2021国外本科留学申请书模板2021国外本科留学申请书 Dear _, The world is forever growing and evolving, as is the demand for new buildings and good infrastructure. The pressures of population growth and global warming are ever increasing, and civil engineers can help play a major role in designing more efficient structures, as well as planning projects in developing countries. I am attracted to me to civil engineering because I like the idea of helping to shape the world around me to meet the demands of the future. I hope for a challenging career which I will find personally rewarding and be able to feel that I have given something back to the community. Academically, science has always been my main interest and is the area in which I am most able. I enjoyed biology, in particular learning about human impact on the environment. However, during my A levels I realised that my interests lay deeper in maths and physics. I enjoyed the problem solving involved within my subjects and the way a real life situation could be expressed and manipulated mathematically. What I found particularly interesting was relating what had been learnt in the classroom to real life situations, which is what gave me more interest in civil engineering - the appeal of a challenging career where I would have the opportunity to theoretically solve problems and practically apply solutions to have a beneficial effect on the world around me. During my gap year I have had several work experience placements in various skilled trades such as building and joinery. Through joinery I gained an appreciation of the need for accurate design and construction, as well as a knowledge of the uses of wood as a building material. Though much of the building work I have undertaken was in construction, I found it to be invaluable experience. For example, whilst helping to build a garage I learnt about the importance of good design and planning by having to interpret the designs in order to determine how many bricks would be needed. During its constuction I noticed how important it was to build accurately, particually at the corners of the building which supported most of the weight of the roof. I also discovered the importance of keeping costs low, but the quality of work high. We made a different type of cement which was cheaper and weaker, but still met the needs for the inner walls. The most rewarding part of this experience seeing the project through from a plan on paper to its completion, and the feeling of satisfaction once it was completely built. I have a passionate interest in music and have been playing guitar for about 5 years. I have enjoyed my time as a member of a band, which has helped me to work creatively as part of a team. More recently, I have also achieved grade 2 in jazz piano. For years I have had a great enthusiasm for skateboarding and in November 2005 began undertaking voluntary work with a group helping to plan and design a skateboarding facility in Kings Heath park. We were involved in preparatory work such as gaining public support and undertaking research at existing facilities across the UK, as well as its design. From this experience I learnt the importance of working as part of a team and meeting deadlines. Also, I gained an understanding of just how much preparation and organisation is needed, even for a small development. By studying civil engineering at university I hope to build on my knowledge of maths and physics and learn how to apply it to real life situations. Having enjoyed my time at school I am excited by the prospect of going to university and learning more about our world around us. I hope for both a challenging and diverse career where I can help to improve the world for future generations to come. Yours sincerely, xuexila 日本留学本科申请方式 1、去读语言学校 由于日本的高校都是自主招生体系的原因,因此想去日本读好的高校好的专业必需选择去日本的语言学校去过渡。作为外国留学生必需要提交留学生考试成果,此考试在中国没有设考场,每年6、 11月分别进行考试。 日本的语言学校出资方都是财团性质,与日本的高校都没有任何干脆的关系,主要以4、10月招生为主,也有部分学校也可1、 7月入学,申请入学时间比较敏捷,平均一年学费4万5万左右。 通过语言学校的日语学习与辅导的学习,参与日本统一为外国留学生设置的“留考”,获得成果后,可凭成果报考相应等级的高校,正常状况下学校独立要求的考试科目与各学校的排名、专业、难易度有关,校考会涉及到:日语、英语、小论文、文化课、面试,艺术类学生还会有专业考试,作品审查的环节等。 2、干脆申请本科 日本近800所的高校,依据学校的性质及专业排名的不同,其中也有许多学校,会把某些冷门的专业干脆与海外机构或中学合作招生,并且不要求必需提交留考成果,这类学校会分为两种:一种是排名略微好些的私立高校(并且还设置了英语授课)二种是排名较差的三四流私立高校。 学生在家长选择的时候肯定要明确学校的入学制度与毕业制度,有的学校比较好进入,但由于起点要求过低,学生往往会忽视到学生的个人实力及语言实力是否能跟得上相应课程因素。 3、申请读高校别科 日本的私立高校均为外国留学生供应了别科过渡的途径,一般学制为一年,申请条件难易度与各学校的排名有关,学费在4-5万左右,没有学籍,通过该校别科的课程学习,可干脆参与学校的入学考试,假如通过,可干脆就读高校一年级。 日本留学就业前景介绍 1.日语人才需求量大 首先现在日本社会处于一个高龄少子化的时代,许多年轻夫妇不情愿生孩子,所以就造就了社会上劳动力严峻不足的现象,再加上日本企业海外扩展战略的形成,使得国内日企极其缺乏日语方向的人才。而那些在日本留学的同学则是的收益者,这就意味着你可以拿着日本工资在国内逍遥自由了,何乐而不为? 2.选择就业有前瞻性 出国留学,学习文化学问对留学生来说是最重要的,但在学习的过程中,也应当多多适应一下社会,这样也可以让自己的学习变得更加轻松,对生活也会投入更多的热忱。比如说打工,既可以了解日本社会,也可以减轻家里的负担,独立生活,与人相处这些都是在社会特别被人看重的素养。而且在接触社会的同时,也能接收到一些就业方面的信息。比如日本社会中IT业、社会福祉类、动漫类都是国内前景广袤的就业方向。所以早早地接触社会,让自己对就业有前瞻性,也是日本留学生的有利因素之一。 3.工作生活阅历 其实无论是选择什么专业,什么样的学校。因为在日本生活学习过,所以对日本的环境是非常熟识的,这些阅历是用金钱无法衡量的。假如你曾经在日本的大企业中实习过,那么这更能成为你强大的武器,在就业的路上帮你乘风破浪。 4.政府的大力支持 这一点针对于全部国家的留学生而言,目前国内对于留学生归国就业可以说是相当的支持了。不仅仅是工作岗位的供应,还有便是一些实惠政策的颁布,比如北上广深户口问题、工资保险上的资金补助,这些都是为了留住归国人才的举措。 2021国外本科留学申请书模板