爱尔兰研究生留学申请文书范文申请书专题”查看更多 爱尔兰探讨生留学申请文书 Dear _, Literature can be seen as a microcosm of society, reflecting the irregularities and inequalities that are present in everyday life. As an English student, my initial interest in Law stemmed from its portrayal in fictional works such as To Kill a Mockingbird; however, it is the real life applications, as explored in the Times Law supplement and films like Erin Brockovich, showing it to be both humanitarian and intellectually stimulating that affirmed my aspirations to study Law. A levels have given me the chance to explore and develop some skills that would constitute a good Law student. In English Literature the ability to infer information and substantiate a conclusion is essential; the component in AS coursework to write a discursive essay “is King Lear a victim of circumstance or a tragic hero?” juxtaposed the emotive element of a mans downfall with detached facts. To arrive at a reasoned conclusion, it was necessary to look at the whole picture and read around a variety of critical opinions in order to build up a body of evidence in order to have an objective judgement. I am interested in the ever-changing nature of Law as in order to better serve society or fairly arbitrate cases with extenuating circumstances such as that of Kiranjit Ahluwalia; initially given life for killing her husband after enduring 10 years of abuse her sentence was later remanded. Furthermore, I believe French is a beneficial subject, as through studying French, my awareness of the structure and wording of English has also increased; translating an article often takes much preparation and preciseness of language to comprehend the intended nuance of meaning. In addition, Business Studies requires a good knowledge of current affairs, reading around so as to have an opinion on the many factors that could influence a business, there was also the opportunity to study some aspects of Corporate Law; I was particularly interested in the changing attitudes of society as reflected by the gradual introduction of anti-discrimination Laws. Taking AS Psychology I studied topics clearly associated with the practicalities of Law, questioning the work by Loftus and Palmer on the reliability of eyewitness testimony; however, it also gave me an insight into the depth of human nature and the factors that can affect it. In particular, the work of Milgram showed me the need to question an individuals behaviour and the reasons behind it. In addition, to explore the possibility Law as a profession I completed a weeklong placement at a solicitors firm in Epsom. I was given the chance to shadow a solicitor, alongside further reading such as The Law Machine by Marcel Berlins, this was invaluable in showing the realities and strenuousness of working in this field. The necessity of a dedicated and diligent approach in order to be successful greatly appealed to me and sustained my interest in Law. In regards to extra curricular activities, at my sixth form I have been selected to be a prefect, a role requiring patience and persistence when working with