2021标准爱尔兰留学申请书范文2021标准爱尔兰留学申请书 Dear _, A senior student at the business school headed by China''s tough Prime Minister, I will graduate next year with a diploma to be conferred by the Quebec Association of Certified General Accountants in Canada in the first joint educational program of its kind between China and a foreign country. To build up a great career upon this rare privilege, I am now applying for advanced studies in your quality program, hoping that I can someday become one of China''s top accounting experts. At Tsinghua, the country''s most valued cradle of advanced talents that houses my favored School of Business Management, I have been head and shoulders above most of my fellow students in my class of 122. I ranked among the top 2 per cent in macroeconomics, top 3 per cent in macroeconomics, top 5 per cent in international finance, and top 2 per cent in international trading. My performance in mathematics has been particularly strong, with my GPA in related courses probably the very best in the class. The CGA diploma requires completion of 12 courses taught in English, of which I have finished eight, with a GPA better than that of most others. My distinguished academic performance won me the privilege of being chosen as the only Special-Training Student in my class of 122 to join the university''s Program for the Gifted. Through this elite program, I participated in a challenging research project headed Professor Chun Xiyang, head of the school''s accounting department. The project was aimed at finding the best way to control cost at the North China Petrochemical Corporation, one of the country''s best known companies. As part of my research, I studied the corporate management systems in the United States, Japan, Britain and Germany, and analyzed the structure of Chinese companies. By the time I finished my part of the project to professor Chun''s satisfaction, I had not only broadened my knowledge but also acquired the ability, unique among China''s undergraduate students, to conduct research independently. Taking advantage of the university''s emphasis on cultivating independent thinking and practical research abilities, I have actively engaged in a variety of research activities. I teamed up with several students to investigate into China''s township enterprises and wrote a research paper under the guidance of our professors. With the help of my professor in public finance, I studied the country''s taxation system that is designed to divide revenues between central and provincial governments, and I did this in comparison with the taxation regimes of America and France. My article, China''s Taxation Reform, analyzed the possible approaches of improving that system. In my third academic year, I wrote The Accounting Structure in Share-holding Enterprises, an article that dealt with the solutions to the problems in the accounting system of the said companies. In my second year, I worked as an intern at China Industrial and Commercial Bank and acquainted myself thereby with the prevalent accounting practices of the country''s financial institutions. Such involvement in practical research has added both depth and breadth to my learning of accounting. Much of my academic achievements can be credited to my solid command of the English, which has allowed me to read international accounting journals with ease. Among my regular readings are Accounting Review, Accountancy, Public Finance Review, and others. I have translated Proposed Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts. My English proficiency is also reflected in the scores I obtained in various English tests such as TOEFL (633,10/97),GRE general (total 2220, verbal 660, 93%; quantitative 790, 98%; analytical 770, 96%), and GMAT (740, 99%; verbal 40, 92%;quantitative 