2022山西工程硕士(GCT)考试模拟卷本卷共分为1大题50小题,作答时间为180分钟,总分100分,60分及格。一、单项选择题(共50题,每题2分。每题的备选项中,只有一个最符合题意) 1.In order to () your goals, you must work hard.AsucceedBgetCarriveDachieve2.If two countries are at war and a third country chooses not to take sides, the third country may declare itself ().AmiddleBcentralCneutralDintermediate3.We'll have to get out and call a taxi; my car's ().Abroken downBcut downCpulled downDrun down4.Mathematics is still the necessary () for the management of nature.AimplementBimplicationCillustrationDappliance5.Kindness and honesty are the most important () a man can have.AhabitsBcustomsCqualitiesDquantities6.People are more likely to accept the decision if they are () in making it.AdevotedBinvolvedCconnectedDassociated7.I looked at a number of spoons which were () out in front of me, trying to find out the right one for the soup.AliedBlainClaidDlanded8.In the past, consumers were often cheated or () into buying goods by business firms and they could hardly do anything about it.AconfusedBmisledCforcedDpuzzled9.Shanghai, New York and Tokyo are () populated cities.AcloselyBcrowdedlyCdenselyDsolidly10.They acknowledged him to be the true God.()AreceivedBadmittedCthoughtDbelieved11.Nigel is carrying out research on early Christian art.()AorganizingBadvocatingCconductingDproposing12.Some drugs taken in large quantities can cause permanent brain damage.()AtemporaryBlastingCdangerousDserious13.The Basque separatist movement is waging a campaign against the Government.()AconductingBplanningCpayingDengaging14.A judgement may be revised or reversed in the light of some particular action.()AchangedBovertakenCresolvedDresumed15.The safety factor is primary in all underwater operations.()AperfectBthe full viewCmaximumDprincipal16.At the end of the discussion, he summed up and added a few points.()AtotaledBabstractedCsummarizedDexplained17.There is widespread speculation that he is going to resign.()AgeneralBvastCsecretDvarious18.The duty of a soldier is to defend his country.()AresistBassureCguardDcontribute19.Behind these obvious ridiculous motives to anti-Jewish attitudes there was a deeper cause.()AunreasonableBsadCreasonableDencouraging20.As early as 1637 Ohio made a decision that free, tax supported schools must be established in every town _ 40 households or more.AhavingBto haveCto have hadDhaving had 21.People appreciate _ with him because he has a good sense of humor.Ato workBto have workedCworkingDhaving worked 22.All flights _ because of the snowstorm, many passengers could do nothing but take the train.Ahad been canceledBhave been canceledCwere canceledDhaving been canceled 23.The number of the employees _ in this company.Ahave doubledBhas doubledCare doubledDwere doubled 24.The stock _ in value should be sold.Awhich has not increasedBhas not increasedCnot been increasingDwho has not increased 25.The manager needs an assistant who he can _ to take care of problems in his absence.Acount onBcount inCcount upDcount out 26.Since the matter was extremely _, we dealt with it immediately.AtoughBtenseCurgentDinstant 27.It is said that John's two daughters or his wife _ to the city where he had an accident.AgoingBare goingCwere goingDwas going 28.The man in the comer confessed to _ a lie to the manager of the company.Ahave toldBbe toldCbeing