小学四年级英语教案小学四年级英语教案1:Happy halloween 教材分析: 本单元的核心内容是万圣节晚会的打算工作,重点学习万圣节所须要的一些物品、动物类单词以及Do you like?Yes, I do./No, I dont. I like等句子。 学情分析: 四年级学生的年龄,生性活泼好动,喜爱直观形象思维,对嬉戏、竞赛、特殊感爱好。而且他们接触英语已经有一年的时间,已具有初步的听说实力。在学习单词的时候,应提示学生留意名词的复数形式在词形和读音上的改变。句子的教学老师可以采纳以旧带新的方法,用已经学过的句型引出新句型。本单元所出现的动物类单词,紧密结合的是商店里的购物用语,在教学中老师要留意创设购物情景,让学生娴熟自如地运用这些购物的交际用语。我信任必能很好的调动学生学习主动性。 教学目标: 1、认知目标:能够听懂会说本单元的新单词today、Halloween 、Come in、of course.并能敏捷运用。 2、实力目标:通过仿照、操练、表演等活动,学生能够运用所学的语言学问进行对话,提高英语口语交际实力。 3、情感目标:了解万圣节的文化背景,感受异国文化,促进中西方文化的沟通。 教学重点: 句型 Can I have some? 及其回答Yes, I can. / No, I cant.的运用。 教学难点: 能娴熟运用本课的句型进行交际。 教学过程: 一、Warming up and revision 1、Greetings 2、Chant 3、Sing “Happy New Year” 二、Presentation When the Ss are practicing the sentences , a student who wears monsters clothes knocks at the door and act the dialogue with the Teacher. Say the sentences “Can I come in ? Of course !” slowly . Help the Ss understand the news . 1.Tell the Ss some details about “Halloween” 2. When the Ss look at the pictures , a student who wears monsters clothes knocks at the door and acts the dialogue with the teacher. Say the sentences“Can I come in ? Of course” Help the Ss understand the meaning of Halloween. 三、Practice 1、Show the word cards to the Ss and get them to say the words together. soup 、sweets、bread、biscuits、fruit、rice 2、Review the sentence: T: Can I have some? If you have, you should say “Yes , please.” If you dont have, you should say “ Sorry, you cant”。 Listen to the tape , then repeat . Say the chant together . lastly get the Ss to say in their groups which group is the best ? 四、Consolidation 1、Say the chant . 听录音,仿照学说,娴熟朗读并会表演本单元会话内容。 2、Show the copy. 收集有关Halloween的学问,了解西方国家的其它节日。 五、Homework. 布置学生课后收集有关Halloween的学问,并了解西方国家的其他节日。不仅培育了学生跨文化意识的培育,同时也为学生供应了一个课后学习的情境,一箭双雕。 板书设计: Unit 2. Happy Halloween! Can I come in? Can I have some soup ? Yes , you can . Yes, of course. Can I have some fruits? Sorry, you cant. 小学四年级英语教案2:There is one birthday in may 内容分析: 本课是新标准英语(三年级起始)第三册第十模块,它的语言功能主要是运用There be句型去描述与月份相关的事情。第一单元以故事情境Lingling与MsSmart谈论玲玲挚友生日个数的对话呈现,主要是在巩固There be句型的同时学习16月份的表达方式。其次单元则是接着描述712月份生日个数的状况,并谈论全年不同月份当地的天气状况以及喜爱的运动。本模块预料四课时完成,本课时为第一课时。 状况分析: (1)四年级的学生接触英语已有一年之久,对英语学习的主动性与参加性较高,好动好胜,宠爱小组竞赛。同时他们在认读和自学方面比起三年级均有肯定程度的提高,能够听音指读、听音选择、听音填空等,能够认读基本单词,并能借助图文了解课文大意。 (2)在本学期第一模块学生已经学习了数词1100,对于How many? There be 句型在听力方面也有感知与理解。同时,课文中的单词march, birthday, happy等词语学生比较熟识,结合对话语境能够较快理解课文的背景。 教学目标: (1)学问实力目标 能够找寻单词中发音相同的字母组合,以旧带新,听懂、辨别并认读16月份的月名,January FebruaryMarchAprilMayJune。 能够在倾听完整语篇情境中看图了解对话内容,并了解、运用There be 句型描述数量。如,January. There are three. (2)情感看法目标 培育学生对所学英语中接触的外国文化学问的爱好。 让学生通过课文的学习感受生日聚会的欢乐,并能在自己欢乐的同时表达对父母的爱。 教学重点: (1)单词:JanuaryFebruaryMarchAprilMayJune (2)句型:“There be”功能句的简洁运用 教学难点: (1)单词:January和 February单词比较长,记忆比较难;而AprilJune则是发音难点。 (2)There is和 There are 学生对单数复数概念模糊,简单搞错。 