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雅思口语Part2话题范文:喜欢的电视剧雅思口语Part2:喜爱的电视剧 Favorite drama You should say: What is the name of the TV drama? What type of TV drama is it? What message did it convey? My favorite drama is Prison Break. I watched this drama 3 years ago. The drama has 4 seasons and all of them are quite gripping. The drama is about 2 brothers who break the prison in order to prove their innocence. All the characters in the drama are very good and I can definitely say that people who watch one episode will not be able to leave the seat unless they watch the entire season which quite exciting. 我最喜爱的电视剧是越狱。3年前我看过这部剧。这部剧有4季,每一季都很扣人心弦。该剧讲解并描述了两个兄弟为了证明自己的清白而越狱的故事。剧中全部的角色都很好,我可以确定的说,看了一集的观众将无法离开座位,除非他们看了整季。 This drama is an action thriller. I know that you might heard of these types of dramas a lot so I wish I could come with another word which could clearly distinguish from this ordinary word. I live in a conservative society where children are not allowed to watch movies or dramas with parental guide and even if they are allowed the dramas should not expose the children to adult content. This drama does not contain any vulgar content, yet it is very interesting. 这是一部动作片。我知道你可能常常听说过这类戏剧,所以我希望我能想出另一个词来和这个一般的词区分开来。我生活在一个保守的社会,孩子们不允许在父母的指导下看电影或戏剧,即使他们被允许,戏剧也不应当让孩子们接触到成人内容。这部戏剧没有任何低俗的内容,但很好玩。 The message which the drama conveyed is that a person has to be strong in his or her life because a person does not know what might happen in his or her life. The drama showed that even when one brother was living a good life, he still sacrificed his life just in order to give a better life for his brother. The drama showed no matter how difficult the circumstances are, a person should never leave his or her loved ones in the time of need. 戏剧传达的信息是一个人必需在他或她的生活中强大,因为一个人不知道他或她的生活中可能发生什么。这出戏表明,即使有一个兄弟生活得很好,他仍旧牺牲自己的生命只是为了给他的兄弟一个更好的生活。这出戏表明,无论环境多么艰难,一个人恒久不应当离开他或她的亲人在须要的时候。 雅思口语题库Part2范文之:追过的电视剧 You should say: How does it look like Where did you see it When did you see it And how do you feel about this work 1.适用人群:全适用 2.主题:Power 3.故事线:讲解并描述的是一个来自贫困社区的男人,他靠卖毒品赚了许多钱然后他确定要去合法的地方;他想把自己的过去留在身后,用他的夜总会真理来做一个合法的生意。 Okay, so recently Ive been watching “Power” a TV series about a guy who comes from a poor neighborhood and makes a lot of money selling drugs and then he decides that he wants to go legit; he wants to leave his past behind and make a legitimate business with his nightclub Truth. So, the series follows the problems he and his family have to face while trying to get out of the drug business and make a legal living running clubs. Obviously, its not as easy as it might sound because all his old friends still try to involve him in drug trafficking, and there always seems to be some crisis or something which stops the guy from simply making a clean break and starting afresh. A friend of mine recommended the series; I hadnt heard of it before, but I gave it a try. Watching a couple of episodes, and I kind of liked it. Each episode