50, 99%). I am sure that, with such language skills, I can pursue advanced studies in an English-speaking environment. In recognition of my outstanding academic record, the university has selected me to enter into graduate studies without the usually mandatory admission exams, a privilege given to only a few of the very best students each year. I have, however, decided to turn down the offer. I believe I will be able to learn more on the accounting/finance program by pursuing graduate studies in your university. Your program of graduate research and studies is known to be holding a leading position in the field. Under the guidance of your distinguished faculty and with the benefit of your remarkable research facilities, I am sure I will be able to ground myself solidly in my chosen career. After my Ph. D. studies, I plan to return to Tsinghua, where I shall devote myself to a lifetime of teaching and research. Yours sincerely, 爱尔兰留学入境打算及流程 一、入境打算 1、基本文件 入境须要确保各类证件齐全,因为首先须要出示的,就是个人的身份证件,这部分须要大家随身携带,并且要打算好备份的复印件,万一遗失了也有副本可以进行证明。 主要是护照、签证、学校录用通知书、学费缴纳确认单、报销购买证明、住宿证明,此外还须要打算好几份不同规格的证件照;最终就是现金,须要3000欧左右的零钱。 大家在接受入境检查的时候,还有可能会被问到问题,当然问题一般很简洁,学问对大家的身份进行确认,大家根据真实状况回答即可,这样才能够保证顺当的入境。 2、行李物品 而关于行李的携带,大家的打算则须要根据入境行李的规定来,从规则大小和重量,到种类分类和要求,都须要了解,这样才可以保证在托运和检查的时候不会出现问题。 要带的东西中,必需携带的其实并不多,除了上文中提到的证件,就是电脑、手机、转换插头,几套替换的衣服等,还有能够为你的生活带来便利的其他东西。 这些很大程度上,都是取决于自己的需求,大家在打算的时候,须要尽量的精简,这样才能够减轻自己出行的负担,因为许多东西,其实在爱尔兰,都是可以买得到的。 3、行程支配 假如不是从本地动身,可以提前一天抵达动身城市,换好登机牌,并且熟识路途,而且要早一点抵达机场办好行李托运和检查,再等待航班的通知。 假如大家须要转机的话,还须要在登机之前就将下一段航班的登机牌换好,中途下飞机之后不要走太远,要关注航班的动态,不要错过了起飞的时间。 而等到飞机落地之后,大家入境之前,还须要接受一系列的检查,通过检查后领取行李,然后联系接机人员前往学校即可。 二、入境流程 1、打算行李 在前期打算中,除了机票的购买,行李的打算就是最重要的一件事了,而在进行打算之前,大家还须要提桥堆行李重量和规格的要求进行了解。 一般航空公司的经济舱,托运的心里不能够超过30公斤,而登机的随身行李不能够超过8公斤,假如超出了重量,不丢弃的话须要缴纳肯定额度的罚金。 2、起先登机 登机的办理包括两部分,一部分就是换登机牌,托运行李,大家须要前往航空公司所在的站楼,在工作人员的指引下进行证件的检查的行李的检查。 其次步就是过安检,这部分的检查会比较严格,会有特地的人对你的行李进行检查,还会进行搜身检查,这时候大家也须要依据指引来进行协作。 3、进行转机 假如你没有购买直达的机票,而是须要转机的话,那么还要经过中转这一步骤,一般在国内就会换好中转的登机牌,所以中专的时候,大家只须要看好时间。 在等待的时候,可以选择在机场内逛一逛,买点儿纪念品也是可以的,但是肯定要记得在登机前半小时根据要求进行登机的检查。 4、正式入境 经过长途飞行之后,最终抵达了目的地,这时候还没有完成全部的步骤,还须要进行入境的安检,一般这个时候还会有证件和面试双重检查。 最终大家在行李带取回自己的行李,就可以打算出机场,前往学校了。 三、平安检查 平安检查是口岸检查(包括边防检查、海关检查、卫生检疫、动、植物检疫和平安检查等)的内容之一,是出入境人员必需履行的检查手续,是保障旅客人身平安的重要预防措施。 平安检查事关旅客人身平安,所以旅客都必需无一例外地经过检查后,才能允许登机。也就是说,平安检查不存在任何特别的免检对象。全部外交人员,政府首脑和一般旅客,不分男女,国籍和等级,都必需经过平安检查。 平安检查的内容主要是检查旅客及其行李物品中是否携带枪 支、弹药、易爆、腐蚀、有毒放射性等危急物品,以确保航空器及乘客的平安。平安检查必需在旅客登机前进行,拒绝检查者不准登机,损失自负。 依据关于制止和防范非法劫持航空器行为的国际公约的规定,凡缔约国都应依据国际法和国内法,实行一切必要和可能的措施,有效地防止危害航空平安的非法行为的发生,严厉惩处和打击犯罪行为。所以对旅客进行平安检查,是为了保障旅客本身的平安,防止非法劫持航空器事务的发生。 爱尔兰留学预科与语言课程区分 1、入学条件不同 签证要求的材料也不同,语言学校基本要求学生的英语条件很少,无任何曾经专业工作背景上的限制,人人都可以学习语言。但是预科会要求学生英语达到肯定水平,雅思成果会要求在5至6之间不等,且曾经的本科专业或工作经验也是必要的参考条件。预科的学习除了语言外,还要涉及相应的专业课程,不是单纯的语言。 2、课程设置不同 预科的真正解读是:在读专业课之前,为了适应探讨生或者本科的学习生活预备的一年 Foundation year 。这一年不仅仅要预备专业课的学问,核心的内容也是预备语言。也就是说,预科是专业课+语言课的合体。但是单纯读语言课的学生,这一年就是单纯的语言强化,没有专业课。 但是从课程设置上,预科包含的语言课,是以国内高校英语课为标准的讲台形式的授课方式。语言学校的课程设置是以日常口语,掺杂许多社会活动,以生活好用为目的,让学生成为一个在社会上完全独立运用英语的人。 3、课时和政策不同 预科和语言学生虽然都是学生签证,但是政策也是完全不同的。预科学生在学习期间不得打工,语言学校的学生一周可以打工20小时,假期可以打工40小时。预科课时比较紧凑,且专业课和语言课是同时进行的。 对于选择读语言还是读预科,可以依据自己的状况确定,每个人的学习习惯不同,出国的目的也不同,不必人云亦云。 爱尔兰留学常识介绍 一、气候条件 国家四面环海,是一座毗邻英国的岛国,环境和英国差不多,由于水汽足够,所以常年有雨,不过由于四周有暖流经过,所以零下的气温不多,大家冬天也不会觉得很冷。 由于昼夜的温差会比较大,所以大家出门肯定要记得带上外套;同样面临着随时会下雨的可能性,出门还要将伞带好,春秋在10左右,夏天在15-20,冬天在5-8之间。 二、本地居民 本地人的数量确定是会比其他国家的人要多一些的,大家打交道大部分面对的是本地人,他们天生比较健谈,而且对其他人很友好,所以大家不用太担忧自己的社交会受到其他的阻碍。 三、语言氛围 英语是这里通用的语言,而且这里的英语口语也是比较地道的,是除了英国之外,欢迎的国家,能够供应齐全而且合适的语言教学,每年都有大量学生来这里特地学习语言。 四、通用货币 在欧盟成立之初就加入了,并且在联盟内表现特别活跃,所以欧元也成为了境内运用的通行货币,因此学生出国前,兑换外币的时候选择欧元就可以了,兑换便利而且汇率也比较稳定。 五、留学开销 在这里读书的花销虽然没有英国贵,但是和不少国家比还是偏贵的,学杂费一年至少须要打算1.5万欧,热门一点的专业只会更贵,假如还是内的好专业,大家要打算的钱还要更多。 而物价同样也不低,大家须要考虑到住宿、出行、吃饭和购物等方面,所以预算尽量还是要多做一点,这样多了可以存起来,不够的话是会干脆影响生活的。 六、文化背景 拥有自己完整的文化体系,由于和欧洲大陆有肯定的距离,所以影响也不算很大,反而是英国文化对这里会有比较大的影响,所以能够享受不一样的生活和文化。 2021标准爱尔兰留学申请书范文