教学过程: 一、Warmer 1、Play a Game: Count count count数数看 T claps hands and asks Ss “How many are there?” Ss listen ,count and try to say the number or the sentence “There is/ are” 2、Lead in the evaluation (1)Put up the cards of the months(出示16个月的月份卡,排成桥型),let Ss count the cards and learn to say “There is/ are”;(板书主要句型于黑板四线格上,并用不同色粉笔突出is和are) Ss count and learn to say and make out “There is ”and “There are” (2)Talk about the evaluation分组PK 二、Lead in 1、Lead in T:Were counting just now. Lingling is counting, too. She is counting her friends birthdays. Present the picture of Linglings counting by CAI 2、Listen, read and find the answer Ask Ss a question about Linglings counting “How many birthdays are there in a year?”,and let Ss open their books, then plays the tape Ss read the book, listen to the whole lesson and try to find the answer 3、Present the Topic Show Picture Two to Ss and present the task of this module Read the title together: Module 10 The Months Unit 1 There is one birthday in May. S三、Presentation and Practice 1、Listen and fill in the blanks Ask Ss the questions about Picture Two“How many birthdays are there in January/ February/ March/ April/ May/ June?” Ss listen to each sentence and fill in the blanks 随堂练兵卡一、听音填空 一月January. There are . 二月February. There are . 三月March. There is . 四月April. There are . 五月May. There is . 六月June. There are . 2、Learn the months Present the months of this exercise paper(随堂练兵卡)by CAI and ask Ss “ 哪个月份生日个数最少?” Ss read the paper(随堂练兵卡) and find out March / May, then learn together (1)Present the word, the phonetic symbol and the calendar from CAI, then Listen its pronunciation (2)Read the word by syllables and then read after T 读单词的方法:小组开火车读,大小声读,男女生读 Game: 四面开花(请一个学生起来读单词,接着此学生前后左右的学生紧跟着读。看一看哪个学生反应慢,必需再次接受惩罚:独自读单词三遍。) (3)The same way to learn the names of the other months通过提问“哪个月份生日个数最多?”“哪两个月份名称类似”等等逐一呈现剩下的月份名并学习 (4)Practice the words 快速反应 老师说节日名称,学生对出月份英语名称;老师说月份如“五月,五月”,学生说出其对应英语名称“May”;反之亦然。 3、Practice Play a Game:Guess Which month看由来猜月份 Present the origins of the months by CAI Ss read the origins and guess the month CAI呈现如下。 (1)在罗马传闻中,有一位名叫雅努斯的守护神,生有先后两张脸,一张回顾过去,一张要远眺将来。人们认为选择他的名字作为除旧迎新的月名,很有意义。January (2)这个月份正是大地回春,鲜花初绽的美妙季节。由拉丁文“开花的日子”演化而来。April 4、Read the dialogue of Picture Two Read Picture Two of the lesson after the CDRom Read by themselves 四、Extensive Reading 1、Present the form,ask and answer Present the form of the birthdays from January to June in class, ask Ss to describe it 出示一张课前老师调查的关于班级上16月份同学生日个数的统计表格,让学生看表格描述 2、Practice in pairs Ss read the form and describe with partners 五、Sum-up Sum up the lesson and expend to the emotion educationDont forget to express our love to parents on our birthdays. And then finish the blackboard writing. 六、Homework 两种不同星级的作业供学生依据自己的需求和实力去选择完成。 接着完成调查表的内容,用There is/ There are 句型描述班上1-6月份生日的人数,并尝试仿写句子。如January. There are eight. 请你运用There are句型描述16月份的天数,并尝试把句子写下来。 小学四年级英语教案3:There are twelve months in the 一、教材分析:学习7-12月份 二、教学目标 1、学问目标: 1)基本能够听懂,会说,会读词汇:July, August, September, October, November, December. 2)学会用“There arebirthdays in ”以及“There is one birthday in ”的语言结构。 3)复习词汇:flowers, festival, birds, snow, rain, warm, hot, cool, cold, sunny. 2 技能目标:谈论月份以及关于各个月的状况。 3情感目标:从小培育学生爱惜环境的意识。通过学习月份的歌曲,培育学生的乐感和美感。 三、教学重点:词汇:July, August, September, October, November, December. “There arebirthdays in ”以及“There is one birthday in ”的语言结构。 教学难点:November的读音。 四、教学打算:录音机、磁带,教学卡片、挂图、日历等。 