经典芬兰入学留学申请书范文经典芬兰入学留学申请书范文 Dear _, Mathematics is a concept used by most, enjoyed by few. I have always considered myself a member of this minority, yet the question of why it was mathematics I wish to study at university puzzled me. I thought that not to find a logical answer for this question would undermine the foundations of the subject which I have regarded so highly. After thorough contemplation of this question it came to me that my passion for the subject did not come from my personal ambitions of becoming a mathematician. It was from the elegance and logic of the subject, which will always be thought of as the mother of all sciences, that has fuelled my aspiration of continuing it a higher academic level. Academically I have always driven myself to be able to attain my potential and to cope with any circumstances which may hinder me achieving my goal. I am currently self-taught in two of my mathematics modules, M1 and S1, due to staff retirements and the fact of their being no alternative modules which I could study. Although I am in this situation I am determined to use the self-discipline I have gained through my extra-curricular activities to be able to complete my mathematics A level to the highest possible standard. I have taken part in a variety of extra-curricular, some of which I have had to dedicate myself to. This has taught me the vital skill of time management. In the Army Cadet Force I learnt how to discipline myself to be able to achieve tasks that would require great deals of effort, both physical and mental. The Duke of Edinburgh Award (Bronze) showed me how to plan and execute expeditions whilst being responsible for my team members. Simultaneously I was a youth worker at Epping youth centre for eighteen months; my duties included planning activities and maintaining a safe atmosphere. I feel the combination of all of these skills has helped me to cope with my A level work and it is to my belief it will do equally as much when I join university. In mathematics I have constructed a method of making questions more feasible by the philosophical concept of reductionism, which brings a question down to its core elements allowing the ambiguity of questions to be eliminated by reapplying the simplification. This has been particularly helpful in trigonometry and algebra to an extent where my colleagues have adopted this approach to mathematics. From what I have learnt about the difference of mathematics at A level and degree level is that the questions will rarely show a straight forward method of being solved as in A level. I believe I will enjoy this transition, since it will allow me to have an opportunity to meet challenges which I have not had the chance to meet at A level. To conclude this statement, I feel that university is certainly the next logical step for me and I am looking forward to the transition between college and university. My image of university is a place where I will not only gain a higher understanding of the subject I am passionate about, but a place I will be able to bring what I have learnt to a variety of people; sharing my own culture and views, whilst learning theirs. If accepted I believe I will gain a lot from university, but also contribute to it, equally as much. Yours sincerely, 去芬兰留学有什么优势 一、环境美丽 芬兰有“千湖之国”的美誉,森林覆盖率为74%,高居世界其次,因此芬兰境内空气纯净,最相宜学习与居住。 二、经济发达 发达的国家经济、世界的科学技术铸就了芬兰连续三年被达沃斯世界经济论坛评比为世界上最有竞争力的经济体。 三、教化水平高,高等教化免学费 芬兰有近50所高校和高等理工学院,均为国立院校,教化质量高;65%国民受过高等教化,英语在芬兰被广泛运用;高等教化免收学费,有众多英语授课项目供国际学生选择。 四、平安 芬兰福利体系完善,社会治安有保障,无过大的贫富差距。完善的养老、医疗、教化及失业等福利制度是社会安定旺盛的有力保证。因此芬兰国内的犯罪率很低,被评为世界上最平安的国家之一。 五、费用低廉 留学生可以享受到与芬兰本国人同等的社会福利待遇,而每年生活费用仅约为6到7万元人民币。此外留学生每周可有20小时的打工时间,假期则无。因此留学芬兰的学生将不会有过重的经济压力和负担。 六、人才的天堂 芬兰全球最的通信领域巨头“诺基亚”、在赫尔辛基高校读二年级的时候就开发了与微软视窗齐名的Linux操作系统的芬兰人Linux,都显示出了芬兰企业对人才的需求以及芬兰学校对人才的培育实力。 七、职业发展前景好 芬兰已取代瑞典成为中国在北欧的贸易伙伴,为中国在芬兰留学生供应了更广袤的就业发展平台;同时,很多芬兰公司意欲拓展中国市场,曾经留学芬兰、具有两国文化背景的复合型人才将具有极大的竞争优势。 八、申根签证可畅游欧洲 芬兰早已加入欧盟和申根协议,拥有芬兰签证的您可以在惊慌的学习之余,畅游欧洲。 出国留学芬兰语言要求解读 一、芬兰语 芬兰位于北欧,本身地理位置是在欧洲大陆的边缘,所以各方面对大家来说会是比较生疏的,不过芬兰语对大家来说,学习起来的难度不会很大,大家报班学习不须要花很长时间。 严格上来说,芬兰语属于依据发音就可以很简单书写的表音文字,所以大家只要能听懂可以沟通,那么读和写就不会有很大的障碍,不过目前国内有着比较好的培训基础的机构不多。 所以建议大家选择芬兰语授课的话,还是先去芬兰接受一年左右的芬兰语专业学习,这样会更有效果,而且性价比也会高一些,因为即便是在国内培训了,到了芬兰之后还是要学习的。 而且目前国内并没有普遍开设对芬兰的官方考核,大家参与考试必需要去周边国家或者去芬兰,而且学校也会有特地的考核,所以干脆去芬兰先接受语言提升训练,再申请入学会比较合适。 二、英语 作为一个国际化程度很高的国家,英语在芬兰也是一门很常见的语言,尤其是还在教化领域,等级越高,英语的适用范围就越广,基本上本科以上的教学各大高校都普及了,大家可以干脆选择其作为授课的语言。 由于英语是国内学生学习的其次外语,所以大家有着比较好的基础,所以参与英语的国际标准化考试雅思和托福,也不会很困难,大家只须要报班熟识考试的内容和模式即可。 目前本科阶段的入学,语言对英语的要求是IELTS的总分有6.0分以上,TOEFL的总分有85分以上;硕士阶段的入学,IELTS的总分有6.5分以上,TOEFL的总分有90分以上。 不过要想在学习和生活的沟通和沟通中能够比较顺畅,还要特殊花时间在口语的提升上,可以额外报一个口语班,来对芬兰日常英语的常用语进行熟识,这样会更简单适应。 经典芬兰入学留学申请书范文