如花间美人。铺叙委婉,深得骚人之趣。极有佳句,若玉环之出浴华清,绿珠之采莲洛浦。(朱权太和正音谱)乙:西厢记的崔张故事乃千古佳传,人物也很美,无论是张生_ 情之美,莺莺 _ 情之美,红娘 _ 情之美,皆 _ 丽夭矫,沁人心脾,为花间美人的艺术风格奠下很好的基础。丙:艺术风格的形成在很大程度上取决于作者驾驭语言的独特性。剧本和其他艺术形式一样,也是语言的艺术。运用什么样的语言就有什么样的艺术风格,这几乎是不言而喻的。王实甫是我国古代一位杰出的语言艺术大师,他吸收了当时民间生动活泼的口语,继承了唐诗宋词精美的语言艺术,熔化百家,创造了文采斑斓的元曲语汇,成为我国戏曲史上文采派最杰出的代表。西厢记花间美人的艺术风格,是和全剧到处都有美不胜收的绮词丽语分不开的。艺术风格还表现在意境的创造方面。王实甫是酿造气氛、描摹环境的圣手。全剧处处有诗的意境,洋溢着诗情画意的气氛在个别悲剧性的场子里,也依然笼罩着诗的气氛。如送别一折,并不着重去渲染主人公摧肝裂胆的痛苦,而是借助古典诗词描写愁恨时特有的一些表现手法,以景写人,达到情景交融的艺术境界。这里没有呼天抢地,没有抱头痛哭,有的是碧云天,黄花地,西风紧,北雁南飞那种诗意的迷惘和浓浓的哀愁,依然是一片诗情画意的动人色调,与全剧优美的风格和谐统一。西厢记是一部迷人的诗剧,全剧从头到尾是一首优美动人的爱情诗,它有明快的抒情喜剧的节奏,有词句警人,余中满香的艺术语言,有情景交融、诗情画意的环境氛围,所有这一切,汇合成一种独特的风貌和格调,形成了非常优美的花间美人的艺术风格。(吴国钦(西厢记)艺术谈,广西人民出版社1983年版)丁:另外一些人的评论,如明初戏剧评论家何元朗王实甫才情富丽,真辞家之雄 (四有斋丛说),若西厢,才华富瞻,为情词之宗,为丽曲之最胜者等等,谈的主要也是文采。过去论曲,以文采、本色划分派别,用以说明一个作家的语言风格,王实甫被认为是文采派的代表作家。其实真正有成就的作家大多是不拘一格的。就以花间美人为喻,这个美人是珠光宝气、浓妆艳抹的呢还是清水出芙蓉,天然去雕饰呢意见便不尽一致。一种意见是前者,说西厢全带脂粉,王词浓而芜(何良俊曲论),就是说打扮过分,着意修饰而丧失本色;另一种意见恰相反,认为华丽浓艳并不是西厢的神髓所在,若语其神,则字字当行,言言本色,可为南北之冠(徐复祚曲论),比它如清水芙蓉,可说是天下第一美人。明代文论家李贽称西厢为化工而非画工,其中也有称赞它不待修饰自然美好的意思。以上代表两种截然不同的看法:一认为西厢的语言风格是华丽浓艳,一则认为本色自然。这不过是评论者各取所好,偏执一词的说法。真正的美人是集本色、文采于一身,若说王实甫比较注重于文采,那是对的;但因此认为他不擅长本色,就不一定对。因为西厢记中确有许多本色、当行的语言对塑造人物起到很好的作用。李渔就曾指出:填词中方言之多,莫过于西厢一种。方言即指一地的日常生活用语,对于元剧来说,最称本色。(王万庄王实甫及其(西厢记),时代文艺出版社1990年版)从以上4项材料中可以看出()。认为西厢记富于文采的古人有_。认为西厢记语言本色自然的古人有_。A朱权 李渔 何元朗 徐复祚 李贽B朱权 何元朗 朱权 徐复祚 李贽 李渔C朱权 何元朗 徐复祚 李贽 李渔D李渔 李贽 徐复祚 何元朗 朱权4.阅读下文,完成下列4题。近两三年,一幅中国山水画,在美国被新闻报纸炒得沸沸扬扬,引起社会广泛关注,这就是传为五代董源的溪岸图。溪岸图是一幅较早期的中国山水画应毫无疑问,而且它还是早期山水画中属保守的一派。其内容描写隐逸文人,充满着山居田园生活情趣。画中主人与妻子儿女在一起,庭院中有女仆捧着盘子似送果食,柴门外有耕作归来的男仆,路上有行人。这些细节的安排,是后来同类山水画所不具备的。细节的描写使我们想起了陶渊明归去来兮辞中的诗句。童仆欢迎,稚子候门,画中有仆人、稚子。云无心以出岫,鸟倦飞而知还,画中有飞鸟。农人告余以春及,将有事于西畴,画中穿蓑衣戴斗笠、肩负有犁的仆人,应是开春耕地回来。木欣欣以向荣,泉涓涓而始流,画中除葱茂的树木外,奔流的泉水亦非常突出。登东皋以舒啸,临清流而赋诗,画中主人倚坐在水榭栏杆之外,回首面向河水似有所思。如此等等,如果不是着意画陶诗,那也是深受陶诗影响。据宣和画谱卷十一记载,山水画家中有孙可元者好画吴越间山水,笔力虽不豪放,而气韵高古,喜图高士幽人、岩居渔隐之趣。尝作春云出岫,观其命意,则知其无心于物,聊游戏笔墨以玩世者,所以非陶潜、绮皓之流,不见于笔下。在御府收藏他的十二幅作品中,第一幅便是陶潜归去来图。这些话如果用来评价溪岸图也十分吻合,特别是关于艺术特点的笔力和高古的说法。而对董源,宣和画谱的描述是:大抵元(这里指董源)所画山水,下笔雄伟,有崭绝峥嵘之势,重峦绝壁,使人观而壮之。然画家止以着色山水誉之,谓景物富丽,宛然有李思训风格,今考元所画,信然。而沈括梦溪笔谈论其用笔特点是:其用笔草草,近视之几不类物象,远观则景物粲然,幽情远思,如睹异境。晁补之鸡肋集跋董元画亦赞成沈括的说法。既然这样,可以大胆一点,把溪岸图叫做陶潜归去来图,寄之孙可元名下。按宣和画谱已不知孙可元何许人,而好画吴越间山水,可推之大约为江南人,生活在北宋初年。他的名字与作品在南宋之后已无人知,名气不堪与董源相匹。有人怀疑溪岸图款字为后添,或许孙可元之元,与董元(源)之元有一字之同,所画又为江南景色,后添款字为宋、元间画估之所为,亦有可能。根据原文所给的信息,以下推断不正确的一项是()。A孙可元和董源生活时代较接近,都是有名的山水画家,都有画收录在宣和画谱中。B孙可元和董源都擅长画江南景色,表现江南山水特有的情趣。C溪岸图的作者引起争议的原因在于孙可元名气不堪与董源相匹。D沈括不仅是著名的政治家、科学家,而且对绘画也很有研究。5.Chediak-Higashi畸形A脂蛋白变性B胞质内残留的RNA变性C脂肪变性D核碎裂或溶解后的残余物E异常溶酶体 6.The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) . But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) . A tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality resultsprovided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in the East around 3000 B.C. and the abacus is known (20) by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.1()AimaginationBcreativityCnecessityDillusion7.The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) . But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) . A tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality resultsprovided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in the East around 3000 B.C. and the abacus is known (20) by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.2()AsubstituteBcompensateCaccountDqualify8.The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) . But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) . A tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality resultsprovided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in the East around 3000 B.C. and the abacus is known (20) by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.3()Atheir possessionsBtheir childrenCthemselvesDthem9.Passage One 10.The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) . But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) . A tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality resultsprovided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in the East around 3000 B.C. and the abacus is known (20) by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.4()AenemiesBneighborsCdisastersDanimals11.Passage One 12.Passage Three 13.Passage Four 14.Passage Two 15.41. _The number and variety of courses on offer these days makes it difficult to pick the right one. But thousands of Europeans who flock to Brussels Exhibition Centre will be shown how to simplify the difficult job of choosing the right course of study for the career they wish to pursue.42. _Ten years ago a handful of Belgian teenagers, baffled by the array and number of university courses on offer, put their heads together to try to hack their way through the academic undergrowth. They knew that choosing the wrong subject or failing to make the grade would make finding a job all the more difficult. They decided something had to be done to help students approach the task of choosing a course in an effective way. They came up with the idea of a Student Fair.43. _It was decided that this would take the form of a small forum for everyone in Belgium involved in higher education from both the French and Dutch-speaking parts of the country. It would provide the opportunity for representatives of educational institutions to give information on the courses they have on offer and allow school-leavers time to discuss these with them.44. _But what the youngsters did not know was that they were tapping a source of anxiety among students right across Europe. The fair became an annual event. It expanded to include higher education bodies from the whole continent, becoming known as the European Student Fair.45. _Each year ten million students are faced with the same dilemma, said exhibition organizer Valerie de Norre. The bewildering variety of options, the evolution of the employment market, the economic downturn, changes in working methods and personal interests all play an important role in the decision-making process. We hope the fair can help people make the correct decision for themselves.This year the theme of the fair is the right to education for all and to mark this there is a special exhibition area for bodies that promote equal opportunities in education. Also, the Master of Business Administration course continues to attract an enormous amount of interest across Europe and, in response to demand, fair organizers are once again holding an MBA day.41()A.Unexpected expansionB.How a student fair all startedC.When to pick the right courseD.Making various demandsE.The participants of the forumF.Factors influencing studentsG.A hard choice to make16.Passage One 17.Passage Two 18.Passage Three 19.Passage Four 20.The invention of both labor-saving tools and tools of intelligence is rarely accidental. Instead, it is usually the product of human need; (1) is truly the mother of invention. People usually devise tools to (2) for natural deficiencies. For example, people invented weapons to defend (3) from physically superior (4) . But (5) is only one incentive for inventions. People also invent (6) tools to (7) certain established tasks more efficiently. For instance, people developed the bow and arrow from the (8) spear or javelin in order to shoot (9) and strike with greater strength.(10) civilizations developed, greater work efficiency came to be demanded, and (11) tools became more (12) . A tool would (13) a function until it proved (14) in meeting human needs, at which point an improvement would be made. One impetus for invention has always been the (15) for speed and high-quality resultsprovided they are achieved (16) reasonable costs. Stone pebbles were sufficient to account for small quantities of possessions, (17) they were not efficient enough for performing sophisticated mathematics. However, beads arranged systematically evolved into the abacus. The (18) of this tool can be (19) to the development of commerce in the East around 3000 B.C. and the abacus is known (20) by the ancient Babylonians, Egyptians, Chinese, etc.5()AentertainmentBluxuryCsurvivalDadaptation21.41. _The number and variety