雅思阅读题型技巧汇总篇雅思阅读题型技巧汇总篇Section 1Section 1List of headingsList of headings 标题对应题标题对应题解题步骤:解题步骤:1. 1. 将例子所在的选项从选项列表中划去,同时,不读例子所在的段落。将例子所在的选项从选项列表中划去,同时,不读例子所在的段落。每个选项最多只能用一次,也就是说,两个段落的小标题不可能是一个选项。这是因为不同段落的主旨肯定是不同的, 原文将他们分为不同的段落, 就是要分别说不同的内容。如果两段的主旨相同,即表达的中心思想一致,应该将它们合为一段,是没有必要分为两段的。 有时, 这类题目的要求中有这样一句话: You may use any heading more than once (你可以使用任何小标题超过一次)。这句话纯属误导,也就是说,即使题目的要求中有这句话或类似的话,任何选项也不可能被使用两次以上。既然每个选项最多只能用一次, 所以例子所在的段落已经使用的选项是不会被其它段落使用的,将其划去,以免被其它的段落误选。而且在选其它段落的答案时,可以不看该选项,节省时间。例子所在的段落已经给出了小标题,所以不必阅读该段落了,以免浪费时间,直接从下一段读起。2. 2. 先看选项,划出每个选项的关键词。先看选项,划出每个选项的关键词。3. 3. 后看文章,读一段话,做一道题。后看文章,读一段话,做一道题。4. 4. 读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇。正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,要抓住该段话的主题句和核心词汇。正确答案常常是主题句的改写。读每段话时,并不是该段话全要仔细阅读。这样,既浪费时间,也不容易抓住重点。应该抓住该段话的主题句。先读该段话的第一句,然后,与选项列表中的各选项一一对应,确定正确答案,正确选项一般是该句话的改写。如果答案不能确定,应再读该段话的第二句,然后,与选项列表中的各选项一一对应。如果答案还是不能确定,应再读该段话的最后一句,再与选项列表中的各选项一一对应。如果还是找不着正确的答案,则就需要阅读整段话了。据统计,段落的主题句在第一句的可能性超过50,段落的主题句在第二句的可能性为 20,段落的主题句在最后一句的可能性超过20。也就是说,按照上述方法做这种题型,读完该段话的第一句,就能在选项列表中找出该段话的 Heading,这种可能性超过50。整段话都需要阅读的可能性不到10。这个做题方法不仅有统计数据的体据,还有理论的基础。英文的段落展开方法比较简单,主要有两种:演绎法(Deductive Method)及归纳法(Inductive Method)。演绎法演绎法指的是由观点到例子及论据,所以主题句在该段话的第一句,但有时,第一句是个过渡性或描述性的句子,主题句有可能放在该段话的第二句,总之,主题句在第一句或第二句,都是演绎法。归纳法归纳法是指由例子及论据到观点,所以主题句在该段话的最后一句。70左右的段落1是用演绎法写的,而且其中绝大部分主题句在第一句。20左右的段落是用归纳法写的。5. 5. 某段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去。某段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去。上文讲过,每个选项最多只能用一次,也就是说,不可能两个段落的小标题是一个选项。所以,一段话的答案确定后,将它的选项从选项列表中划去,以免被误选为其他段落的小标题。而且在选其它段落的答案时,可以不看该选项,节省时间。注意:注意:1. 1. 如果答案不确定,先将可能正确的选项全部选出。如果答案不确定,先将可能正确的选项全部选出。如果一个段落的答案不确定,应将它们先都选出来,写在题目的旁边,再往下做。这样做的好处是,下面某一段的答案确定后,便能推断出上面段落的答案来。因为,我们在前面讲过,每个选项最多只能用一次,也就是说,不可能两个段落的小标题是一个选项。例如:第二段的答案可能是B 或 D,但你能够确定第四段的答案是D,所以,第二段的答案就是 B 了。即使第二段后面各段落的 Heading 都不是 B 或 D,最后在确定第二段的Heading 时,也是从 B 和 D 中选择一个。2. 2. 干扰选项的特点是:段落中未展开说明的细节。干扰选项的特点是:段落中未展开说明的细节。作为干扰选项出现的常常是段落中提到的细节, 但我们要找的是段落的主旨。 这更说明做这种题要抓住段落的主题句,而不是整个段落全看。否则,特别容易受到干扰选项的误导。3. 3. 如果主题句比较复杂如果主题句比较复杂( (如复合句如复合句) ),应重点看主句部分。,应重点看主句部分。有时主题句是比较复杂的复合句,如果理解有困难,应集中精力看主句部分,正确答案应来自主句。4. 4. 主题句中常常有如下的句式:主题句中常常有如下的句式:AlthoughWhileDespiteDespite the fact中文意思是: “虽然,但是” 。前面是个让步状语从句,后面是主句,要说明的观点在主句中。例:例: 某段话的主题句为:However, despite the importance of the recruitment decision and the range ofsophisticated and more objective selection techniques available, including the use ofpsychometric tests, assessment centres etc.,many organisations are still prepared to make thisdecision on the basis of a single 30 to 45 minutes unstructured interview正确答案为:The unstructured interview and its validity.5. 5. 如果主题句中有如果主题句中有 showshow 和和 suggestsuggest 等词,应重点看其后的宾语从句。等词,应重点看其后的宾语从句。show、suggest 是“表明” 、 “说明”的意思,其后的宾语从句往往是要说明的观点,是该段话的主旨。例:例:某段话的主题句为:Despite the significant increase in the number of women with dependent children who are in2the paid workforce,Australian research studies over the last 15 years are consistent in showingthat divisions of labour for family work are very rigid indeed (Watson l991) 讲解: 关键词是 rigid, 在本句中的意思是固定不变的。 正确答案为:The unchanged roleof the female parent.6. 6. 如果主题句是如果主题句是notnot only.only., butbut alsoalso 句型,应重点看句型,应重点看butbut alsoalso 后面的部分。后面的部分。 notnotonlyonly but alsobut also 的意思是“不仅而且”的意思是“不仅而且” ,常用来承上启下。,常用来承上启下。not onlynot only 后面的部分后面的部分是“承上”是“承上” ,即上一段的主旨,即上一段的主旨,but alsobut also 后面的部分是“启下”后面的部分是“启下” ,即本段话的主旨。所以,即本段话的主旨。所以,应重点看应重点看 but alsobut also 后面的部分。后面的部分。例:例:某段话的主题句为:Diversity exists not only between cultures, but also within a single culture讲解:本句用来承上启下。not only 后面的部分是“承上” ,即上一段的主旨是:多样性存在于不同的文化之间,but also 后面的部分是“启下” ,即本段话的主旨是:多样性存在于同一文化之中。正确选项为:Variation within cultures。7. 7. 问句不会是主题句问句不会是主题句问句通常作为引题,是过渡性的句子。所以,在做 Headings 题时,如果某个段落的第一句、第二句或最后一句是问句,应该忽略,不用阅读,肯定不是主题句。圈某段话的第一句为:Should police assume all the responsibility for ensuring a rapid response?