younger years. In the Young Enterprise scheme, which involved creating and running a business, I was selected to be Managing Director by my peers for the tuition service we established. The post required talking to large groups of parents; in order to persuade them to become shareholders it was essential to talk both persuasively and confidently. Also I work regularly as a tutor for Explore Learning, teaching Maths and English to groups of young children, and do voluntary work for the Epsom and Ewell Bengali association: I help elder members of the community who dont speak English fluently to fill in forms and write letters. These activities have all given me the opportunity to communicate with varying types of people in different circumstances, be it to clarify a principle, promote a business opportunity or provide instruction. A Law degree is not restricted to furthering my aspirations of becoming a solicitor; it would provide a unique opportunity to explore a variety of issues that I feel passionate about. With the skills that I have already explored, I will strive to be a hardworking and successful undergraduate who will play a full part in university life. Yours sincerely, 留学爱尔兰专科硕士申请指南 一、专科硕士申请方案 干脆选择-UP课程,先进行专升本的学习,只须要在爱尔兰读一年的本科课程,就可以干脆获得学士的学位,而且后续升学读研还可以干脆以本地学生的身份申请,是不错的捷径。 或者选择先读一年的预科,提前确认好自己的自己后须要读的专业,就可以进行针对性很强的专业学习,后续干脆升学也会更有优势,一般学习的压力不会很重,而且入学要求也会降低。 假如不想奢侈时间想干脆入学的话,除了要满意基本入学的要求之外,还会强制要求申请者有三年以上的工作阅历,来证明自己在专业的实践中有比较不错的表现。 二、留学优势 学历其实对大家的求职是会产生比较大的影响的,学历越高大家可以享受的待遇也会越好,将来升职也会有更大的空间,这也是为什么会有大量社会人士会选择在职探讨生的缘由。 而且在爱尔兰读研时间一般都只须要一年,不会很耽搁大家的将来规划,还可以获得更多的理论积累,是比较适合大家的提升学习的选择,专科生变硕士,会对大家的将来产生不小的影响。 三、院校举荐 1.唐道克理工学院 是一所公立的高等学府,目前接受三年制的专科生的申请,须要学生提交IELTS6.0分以上的成果单,和合格的学历证明,对学术没有很明确的要求,但是会支配入学的考试。 2.沃特福德理工学院 是目前比较受国内学生欢迎的学院,它本身颁发的学历含金量不高,但是是一个很不错的跳板,可以作为去往英国和其他欧洲国家的过渡学习学校,有比较强大的关系网,合作的院校数量许多。 留学爱尔兰面试要留意什么 一、迟到 大家预约的面试是有严格的时间规定的,虽然一次面试的人会比较多,但是都有着严格的排序,假如叫到了你的号而你还没到,那么将失去这次面试的机会,并且会影响下次面试的结果。 二、撒谎 在进行面试的时候,有不少人为了提升自己的竞争力,会对自己的经验进行美化,甚至捏造事实,进行虚构,这样假如被面试官发觉,很有可能会签证办理失败。 三、背答案 面签的问题有不少重合的地方,因此在网上可以找到相关的答题模板,而又不少人会运用模板回答问题,这样虽然流畅,但是缺少诚意,也会影响自己。 四、看法散漫 签证的面试是一件比较肃穆的事情,大家应当谨慎对待,面对面试官的时候,应当真想出自己的精神状态,这样才可以留下一个好印象。 五、仪表不整齐 外在的形象在很大程度上,是可以为大家加分的,女生化一个淡妆,男生刮一下胡子,搭配一套正式一点的衣服,能够让你在人群中脱颖而出。 六、没有其它经验 欧美国家对于学生的审核,不仅仅在于学历上,还须要学生能够供应一些课外的经验,包括实习的阅历、参与的竞赛等凸显个人特色的东西。 七、话太多或者话太少 在问答阶段,大家在回答问题的时候,语言的组织要有逻辑性,可以在大脑中思索一下再回答,千万不要默默无语,也不少夸夸其谈,这些都对自己不利。 留学爱尔兰行前打算事项 一、资金打算 到爱尔兰去读书你肯定要提前预算好要带多少钱才能在爱尔兰顺当的学习。在爱尔兰的非公立学校读书学费是8000欧元一年,爱尔兰的国立学校的学费最少是11000欧元一年,学费最多是17000欧元,爱尔兰的硕士学位的学费是1200欧元到18000欧元之间一年,在爱尔兰你除了学习上面要花钱之外还有生活当中也有支出,费用是6000欧元到8000欧元一年左右,你在办理签证之前是要打算40万-50万的保证金。 二、行李打算 到爱尔兰去读书你要学会做饭,因为在外面吃的话价格很贵,你可以带一个多功能的小电饭煲,中国的调料也可以带一些,而且重量不是很重。服装类的就带你在国内穿的就好了,即使你没有带许多衣物的话也可以到了爱尔兰再买,你还要打算一套正装或晚礼服是有必要的,你在学习参与一些活动和典礼的时候会要穿的。文具类的物品的话可以带笔记本和签字笔,还有平常要用到的药品,许多到国外去读书的同学因为吃饭没有规律而且对爱尔兰的饮食不习惯常常胃痛,所以要打算一些胃药,带眼镜的同学还要打算多配一副,还有眼药水也是必带的。还有要办理入学的手续的时候要交的资料也肯定要带齐全,在出国之前把要带的资料多检查一下,留意有没有漏掉的,假如你少带了要交的资料的话会对你有很大的麻烦。 三、留意事项 你在到爱尔兰之前是在机场的时候要换一些欧元在身上,等你到了爱尔兰之后你可能要打车或者是打电话还有吃饭会要用到,你换的这些欧元是给你临时应急用的。到了学校之后你要向学校申请证明到银行去开户。还有你在国内的时候就要把你在爱尔兰的住宿问题给解决好,爱尔兰的宿舍同样也是要先提前去申请的,就算你是在外租房子的话也要在国内就把要租的房子给找好。 爱尔兰探讨生留学申请文书范文