toldDhaving told 29.These excursions will give you an even deeper _ into our language and culture.AinquiryBinvestigationCinputDinsight 30.Man: _ Woman: No.but it's a non-smoking section, I'm afraid.ACigaretteBMind if I have a smoke hereCIs this a smoking zoneDIs smoking allowed in here 31.Man: What's the noise upstairs Woman: It seems they're wrestling. Man: _AI can't stand it any more.BI don't like it.CWhat a shame!DIt's a storm in a tea cup. 32.A: May I use your phone for a local call B: _, sir!AAsk me anotherBCertainly, by no meansCIt's out of the questionDAs you wish 33.James: Hey, how was the Italian restaurant you tried last night Bill: It was wonderful. _AThey offer very cheap food.BI highly recommend it.CI bet I like it.DThey don't have seafoo 34.Receptionist: _ Caller: Hello. I'd like to book a double-room for next weekend.AHello. Can I help youBJust a moment, please.CGood morning, Royal Hotel.DHello. This is Joanne Taylor speakin 35.Peter: Haven't seen you for weeks. _ Pat: Can' t complain.AI'm very happy to see you again.BHow are thingsCFancy meeting you here.DHave you been very busy 36.Max: I never knew Nick is so fault-finding. Scott: You didn't _AI've known him for some time.BWhat a shame.CBless you.DI'm fed up with his complaints. 37.Patient: I strained my back the other day working in the garden. Doctor: _AWhy so carelessBWell, you need an X-ray.CWhen did it startDWell, go and stay in be 38.James: How's Kelly doing Joan: _AShe is doing housework right now.BHer husband is ten years older than she is.CHer husband works for ZIGUANG, and she is married.DShe's married, and her husband is an engineer. 39.Jean: Hello, Wilson, this is Jean. Listen, Wilson. Ted: _AJust a minute, let me get a pencil.BI beg your pardon. Who is it, pleaseCSpeaking.DGood morning. Greenwood Car Rental. 40.对下列各句运用的修辞手法分析不正确的一项是_。A幻想有时把我们周围的外物夺去,虽然有一千个喇叭向我们吹也听不见。(拟人、夸张)B关于我们自己我们能知道什么关于未来知道得更少!(设问)C一个家庭中没有书籍,等于一问房子里没有窗户。(比喻)D生命是可爱的,但寒冷的、寂寞的生,却不如轰轰烈烈的死。(对照) 41.对下列词语意义的解释,正确的一项是_。A言路(向政府提出批评建议的途径) 言归于好(彼此重新和好) 言谈(说话,也指说话的内容和态度) 畅所欲言(痛痛快快说出想说的话) B学者(学术上有一定成就的人) 才疏学浅(见识不广,学问不深) 学业(学习的功课和成绩) 不学无术(没有学问,没有本领) C漫游(缓缓地走,慢慢地游) 漫无边际(非常广阔,一眼望不到边) 散漫(随随便便,不守纪律) 漫山遍野(遍布山野,形容很多) D名声(在社会上流传的好的评价) 名正言顺(名义正当,道理讲得通) 名堂(道理,内容) 莫名其妙(无人能理解其中的奥妙) 42.下列关于水资源严重缺乏区分布的叙述正确的是_。A整个非洲大陆B中东地区C亚洲南部三大半岛D南美洲陆地宽广区 43.下面词语中加点字注音无误的一项是_。A间隔 (jiàn) 鞭笞(tà) 塑造(sù) 扁舟(pin)B难堪(kn) 怂恿(sng) 虽然(su) 毗邻(pí)C怔怔(zhng) 撮合(cu) 讥诮(qiào) 祛除(q)D滑稽(j) 辖制(xiá) 鲜见(xin) 星宿ùxin) 44.企业经营者能够把市场盲点变成亮点,这表明_。A事物之间存在着先行后续的因果关系B事物都有一个变化发展的过程C人的主观能动性是巨大的D规律是事物运动过程中的必然联系 45.下列各句中加点词运用正确的一句是_。A素质教育,不只是学校的事,而是整个社会的事B李白成等起义领袖内部不团结,贪图享受,严重脱离了群众,而起义失败了C由于大量捕杀,以至这种珍贵的动物逐年减少,现已濒于灭绝D为什么有的学校对学生反映的学业负担过重的问题置之不理呢 46.甲被宣告死亡后,其妻乙改嫁于丙,其后丙死亡。1年后乙确知甲仍然在世,遂向法院申请撤销对甲的死亡宣告。依我国法律,该死亡宣告撤销后,甲与乙原有的婚姻关系应_。A自行恢复B不得自行恢复C经乙同意后恢复D经甲同意后恢复 47.“曾经沧海难为水,除却巫山不是云。”出自_。A离思B寒菊C示子聿D蝶恋花 48.在公司制企业中,经理人员的行为激励措施不当,也同样会引起短期行为。以下的激励手段最有利于促进企业经营行为的长期化的是_。A工资B奖金C奖金和股权D股票和股票期权 49.下列各句中没有错别字的一项是:A李书记的一席话,使他改变了对青年人的片面看法,鼓起了工作的勇气。B就在离车站不远处,有一条小街,一个接一个摊子,摆出来的全是泊来品。C乐曲速度有如脉膊,忽快忽慢是不正常的,这是有病的表征。D来人不过五十多岁,但一脸的沧桑感,连眼角也明显松驰下来。 50.下列各句中表意明确的一句是_。A局长嘱咐几个学校的领导,要团结广大师生,勇于开拓进取,新学期的工作一定要有新的起色B在专业研究、实验方面有优势的单位,有派出讲学人员、接受访问学者、举办训练班以及对其他协作单位提供帮助的义务C英国雷丁大学一位名叫朱利安·文森特的生物学家和一位复合材料专家领导的科研小组正在从事这项研究D张淘最近这段时间可烦了,班里的同学谁也不搭理他第18页 共18页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页第 18 页 共 18 页