讲解:此句虽然是该段话的第一句,但因为是问句,所以不用看,肯定不是主题句,直接看该话的第二句即可。8. 8. 举例子的句子不会是主题句举例子的句子不会是主题句英文文章讲究以理服人,经常用例证法,即举个例子来论述自己的观点。所以,在阅读文章中,经常有以 For example 开始的句子。请同学们注意,举例子的句子是用来解释说明观点的,它不会是段落的主题句。所以,在做 Headings 题时,如果某个段落的第一句、第二句或最后一句是举例子的句子,应该忽略,不用阅读,肯定不是主题句。例例:For example,it has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood ofarrest only if responses are in the order of l2 minutes after a call is received by the police 9. 9. 正确答案应是主题句的改写,与主题句特别一致的选项应引起怀疑。正确答案应是主题句的改写,与主题句特别一致的选项应引起怀疑。正确答案应是主题句的改写,所以与主题句中的某些词特别一致的选项应不是正确答案。例:例:某段话的第一句(主题句)为:Overall, female students outnumbered male students in the survey3有一个选项为:LFemale Students例:例:某段话的第一句(主题句)为:While student visa holders took either 1029 week or 40 week courses,most students onworking holiday and tourist visas took courses Of less than 10 weeks ,or from 10 to 19weeks in length容易误选的选项为:HVisas正确选项为:BLength of courses10.10. 如果需要阅读整个段落,应重点阅读该段落中的重点词句如果需要阅读整个段落,应重点阅读该段落中的重点词句并不是每个段落都有主题句,有 10左右的 Headings 是必须阅读整段才能找出的。受英语水平的限制,如果阅读整个段落有困难,应重点阅读段落中的如下内容:(1) 反复出现的词(2) 括号里的词(3) 引号里的词(4) 黑体词(5) 斜体词ExampleExample:Questions 1 5Questions 1 5The Nature of DisputesThe Nature of Disputes has 6 sections. Choose the most suitable heading for each section fromthe list of headings (ixiiixii) below.Write the appropriate numbers(i-xii(i-xii) in boxes 1 51 5 on your answer sheet.N.B. There are more headings than sections so you will not use all of them.N.B. There are more headings than sections so you will not use all of them.List of HeadingsList of Headings. . . .The cost of adjudicationHandling rights-based disputesPunishing acts of aggression. .The role of dependence in disputes. .The role of arbitrators. .Methods of settling conflicting interests. .Ensuring choice for consumers. .Fulfilling employees needs. .The use of negotiation for different dispute types. .Advantages of negotiation over mediationxi xixiixii1 1The role of power in settling disagreementsDisagreement of interestsSection A A42 23 34 45 5Section B BSection D DSection E ESection F FExampleExampleSectionSectionC CAnswerAnswerix ixTHE NATURE OF DISPUTESTHE NATURE OF DISPUTESTo resolve a dispute means to turn opposing positions into a single outcome. The two parties maychoose to focus their attention on one or more of three basic factors. They may seek to ( 1 )reconcile their interests, ( 2 ) determine who is right, and/or ( 3 ) determine who is more powerful.Section ASection AInterests are needs, desires, concerns, fears_the things one cares about or wants. They providethe foundation for a persons or an organisations position in a dispute. In a dispute, not only do theinterests of one party not coincide with those of the other party, but they are in conflict. Forexample, the director of sales for an electronics company gets into a dispute with the director ofmanufacturing over the number of TV models to produce. The director of sales wants to producemore models because her interest is in selling TV sets; more models mean more choice forconsumers and hence increased sales. The director of manufacturing, however, wants to producefewer models. His interest is in decreasing manufacturing costs and more models mean highercosts.Section BSection BReconciling such interests is not easy. It involves probing for deeply rooted concerns, devisingcreative solutions, and making trade-offs and compromises where interests are opposed. The mostcommon procedure for doing this is negotiation, the act of communication intended to reachagreement. Another interests-based procedure is mediation, in which a third party assists thedisputants, the two sides in the dispute, in reaching agreement.5Section CSection CBy no means do all negotiations (or mediations) focus on reconciling interests. Some negotiationsfocus on determining who is fight, such as when two lawyers argue about whose case has thegreater merit. Other