教案课程名称新生代英语基础教程 1课 时 _班 级 _专 业 _教 师 _系 部 _教研室 _教学计划教学Unit 4 Thats a good deal.Unit 4 Thats a good deal.单元单元、“ Clothes and shopping Clothes and shopping Show Time Show TimeThats a good deal. ReadingReading王题Bargai ning教 Chat TimeChat Time学You are in luck内 WritingWriting容A poster GrammarGrammarComparative and superlative adjectives My Story My StoryClothing教学目标WarmWarmupupTo get students to talkabout the main topic ofthis unit in acomfortable and relaxedmanner教学活动建议 Have students look at the pictures and ask themto tell you as much as they can about it.Review the words about clothes and colors.Then, match the pictures to the words.Vocabulary BuilderVocabulary BuilderA and BA and BTo teach students newvocabulary related toclothing and shopping.Have the students listen and repeat thewords. Students should be familiar with thewords pants, jacket and price. You mayneed to spend more time on the wordsdiscount, manager and sales clerk. Spend alittle more time explaining the meaning ofthese words. For the worddiscount, you canalso show that in Western countries weusually use the word off、for example,“These shirts are 20% off, means there is adiscount of 20% In some countries, suchas Taiwan and Japan, the 20% can mean youpay 20% of the original price (thus it is infact 80% off).Once students seem comfortable with thevocabulary, have them do the exercises, andcorrect any errors.CandDCandDTo improve studentslistening andcomprehension skillsTell the students they will hear two peopletalking in a clothing store. Make sure theyknow that Dimitri is the male speaker andSarah is the female (remember that namescan be difficult for ESL learners).Now listen to the conversation and havestudents complete the sentences. Correctany mistakes and then go through theUsefulExpressions. For the Useful Expressionssection, you can role-play a clothing store inthe class. Lay out some items and havestudents come to the front and buy themfrom you. In addition, you could findpictures of clothing in magazines, cut themup and give them to the class. They can thenrole-play buyingand selling the items in pairs. For exercise D, provide some pictures of clothesand ask students to classify these pictures.Encourage them to add more categories.Show TimeShow TimeA ATo teach studentslistening and speakingskills through the use ofvideoHave students watch the pictures and try todescribe them. You can do the first picture,and then have a more confide nt student trythe second one. To make it more fun, youcould choose two students, and then havethem race to explain what is happening inthe picture. The student with the fastest andbest explanation wins.Then have them match the sentences to thepictures.B, Cand DB, Cand DTo improve studentslisteningcomprehension throughthe use of video9First, have the students watch the video in itsentirety Ask basic comprehensionquestions such as, “Who are the maincharacters in this video?55 Where arethey? What are they doing? Why arethey doing that?55 How are they doing it?Watch the video. Point out that a newcharacter (Mr. Sanchez, Hectors father) isin the video. To make sure students know,you can pause the video when all threecharacters are on screen and asking thename of each one.Now look at Exercise B. pkiy the video againand have them finish the exercise. Correctany errors.Next, students can complete the dialoguein exercise C Have two students read outthe dialogue with one student playing therole of Hector and the other as MateoAnother way to do this is to have half theclass (for example all the boys) readMateo5s lines and half the class (all thegirls) read Hectors lines Finally, have students put the sentences in orderto make a conversation in Exercise D.ReadingReadingA, Band CA, Band CToimprovestudentsreading comprehensionHave students go through the text quickly.Ask students if they know what bargainmeans. If they are not sure, you can explainthe meaning