2022年留学新加坡硕士申请费用留学申请书”查看更多相关的留学询问。 2022年留学新加坡硕士申请费用 1、学费:新加坡公立高校硕士留学费用依据详细专业有所区分,新加坡公立高校硕士学费约为40000-50000新币/年。新加坡公立高校对外国学生开放助学金政策,即赐予近70%的补助,这样一来每年新加坡硕士留学费用约为28000-35000新币。但是必需在毕业后在新加坡本地工作三年。 新加坡私立高校硕士留学费用依据详细专业有所区分,硕士学制通常为一年至一年半。新加坡私立高校硕士学费约为22000-35000新币/年。 2、生活费:购物、通讯、消遣费用:学生在留学期间生活费,包括消遣、聚会、活动、购物、就诊为每月300-500元新币左右。 饮食费用:每月500-600元新币,在新加坡的各大美食中心和学校餐厅可以吃到中国、印度、马来西亚等世界各国的食物,大约每份5元到7元新币。学生平均每天在饮食上花费17元新币左右。 住宿费用:住宿费用是学生考虑的首要问题,也是学费之外支出的留学费用。新加坡的政府中小学和私立高校都不是寄宿的,只有新加坡政府理工学院和新加坡公立高校高校供应部分住宿。 三种方式主要的新加坡留学住宿费用: (1)国际学生公寓:住宿费约670-750新币/月。 (2)留学生租房:包括合租政府租屋或公寓,住宿费约600-1000新币/月; (3)寄宿家庭:住宿费约1600-2300新币/月(含周一至周五早餐和午餐,周末三餐)。 新加坡留学要通过的考试 1、AEIS考试 AEIS考试是新加坡的一种留学生入学考试。学生们想要到这里读中小学必需通过此项考试。假如学生能够通过这个考试,最终会统一安排到相关的学校里就读。而且现在是原本能够干脆入学的DP学生,也得完成这个AEIS考试才能就读。AEIS考试主要考数学和英语,若是第一次没有通过,也能在来年参与S-AEIS考试。 2、PSLE考试 通过AEIS考试读完了小学课程,学生须要完成的就是PSLE考试,也可以理解为是毕业考试。因为在新加坡这里是提倡精英教化,所以学生的PSLE分数越高,就表示他们能够去读更好的中学,得到更多的教化资源。 3、“N”级考试 新加坡的中学因为有许多班级,其中一般班学生是必需在毕业的时候去考“N”级考试,而且必需有合格的考试成果才可以接着学习中五的课程。 4、“O”水准考试 读完中学后,假如学生想要去读新加坡的理工学院等等,或者是读中学的四年级,就得去考“O”水准考试,之后也会依据这个考试成果来确定学生是读什么学校。一般成果好的学生是能够进入初级学院里就读,之后考A-level。当然优秀的学生也能去读新加坡比较好的高校,不及格的学生只能选择私立学校等等学校。 5、“A”级考试 假如是去读初级学院的,之后想要到高校接着深造的话,就得考“A”级考试,而该考试的成果除了在新加坡这里,在美国、英国等等国家也是被认可和接受的。也就是学生可以用这个成果去报考新加坡的高校,也能去申请其他国家的高校。一般“A”级考试是在3月中下旬去报名的,6月初至11月则是考试的时间,其中有口试和笔试两部分的考试内容,但是考试的成果要到其次年才公布,所以学生要考“A”级考试的话,还得留意成果出来的时间。 2022年留学新加坡硕士申请文书格式 Dear -, My name is -, I am 17 years old this year, and I am a student in thethird grade of the - city - middle school. All the time, I have e-cellentgrades and unite my classmates. Cong Gao has been awarded the titles of ThreeGood Students and Learning Pacemaker many times. These honors are anaffirmation of my own efforts by the teacher and the school. Encouraged by thesehonors, I am more strict with myself, seek all-round development, improve mylearning and comprehensive ability, and make greater progress. When it comes to learning, I think I am a person with great self-control. Ican devote my energy to learning, single-mindedly, and not be disturbed by thesurrounding environment. It is precisely because of this that I can alwaysmaintain efficient learning. I don't just spend time with other studentsblindly, but pay attention to the full use of time, so that the limited time canbe e-tended, and the utilization efficiency can be realized. The efficiency oflearning helps me arrange my work and rest time reasonably. While achievingstability and improvement, maintain a good biological clock. Of course, I am not only concerned about learning, but also the cultivationof my own comprehensive ability. I have been serving as the publicity committeemember of the class since I was in high school. Whenever various festivals come,I will personally design the layout, and then run a newspaper with my classmateswho are good at drawing and writing. With the joint efforts of everyone, ourclass's board report always gets praise in the comprehensive evaluation of thegrade every time. In addition, I am a member of the school's magic club. Iactively participate in club activities and perform well, and He has performed on behalf of the club in other grades and classes in theSociety Show Week organized by the school many times. These e-periences notonly enriched my high school life, but also further improved my comprehensiveability. When I first learned about various colleges and universities in the firstyear of high school, I was deeply attracted by the university motto ofself-reliance, strong perseverance, seeking truth and innovation.Self-strengthening is the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and weshould use this as the training to achieve career. Hongyi and seeking truthare also the perseverance and strong character and scientific and rigorousacademic attitude that must be possessed in learning, and e-ploitation It isthe necessary source of power for the development of the current era. Perhaps itis precisely because of this school motto that the university, as a historicalinstitution of higher learning, does not stop under the aura of history, butkeeps up with the pace of the times, constantly innovates and develops into abright pearl on the banks of the Yangtze River. . Among the many elites in learning, I often feel pressure. But I alwaysfirmly believe that only down-to-earth and hard work can lead to success. When Idecide to do something, I will do my best to do it with the most seriousattitude. Even if I encounter setbacks and difficulties, I will never give upuntil the goal is achieved. This is the narrative of me, a girl who loves -. Although the road aheadmay be bumpy, I am always moving forward, because I know that there are mydreams and hopes. Three years ago, I started my three-year high school study with a longingfor -. I believe that I will step into the university gate with pride andconfidence with my own efforts! Yours sincerely, 2022年留学新加坡硕士申请费用