negotiations focus on determining who is more powerful, such as whenquarrelling neighbours or nations exchange threats and counter threats. Often negotiations involvea mix of all three - some attempts to satisfy interests, some discussion of fights, and somereferences to relative power.Section DSection DIt is often complicated to attemptto determine who is right in a dispute. Although it is usuallystraightforward where fights are formalized in law, other fights take the form of unwritten butsocially accepted standards of behaviour, such as reciprocity, precedent, equality, and seniority.There are often different - and sometimes contradictory - standards that apply to fights. Reachingagreement on fights, where the outcome will determine who gets what, can often be so difficultthat the parties frequently mm to a third party to determine who is right. The most typical fightsprocedure is adjudication, in which disputants present evidence and arguments to a neutral thirdparty who has the power to make a decision that must be followed by both disputants. (Inmediation, by contrast, the third party does not have the power to decide the dispute.) Publicadjudication is provided by courtsand administrative agencies. Private adjudication is providedby arbitrators.Section ESection EA third way to resolve a dispute is on the basis of power. We define power, somewhat narrowly, asthe ability to pressure someone to do something he would not otherwise do. Exercising powertypically means imposing costs on the other side or threatening to do so. The exercise of powertakes two common forms: acts of aggression, such as physical attack, and withholding the benefitsthat derive from a relationship, as when employees stop working in a strike.Section FSection FIn relationships of mutual dependence, such as between labour and management or within anorganisation or a family, the question of who is more powerful turns on who is less dependent onthe other. If a company needs the employees work more than employees need the companys pay,the company is more dependent and hence less powerful. How dependent one is turns on howsatisfactory the alternatives are for satisfying ones interests. The better the alternative, the less6dependent one is. If it is easier for the company to replace striking employees than it is for strikingemployees to find new jobs, the company is less dependent and thereby more powerful.Determining who is the more powerful party without a decisive and potentially destructive powercontest is difficult because power is ultimately a matter of perceptions.Section 2Section 2判断题判断题 (True/False/Not Given)(True/False/Not Given)题型概述题型概述: :判断题是雅思阅读的特色。它有 3 种答案:对(TRUE)、错(FALSE)和没有提到(NOTGIVEN)中国考生容易混淆后两种答案。解题步骤:解题步骤:Step 1Step 1:定位,找出题目在原文中的出处。1 1找出题目中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。找出题目中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。将题目中的关键词与原文各段落的小标题或每段话的第一句相对照。 有些题目能先定位到原文中的一个段落,这必将大大加快解题时间, 并提高准确率。但并不是每个题目都能先定位到原文中的一个段落的。2 2 从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题目中的其他关键词,在原文中找出与题目相关的一从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题目中的其他关键词,在原文中找出与题目相关的一句话或几句话句话或几句话。确定一个段落后,答案在该段落中的具体位置是未知的。 所以,需要从头到尾快速阅读该段落,找出该段落中与题目相关的一句话或几句话,通常是一句话。3 3仔细阅读这一句话或几句话,根据第二大步中的原则和规律,确定正确答案。4 4要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。题目是有顺序性的。 第一题的答案应在文章的前部, 第二题的答案应在第一题的答案之后。这个规律也有助于同学们确定答案的位置。Step2Step2:根据下列原则和规律,确定正确答案笔者尽可能将规律总结得详细些,使同学们能够对号入座,加快解题的速度和准确率。请同学们要灵活地理解。特别强调:特别强调:判断题定位后只能以原文为依据判断题干为对 (TRUE)、错(FALSE)或没有提到(NOTGIVEN),不要联想自己的常识或专业知识。解决方案解决方案:灵活熟练运用判断题原则7TRUETRUE原则原则 1 1:题干在用词、结构、含义等方面都与原文保持一致:题干在用词、结构、含义等方面都与原文保持一致 ( (很少见很少见) ),答案选,答案选 TRUE.TRUE.公式:公式:AAAA 语言重现。语言重现。1. 