and act out a few examplesPick a confident student and have him or herbargain with you.Then have them read the text carefully andfinish Exercise B Ask them to explainwhy some sentences are wrong.Before they do Exercise C, have studentsread words given. Explain if they cannotunderstand.D, E and FD, E and FTo get the studentscomfortable whenspeaking English andlearn about bargainingPut the students in pairs and have thempractice bargaining One student acts asthe customer and the other as the sellerReview the words in the boxes together.Explain when they cannot understand.Students work in pair to find the words inFor Exercise D and E, divide students intogroups of four and discuss strategies whenthey bargain. Try to express these strategiesin English with Exercise D as a reference the alphabetic picture. The pair first to finishthe task wins.Chat TimeChat TimeTo improve studentslistening, speaking,writing and acting skillsthrough the use ofconversationExplain to students that they will hear aconversation between two peoplediscussing the purchase of a suit. Introducethe key vocabulary words for thisconversation. Tell the students to listencarefully and write down what they hear inExercise A. If necessary, pause therecording so that students have time towrite.Now have students read through theLanguage Note J teaching the expressionyou are in / out of luck.Ask students if theyhave been in luck or out of luck recently.Students practice expression in Exercise B inpairHave students read the conversation inExercise C and explain the UsefulLanguage. Students practice conversationsin pair, one as the customer and the other asthe seller. Try to use expression in UsefulLanguage.WritingWritingTo improve students9writing skills and learnto design a posterThe teacher brings some sample posters toclass. Have students discuss what should beon a poster Guide the students torecognize the key information on the posterfrom Exercise A and highlight it. Then havestudents complete the poster Check theiranswers.Divide students into several groups and havethem discuss the information on the posterof Sunrise Mall. Exchange whatthey have found Complete Exercise B. Have students design a poster for a clothingstore in groups with Exercise A as areference. Conduct a peer evaluation whenthey finishedGrammarTo teach students howto use comparative andsuperlative adjectivesExplain to students that we use thecomparative adjectives when we want toshow how two things are different. Giveseveral examples. For example, you maybring to students of different height to thefront of the class asking who is taller /shorter, or who has longer / shorter hair.You could also compare objects such asbooks, rulers, etc.Next, you should introduce the spellingrules for the comparative. Write er, doubleconsonant er. y ier, more and irregular onthe board Now go through each rule, firstputting up an example for each rule yourselfand then have students do the same. Remindstudents that a consonant is any letter thatisnt a vowel (a9匕z, o, u). Also point outthat the word irregular means notnormal】This is because iiregular words donot follow any of the normal spelling rules.To make this more fun, you can play a gamein which you say an adjective and twostudents race to write the correctcomparative form on the whiteboardIntroduce the spelling rules for thesuperlative in a similar way.When students seem comfortable with thespelling of the comparative form, have themcomplete the exercises, correctingany mistakes.My StoryTo improve students9listeningcomprehension andspeaking ability throughthe use of videoHave students go through Exercise A and Band predict what they are talking about.Remind them to pay attention to key words,such as fashion, shirt”, “shoes, “scarf,and “black.Now watch the video and have studentscomplete the true or false statements. Insome cases, you may need to pause thevideo to help the students.Now have students tell you the answers,correcting any mistakes. Watch the videoagain and have students write in the missingwords, pausing the video if necessary.Check the students9 answers, correcting anymistakes. Have them read Exercise B.For Exercise C, first give an exampleAlejandras favorite piece of clothing is thescarf that his grandmother made for himThen ask students what are their favoriteclothes. Practice next two questions in thesame way. Allow students to makeconversations in pair or move freely in classto ask their classmates.