has good pacing, and the characters are interesting enough to hold your attention. The plot is also quite well written and has just enough twists and turns to keep you wondering what will happen next. Another thing I like about it is that the things that happen are credible; theyre not fantastically impossible scenarios like in some TV series you can actually imagine how such circumstances might occur in real life and how these people would deal with them. So, the main characters are a guy called Jaimie and his wife Tasha and their two children, and Jaimies ex-drug partner Tommy Egan, who is still involved in the drug business. The other main character is government lawyer, Angela Valdez, who has an affair with Jaimie while the special task force she is a member of is trying to prosecute Jaimie and Tommy for drug related crimes. There are some other characters which recur throughout each episode, people who work in the club and other friends and contacts that appear repeatedly throughout the series. Its now in season four, although I havent watched this current season yet I watched up until the end of season three, so I guess Ill catch up with it when I have some more free time. I like watching the episodes all at once rather than one each week. But its one of the best TV series Ive seen for a while the fact that the time flies past while watching it is always a good sign that its enjoyable. 雅思写作障碍应当怎样克服 一、真情流露,无从下笔 有的考生在考试时见到作文题,顿感思路塞车,似乎有很多话要说,但又不知原委应从那里写起。明智的做法是“投其所好、尽情发挥。”考生不妨把作文的要求量化到每一个段落,一篇250词左右的作文一般不会超过15句话,把这15句话依据题目要求安排到各段中去,每一段也许只说那么几句话,事实上往往是说得越多错误越多。因此,每句话紧扣提纲,见好就收,这才是最稳妥的对策。 二、心里明白,难以表达 在考场上有的考生题目看得懂,提纲也明白,就是不知道该说什么,头脑里一片空白。这是在雅思写作考试中的一种常见的现象,针对这一现象,最有效的方法就是要擅长联想到一些详细的事实,详细的例证和详细的现象。事实上,雅思的作文题目肯定是一个具有社会普遍型话题,其目的是让不同教化背景的考生都有话可说。因此,考生肯定能就题目联想起详细细小的事情再形成观点。把看得见摸得着的事物带来的思索变成作文里的实质内容,这不失为一种很好的策略。同学们最好总结一下雅思小作文模板以及雅思作文写作技巧,平常留意真题的训练。 因此,当头脑出现空白时,应当由详细细小的、琐碎的、微乎其微的事物所引发的思索形成观点,再进行论述。这种定式思维的形成须要多下功夫多练习。 三、一味追求独树一帜,导致无从下笔 考试时通常发觉有的考生全神贯注的坐在那里冥思苦想,非要想出一个别出心裁的观点。陷入这种境地的考生,明显犯了一个根本性的错误,参考时间为40分钟的作文,一般应在35分钟之内完成,再用几分钟的时间检查语言错误。可有的考生十几分钟一句话都写不了,就是因为他太进入角色了,这是考试中一个很大的误区。 四、构思、写作不统一,落实有困难 实事求是的讲,要求考生完全运用英语思维来写作文是不现实的。许多考生在实际写作过程中,脑子里想的是中文句子,然后再把中文句子译成英文。因此采纳“得其意,忘其形”的方法,忘掉中文的语法结构,句法形式则可能要整个地打乱.,“钻进去,跳出来”。所谓“钻进去”就是要看意思是否到位了,“跳出来”就是要遗忘中文的语言形式。事实上把英文译成中文,关键是要在转换中把意思表达出来。 针对构思、写作不统一,落实有困难状况。必需摒弃翻译中追求一一对应的关系,并机械地把中文译成英文的方法,应当把中文句子结构彻底地遗忘,然后用比较简洁的“万能”英语表达。平常不妨做一做这样的练习,通过阅读不相识词条的英文注解,然后试着把单词译成中文词,再去比照英汉词典的汉语释义,渐渐地就会起先领悟用英语表达的门道了。 五、被动心态压抑新构思 尽管雅思索试作文为规定式命题,但考生仍可主动主动地发挥。其主动性在于实行回避的策略,表达上实行迂回的方式,即运用不很困难的语言。内容的取舍上避重就轻地写比较易于表达的内容。许多人在写作过程中从头至尾都处于被动状态,当有内容想要表达清晰的时候,却又发觉种.种途径都不行能表达好,只好硬着头皮把自己意识到没把握的东西牵强写上去。连自己都意识到可能是错误的东西,只会产生于己不利的负面影响。所以,当有的内容感觉一点找不着,英语实在表达不清晰的时候,就应当彻底地放弃。单词拼法错误也是雅思索试作文写作的一大问题。常用单词是不能拼错的,有的单词平常会拼法,考试时突然没把握了,不妨换一下或许还能想起另外一个难度大一点、拼法有把握的来代替。应当回避明确知道自己不会拼法的词。假如没法换一个词,将句子改换一种说法亦未尝不行。有的考生在考卷上没把握的地方标上问号,或者把两种可能都写上,让判卷老师选择,这个方法是不行取的。 总之,不能让自己陷人被动,想说什么,用什么方式说。说多少,说到什么程度。一切都应由考生主动把握,这样才会削减心理上的压力,更好地发挥出自己应有的写作水平。 雅思口语Part2:喜爱的电视剧