2021优秀学生丹麦留学申请书2021优秀学生丹麦留学申请书 Dear _, Hello! I am from a middle school. You can take time out of your busy schedule to read my application for studying abroad. I am deeply grateful and honored! I like sports, especially basketball. In elementary school, he also participated in the school martial arts team and received five years of basic martial arts training. I also like swimming and board games. After middle school, I have a natural fondness for mathematics and English. Mathematics helps me pursue the prudence of thinking and rigorous logic, and improves my ability to analyze and solve problems with mathematical knowledge as a carrier. English learning has enabled me to constantly understand the colorful world of the world. In the high school entrance examination, he got a perfect score in mathematics and entered the No. 1 Gao Hongzhi class in Sanmenxia with 589 points. In high school, I worked hard to consolidate the basic knowledge of various subjects. At the same time, I used my spare time to read a lot of books and participate in various basketball games. I learned to challenge myself in competition, appreciate others in cooperation, and constantly enrich myself in all aspects. The lesson of 553 points in the college entrance examination taught me what it means to be down-to-earth, what is not to be vain, what is to be modest and prudent, what is to learn from each other. I am an optimistic young person, love life, and not afraid of adversity. I firmly believe that my continuous efforts will enable me to achieve my dream of success. _It is Chinas oldest financial institution with the longest history, with the school motto of “Being virtuous and knowledgeable, economic time”, and the spirit of striving to govern, forging ahead, and development philosophy. _ Students introverted and stable minds are deeply imprinted in my heart, seeking truth from facts, being pragmatic and pragmatic. Being diligent, entering the coveted Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, being a student of _ will be the pride of my life. _The style of study is strong, if I can be lucky enough to enter _study, I will learn every subject step by step. I hope I can continue my studies after graduating from university. I implore the leaders of your school to accept my application and realize my ideals. Yours sincerely, xuexila 丹麦留学优秀高校语言要求 一、哥本哈根高校 全称是University of Copenhagen,正式成立于1479年,是国内的高校,在最新的US News中的排名是34位,教学的水平是受到机构的认可的,学生学生人数超过35000人。 递交留学的申请须要出示真实的学历证明,以及合格的在校考试成果单;语言的分数要达到IELTS6.0-6.5以上,TOEFL要达到85-90分以上,这里须要区分本科和硕士的申请。 二、丹麦技术高校 全称是Technical University of Denmark,在1829年成立,是一所偏理工的技术院校,以培育高级技术人才为目标,是丹麦高级技工的主要培育地,每年还输送大量人才前往世界各地。 申请者的平均出成果须要达到2.5以上,还要获得阶段性的毕业证书,或者相关专业的本科学位证书和毕业证书。英语要求TOEFL internet-based 88分以上 (TOEFL code:1684),或IELTS6.5分以上,单科成果无限制。 三、南丹麦高校 全称是University of Southern Denmark,1966年正式成立,是一所比较年轻的高校,高校由32个学院,11个探讨所和一个设施完备的图书馆所组成,四大科系满意不同学生的需求。 对留学申请者的学术要求是要完成基础的学业,并且出示毕业证明,GPA须要在3.0左右;TOEFL的分数要求是5.5-6.0之间,IELTS则要有80分左右。 四、奥胡斯高校 全称是Aarhus University,于1928年在奥斯胡正式成立,学校内设置有商学院、艺术学院、健康学院和工程学院四高校院,与我国的北大、清华等有着亲密的合作关系。 学术要求:提交本科毕业证明和成果单的公证件。 语言要求:托福网考(IBT)要在83分以上;雅思要在6.5左右;CAE:A、B、C;CEFR:C1。申请丹麦语授课的奥胡斯高校硕士课程需申请者丹麦语口语和写作娴熟。 丹麦留学住宿方式 一、学校公寓 宿舍是大家熟识的方式,但是一般数量较少,公寓也是不错的选择,是学校和特地机构进行合作供应的住宿,一般来说会比大家干脆租要便宜一些,而且入住的都是学生,平安更有保障。 申请干脆在学校中进行,会给出申请的链接,大家干脆进入,提交自己的申请就可以了,资格会很快确认下来,大家抵达之后带着证明干脆办理入住就可以了,特别便利。 二、独立公寓 而干脆申请公寓入住,大家会有更高的自主性,能够选择单人间或者多人间,提出自己更多的要求,会尽可能的满意,当然这样干脆申请,价格会贵一些,主要看大家的需求。 申请的话就干脆找到正式的网站就可以了,可以进行筛选看房,不焦急干脆定下来,先进行预定,等到了现场看了房子之后再签合同,自己的要求满意后再确认,会更有保障。 三、私人住房 还可以选择私人房东的房子,这样的房子一般通过中介租会更平安一些,因为干脆对接确认少了第三方的约束,而且对于新生来说,还是会有比较大的挑战的,终归语言就会是一个阻碍。 通过中介的话,可以干脆将自己的要求进行告知,后续筛选由他们进行,这样大家可以比较节约精力一些,而且在入住中途出现问题,也可以通过中介维权。 四、寄宿家庭 假如大家自理的实力比较差的话,可以申请本地的寄宿家庭,筛选会经过政府相关部门的审核,不用担忧平安的问题,而且是双向的选择,在入住中有问题是可以干脆沟通的。 价格凹凸取决于大家想要获得的服务,单住宿的话和大家租房的价格差不多,假如想要获得餐饮的服务的话,则须要加钱,不过会比大家在外面吃更便宜一些。 2021优秀学生丹麦留学申请书