课后学习设计作业Finish all the exercises in Unit 4.Read the text in this unit again andsummarise its content.Design a poster for a recent class activity.课后总结与反思补充教学资源VOCABULARY BUILDERVOCABULARY BUILDERA 参考译文莎拉:你好,迪米特里,看看这件衬衫如何,只要20美元!迪米特里:实际上我觉得还不到20美元。莎拉:啊,是吗,为什么?迪米特里:店里所有衬衫都有折扣,一律降价20%o莎拉:减20%, 20美元让我想想那就是说这件衬衫只卖16美元!迪米特里:那太划算了!莎拉:哦,那我就买这件。迪米特里:太好了,或许我也要买一件SHOW TIMESHOW TIME语言解析1. 1. And pretty soon ril be promoted to managerAnd pretty soon ril be promoted to manager而且,很快我就要被提升为经理了。pretty soon很快,不久e.g.e.g. Pretty soon, youll know exactly what works best for your team.很快,你就将会知道什么工作最适合你的团队了。2. 2. Thafs a pretty good deal.Thafs a pretty good deal.这很划算。good deal价钱划算e.g. Ie.g. I got a really good deal on my new computer.我的新计算机买得十分划算。3. 3. And it goes with your suit.And it goes with your suit.它很配你的西装。go with与 . 相配e-ge-g Black can go with any colors.黑色能跟任何颜色搭配。4. 4. The normal price is $40 but today theyThe normal price is $40 but today they,re on sale.re on sale.原价是4040美元,但今天促销。on sale低价销售e.g.e.g. Bedding usually goes on sale in January.寝具通常在1月份降价出售。MORE NOTEMORE NOTEannual sale周年庆Thanksgiving sale感恩节特卖会winter sale冬季特卖会Christmas sale圣诞节特卖会end-of-season sale换季特卖summer sale夏季特卖会spring sale春季特卖会百货商店会因特殊的节庆、季节更迭等因素而举行特卖会。常见的特卖会有:A 参考译文玛特奥:有什么能帮你吗?赫克托:马特奥,原来你在这里工作啊。你是个销售员吗?玛特奥:我们喜欢叫自己销售专家,而且,很快我就要被提升为经理了。桑切斯先生:赫克托仍然在找工作。事实上,这就是为什么我们在这里的原因, 他需要一件新的外套。赫克托:是的,外套要合适,但不需要很正式。玛特奥:好的,你来对地方了。你很幸运,因为所有衣服都打7折。赫克托:太棒了,这件夹克打折后多少钱?玛特奥:让我看看,标签价格是160美元,30%折扣是48美元,所以折后价格112美元。桑切斯先生:这真划算啊。赫克托:我老爸付钱,所以越便宜越好。玛特奥:好的,这件外套更便宜,才150美元。桑切斯先生:折后105美元。玛特奥:是的。赫克托:我喜欢这件,是的,非常喜欢,我还需要裤子和一条领带。玛特奥:这里有一条很好的裤子,原价是40美元,但今天促销,只要25美元。 这里也有一条蓝色领带,面试戴蓝色领带是很好的选择。赫克托:10美元,我以前没有买过领带,这个价格合适吗?玛特奥:原价是18美元,你省了8美元。赫克托:那样的话,我买2条,一条蓝色一条红色。现在我还需要一件衬衫。玛特奥:你穿什么尺码?赫克托:我通常穿中码,但是有时我穿大码,这取决于衬衫的尺寸。玛特奥:这是一件口色的礼服衬衫,大码的。我认为它适合你,也很配你的外套。赫克托:要多少钱?玛特奥:22.5美元,原价是27.5美元,你省了5美元。所有的这些衣服你一共 省了86美元。赫克托:这个价我肯定我老爸会很高兴的。是吧,老爸?桑切斯先生:你认为这件怎样?它只要20美元。赫克托:一件黄色的保罗衫,和我的外套配吗?桑切斯先生:我不是说给你买,是给我自己买。READINGA 背景知识In Asia,the Middle East and other places, people bargain just about everything fromfood to clothing. They are truly master bargainers. So it seems they are born to benegotiators.By contrast, Americans dont have enough confidence in bargain. They have lesschance to practice because they only negotiate about two items, namely, houses and cars.Because they frequently bargain on those infrequently purchased items, they are reallyinexperienced bargainers. They are jealous of those who are good at bargaining andalways get discounts wherever they go. In fact, they dont know good bargainers are notnatural born but well trained.A 参考译文W“砍价”指买卖双方对商品价格的讨论。通常情况下,买方希望以较低价格买进 商品,而卖方则希望以较高价格售岀商品。这就是砍价的由来。你知道如何砍价吗?以下儿点或许对你有帮助。1.首先,知道在哪些地方可以砍价。有些地方,如户外市场,十分适合砍价。 而像百货商店这样的场所则不合适。2.第二,砍价的时候总是以现金的方式结账。如果你支付的是现金,通常可以 得到一个较低的价位。3.第三,尽量尝试正确的折扣力度。如果刚开始就狮子大开口要求打五折,卖 家可能会牛气。先试试七五折,如若店家不同意,再提高到八折、八五折,然后 九折。4.最后,不要害怕离开!有时,店家看你不买了要走,他可能会妥协,同意给 你低价。CHAT TIME参考译文爱德华:你好!我想买一件适合面试时穿的止式点的服装。安妮:嗯,你真幸运。今天我们商场大减价。爱德华:太好了!这套西装多少钱?安妮:正常价格是200美元,但是今天打五折。爱德华:那么它只要100美元?太便宜了!我买了。安妮:先生,您还需要买其他的东四吗?爱德华:那要看看你们还有什么特价商品。安妮:我们肯定有,请跟我来。MY STORY参考译文宝拉:我喜欢赶吋髦。我喜欢打扮得漂漂亮亮的,但时尚不是一切。布拉德:这是我最喜欢的衬衣。我喜欢它因为它是黄色的,很亮丽。这件衬衣仅 花了五美元,是在一家旧衣店买的。戴夫:我最喜欢的衣物是一一当然了一一我的鞋子。我都快穿了五年了。当时大 约二十美元买的。凯瑟琳:我喜欢穿休闲装,像牛仔和运动衫,但上班的时候只能穿更止式点的, 像裤子或西服这类的。我喜欢穿颜色亮丽点的,但也喜欢穿黑色系的。丹尼斯:我穿衣很随便,所以牛仔装更让我放松。我大爱黑色系的衣服,因为显 瘦。哈娜:我喜欢穿黑色、紫色和白色的衣服。朱莉安娜:我最喜欢穿黑色和红色的衣服,就像这件。亚历杭德拉:我最喜欢的衣物是我奶奶给我做的围巾,特别暖和。