新加坡留学研究生申请书模板新加坡留学”查看。 新加坡留学探讨生申请书 Dear _, I come from a background where my family has been in the retail trade for the last hundred years. Whist I was growing up I have been actively taking part in the running of the business. My family has given me the opportunity to further myself in achieving my goals. I believe studying at university will give me the opportunity to progress in the understanding I currently have in Business Studies and ICT. I believe that I can combine my interest in Business Studies and Accounts to excel in Business Management At my secondary school I was handed the privilege and the responsibility of being head prefect. My responsibilities included attending meetings with the school principal and school staff. I believe these installed essential characteristics such as leadership I was also the school football captain and represented the school at many inter-schools sports activities. Furthermore I represented the Wildlife Conservation Society of Zambia, which is a charitable organisationfor the protection of wildlife in Zambian Game Parks. Part of my duties included giving talks to other students concerning conservation and wildlife. I thoroughly enjoyed this particular segment of my work because conservation is an issue close to my heart I am presently enrolled at Redbridge College in Romford where I am studying three A2 courses in Mathematics, ICT and Business Studies, and one AS-Level in Accounts. I do take part in several sports activities not only to remain in good physical shape but also meet new people. I did not achieve all my targets but I am confident that with extra effort and help from my tutors I will push past my predicted grades. I have drawn up a plan of what needs to be done over the next few months in achieving this. Over the last year I have developed at a personnel level. I understand that the onus is on me to push myself to achieve my ambitions Outside of college I have a passion for sports both for enjoyment purposes and maintaining fitness. Football is at the centre of my love for sport, but I also enjoy and participate in other sporting activities such as cricket, squash, badminton, tennis, table tennis and long distance running. I am hoping to carry on these activities whilst conducting my studies at university. I believe sports play an important role in providing a balance between education and physical wellbeing It has long been my ambition to complete my studies at a British university. As it is well established Britain has the finest reputation for higher education around the world. A degree from a British university will assist me in my future career. I am very much looking forward to educational challenges that university has in store for me. I am also looking forward to meeting the different cultures and backgrounds that will exist of any university. But most importantly I believe I have the prerequisites not only to achieve a good degree but to progress at a personal level. This would act as a foundation for any future success in the business world. Yours sincerely, xuexila 新加坡留学探讨生申请条件和费用 1、新加坡探讨生留学申请条件 新加坡私立高校探讨生申请条件:学历背景上,须要学生国内高校本科毕业,持有毕业证书文凭,供应在校期间的平均成果,在校平均成果70分以上。语言要求上,须要学生雅思成果达到6.5分左右。 新加坡公立高校探讨生申请条件:学历背景上,须要学生是国内211或985高校毕业,持有毕业证书及学士学位,在校平均成果80分以上,语言要求上,须要学生雅思成果7.0分左右。假如学生是双非毕业,须要在校平均成果85分以上,还须要学生拥有肯定工作阅历。 2、新加坡探讨生留学费用 新加坡公立高校探讨生学费能得到政府补贴,政府为获录用的外国学生供应50%的学费补助,获得补助的学生,毕业之后须要在新加坡本地工作三年。因此,新加坡公立高校探讨生一年学费只须要15000新币左右。新加坡私立高校探讨生学费依据详细专业和学校而定,普遍来说,新加坡私立高校探讨生学费总计3-5万新币。 新加坡探讨生一年生活费须要6-7万人民币,生活费包括住宿、饮食、交通、消遣等费用,其中住宿费每月须要500-1500新币,住宿费用因地段、住宿类型、设施及同住人数不同而异。饮食费上面,学生每天须要12新币,一个月400新币左右。交通费一个月须要50-100元新币,政府高校的探讨生可以享受交通实惠。 3、新加坡探讨生留学学制 新加坡政府公立高校一般授课型的探讨生学制为2年,多数中国学生可在1到1年半内完成学业,探讨型学制为3年,多数中国学生可以2年内完成学业,顺当毕业,比在国内读探讨生3年的学习时间短,大大节约了时间成本。 新加坡私立高校探讨生一般是1年至1年半,其中以1年的探讨生课程居多。其实越来越多的人选择去新加坡留学,其中的一个缘由就是新加坡学制短。 不同专业的学制也不一样,其中文学与社会科学专业的一般学位只需2到3年,而医学专业则需5年。文学与社会科学、理科(一般学位)2到3年,文学与社会科学、理科(荣誉学位)3到4年,建筑与地产(荣誉学位)3年半到4年,电脑3到4年,牙医4年,工程4年,法律4年,医学5年,探讨生,探讨生学位1到3年。 4、新加坡探讨生留学专业举荐 1)詹姆斯库克高校新加坡校区国际旅游与酒店管理硕士 詹姆斯库克高校新加坡校区国际旅游与酒店管理硕士:隶属专业:酒店/旅游;颁发证书:由澳洲詹姆斯库克高校颁发;学制:12个月;开课时间:三月、七月、十一月;报名费:250新币(人民币1,207元);学费总计:44940新币(人民币216,930元)。 课程介绍:随着亚洲旅游酒店业的蓬勃发展,和中等收入者的收入不断地增加,地区和全球贸易的发展,使得这个专业的学生的就业前景非常良好。这个课程是将旅游酒店和商业管理结合在一起的一个比较创新的硕士课程,教授学生驾驭在酒店管理行业取得胜利所须要具备的行政管理技能。 2)新加坡管理学院金融探讨生 新加坡管理学院硕士探讨生金融专业,新加坡管理学院金融探讨生课程是新加坡管理学院和英国伦敦高校合作的留学项目,所以新加坡管理学院金融探讨生专业课程,不仅仅在教化资源上享受到合作高校的“关照”,同时在学生的毕业证书上,也是由合作高校授权颁发给毕业学生的。新加坡管理学院金融探讨生课程是隶属于商务管理类-经济学课程范畴,学生在学习时间上,须要花费12个月的时间来学习新加坡管理学院金融探讨生课程内容。 新加坡留学生活支出费用 1.伙食 新加坡的多元文化使其成为了各种风味美食的汇合之地,从各种各样当地美食选项就可以窥见新加坡的文化多样性,从中餐、西餐、日本餐、韩国餐、印度餐、马来餐等等实在令人有感新加坡的饮食如此丰富多彩。而校院一般也会有食堂和餐厅,总体来说,学生用餐每月约新币300-400元。 假期或周日,免不了去逛一下大街,作为亚洲购物中心和旅游天堂,新加坡各种商厦琳琅满目,购买学习用品、心爱的礼物或生活必需品是必不行少的消费。牛车水、小印度、乌节路、芽笼士乃、克拉码头跳蚤市场等都是周日好去处。三五好友逛街游园也是必备的休闲活动之一,总之花费就看自己生活安排了。 3.通讯 新加坡通讯发达,家庭电话普及率100%,公共电话系统遍及各区,电话费低廉;国际长途电话收费每分钟新币0.5元-1元不等。用IP电话卡拨打中国更低廉,到新币0.18元-0.25元/每分钟不等。手机短信每条1元,假如有相关业务促销,价格更便宜。每月总开支一般在30-100新币之间。 4.交通 新加坡交通方面快捷,少有堵车。全岛通行地铁,平安、舒适、准时、快捷,而且价格低廉。巴士交通线路也遍布全岛,平安便利。新加坡全岛有超过1万辆的士为有须要的人士服务,24小时电召服务。政府学校就读学生可以享受交通实惠。一般学生交通费新币80元/月左右。 新加坡留学探讨生申请书模板