五、Teaching steps: Step1: Warmer 1. Greetings T: Hello, boys and girls. Ss: Hello, Miss Yi. T: How are you today? Ss: Im fine , thanks . And how are you? T: Im great. Thank you so much. Look! How is the weather today? Ss: Its sunny today. T: How do you feel now? Are you happy? Ss: Yes. Were so happy. T: Lets sing a song , ok? Ss: OK! T Ss: Spring is warm, spring is warm. Summer is hot, summer is hot. Autumn is cool, autumn is cool. Winter is cold, winter is cold. 2. 复习1-6月份的英文。 Step2: Presentation 1、Lead in T: How many months are there in a year? Ss: There are twelve months in the year.(引出课题) 板书:Unit 2 There are twelve months in the year. T: Lets pass the toy dog and say the words from January to December. Ss: January, February, March, April, May, June.接着老师带着学生一起说: July, August, September, October, November and December. (在嬉戏的过程中引入新单词) T: Today, were going to learn the months. 2、教授July T: Boys and girls, lets play a game, ok? Ss: OK! T: I will speak these names of the months. And you can show me your fingers to show. Ss: Yes. T: May. Ss: (show five fingers) May. T: March. Ss: (show three fingers) March. T: July. 提示学生show seven fingers. (July) T: Do you like July? S1: Yes. I like July. We can go to the park in July. 3、教授August T: How old are you? Ss: Im 10 years old. T: When is your birthday? Ss:八月。 T: Oh , your birthday is in August. Whose birthday is also in August? S2: My birthday is in August, too. T: How many birthdays are there in August? Ss: There are. 4、教授- September T:Boys and girls, when is Teachers Day? Who can tell me? S3: 九月十日。 T: Youre so clever. September,10 th . Do you like September? S4: Yes. I like September . T: What can you do? S5: We can go to school. T: Sounds great. 5、教授October T:You can guess so well. Do you know which month it is? “ Its cool and its in Autumn. There are 31 days in it. And there is National Day ,too.” S6: October. T: Yes, you are right. 6、教授November T: I like November. What do you like? S7: I like June. S8: I like March. T: Do you like November? Ss: Yes, we like November. 7、教授December T: Oh ,Im a weather reporter now. In Beijing , its cold and there is snow in December . (播报天气预报)Can you hear which month it is? Ss: 十二月。 T: December . Whose birthday is in December? S9: My birthday is in December. T: How many birthdays are there in December? Lets count. Ss: There are .birthdays in December. T: I heard Ms Smart are counting birthdays now. Please listen to the tape. Step3: Practice 1. Listen and do. T: Boys and girls , please listen and do. T:1) Whose birthday is in July? Please Stand up. 2) Whose birthday is in August? Put your hands on your head, please! 3) Whose birthday is in September? Touch your ears, please! 4) Whose birthday is in October? Clap, please! 5) Whose birthday is in November? Point to the teacher, please ! 6) Whose birthday is in December? Laugh, please! 2. Group work 完成课本活动3:先请几个学生朗读对话示例,然后把学生分成小组,让他们依据图中给的信息绽开对话,发表自己对各个月份的看法。 e.g. S1: Do you like January? S2: Yes, I like January . S1: Why? S2: There are lots of festivals. S3: Which month do you like? S4: I like October. S3: Why? S4: We can fly kites. S5: Which month is your favourite? S6: My favourite month is June. S5: Why? S6: Its warm. I can ride a bike Homework:1熟记1-12月份的单词 2、询问父母,然后在课堂上相互介绍自己父母的状况。