Smile a little more every day 每天多一分笑容Have a nice day. 愿你拥有美好的一天不是什么的大道理 只是对生活的阐述结识新朋友,即使他们看起来和你那么不一样Meet new people, even Meet new people, even if they look different to if they look different to you you 关注仪表 Be conscious of your appearance 笑口常开 Laugh often 抓住机会 Seize the Moment 距离并不可怕,可怕的是心越来越远。 Exercise to keep fit 锻炼身体保持身材创新就是把睡过两个月的床单拿起来抖抖,反过来再铺上如果没有人来帮你那么就去帮助别人拿去吧,别淋湿每天找点儿乐子,这相当重要Try to have a little fun each day.its important 不放过任何一个耍宝的机会Be weird whenever you have the chance 我祈祷,明天会更好!当一天结束时要祈祷At the end of the day. PRAY 还有闭上你的双眼,每天至少一次微笑! z. And close your eyesAnd smile at least once a day!