1.The term of formal learning is used to refer to all learning which takes place in theclassroom,irrespective of whether such learning is informed by conservative or progressiveideologies. Informal learning on the other hand is used to refer to learning which takes placeoutside the classroomQ:Q:Informal learning takes place outside the classroom.原则原则 2 2:题干与原文含义相同,但用词,结构不同。:题干与原文含义相同,但用词,结构不同。公式:公式:ABAB 语言重现语言重现2. 2.Research in Britain has shown that green consumers continue to flourish as a significantgroup amongst shoppers. This suggests that politicians who claim environmentalism isyesterdays issue may be seriously misjudging the public mood.Q:Q:The research findings report commercial rather than political trends.3. 3.The traditional images of the male breadwinner and female housewife and mother may bebreaking down among females but this process is occurring more slowly among males.Q Q:Men accept changing perceptions of traditional gender roles more slowly than women do.4. 4.The underlying assumption in creating the General Assembly was that the airingof disputes among nations could contribute to the pacific settlement of thosedisputes as well as to peaceful changes in the international system.Q Q:The founders of the UN felt that debating in the General Assembly could help solvedisputes.原则原则 3 3:题干是原文的归纳与总结,答案选:题干是原文的归纳与总结,答案选TRUE.TRUE.公式:公式:A A,B B,C CD D 语言重现。语言重现。(D=A, B, C)(D=A, B, C)5. 5.It has been demonstrated that rapid response leads to a greater likelihood of an arrest only ifresponses are in the order of 12 minutes after a call is received by the police. When responsetimes increase to 34 minutes-still quite a rapid response -the likelihood of an arrest issubstantially reduced.Q:Q:A response delay of 12 minutes may have substantial influence on whether or no, asuspected criminal is caught.Response TimeResponse TimeLikelihoodLikelihood_12 minutes12 minutesgreatergreater34 minutes34 minutesreducedreduceda response delay of 12 minutesa response delay of 12 minutesinfluencedinfluenced_86.16.1Language in formal learning plays a critical role as the major channel for informationLanguage in formal learning plays a critical role as the major channel for informationexchange.exchange. Success in the classroom, where formal learning takes place, requires a studentto master this abstract code. As Bernstein (1969: 152) noted, the language of the classroomis more similar to the language used by middle-class families than that used byworking-class families. Middle-class children thus find it easier to acquire the language ofthe classroom than their working-class peers.6.26.2Informal learning, in contrast, occurs in the setting to which it relates, making learningInformal learning, in contrast, occurs in the setting to which it relates, making learningimmediately relevant. In this context, language does not occupy such an important role:immediately relevant. In this context, language does not occupy such an important role:the childs experience of learning is more holistic, involving sight, touch, taste, andsmell-senses that are underutilised in the classroom.Q:Q:Language does not occupy as important a role in informal learning as it does in formallearning.FALSEFALSE原则原则 1 1:题干与原文意思截然相反,有明显矛盾,答案选:题干与原文意思截然相反,有明显矛盾,答案选FALSEFALSE公式公式: +: + - -7. 7.The Australian flora, together with the fauna, supported the Aboriginal people well before thearrival of Europeans. The Aborigines were not farmers and were wholly dependent for life onthe wild products around them. They learned to eat, often after treatment, a wide variety ofplants. The conquering Europeans displaced the Aborigines, killing many, driving others fromtheir traditional tribal lands, and eventually settling many of tribal remnants on governmentreserves, where flour and beef replaced nardoo and wallaby as staple foods. And so, graduallythe vast store of knowledge, accumulated over thousands of years by the Aborigines, fell intodisuse. Much was lost.Q Q: