2021简单泰国留学申请书格式写法2021简洁泰国留学申请书 Dear _, Since moving on to further education I have always shown a keen interest in Business studies, studying a wide variety on the subject during my A Levels. This has helped feed my enthusiasm and dedication towards the subject grow stronger and gradually has made me want to study it in more depth. I believe the reason for my passion towards the subject is due to my belief it is fundamental in today's modern society, and by pursuing a degree in the subject it can only be benifical to me and help me prosper in this business-oriented world From my A level work I have gained many key skills which will be beneficial to a career in the world of business. Two of the strongest skills that I have been able to develop are my organisation and communication skills which are essential in any career. Throughout my AS Business studies I was able to improve upon my communication skills as I had to deliver a presentation about data UK's financial stability which has aided me to constructively put a diplomatic point of view across in front of varied group sizes. These skills have helped broaden my confidence and outlook towards every day life, my confidence speaking in front of groups has also changed positively AS Sociology has provided me with an knowledge and understanding on UK society which is a key component when marketing products, as you will know the specific market that you are trying to target and can promote in accordance to it. A levels required a lot of independent work compared to my previous educational years, hence I have learnt to organise myself efficiently. This has helped me to set feasible revision timetables and meet the tight schedules that were presented to me during my A levels. Consequently this has lead to a great improvement in my organisational skills. I believe that these skills are essential and will aid me to become a successful university Business student I completed two successful weeks of work experience at MG Rover in Longbridge which was very beneficial to me as I was able to improve my communication skills and learn more about the so called new world During this time I was involved in a variety of tasks, which included producing a problem resolution action report relating to an investigation I was involved with. I attended and completed the 'Challenge of Management' course which develops key skills such as communication, planning, problem solving and responsibility, I feel these skills are important and have guided and helped me in my academic studies to-date and will further assist me to become a productive and efficient university Business student. In my time at Handsworth Grammar School I assisted at Open Days, Parents' Evenings and 11+ Examinations. My main priorities were showing visitors and potential students around the school to make sure each occasion was run smoothly. I have been awarded certificates of gratitude for such events. I also help out at my local Gudwara where I have been involved in taking part in Punjabi lessons as a result of taking part in this I have achieved a certificate for supplementary education attendance certificate. I have benefited a great deal from such responsibilities as they have helped me improve upon the quality of my teamwork skills immensely I believe that it is important to create a balance between the academic and social areas. I have a keen interest in Sports, especially football, of which I am an avid fan, and regularly play 11 a side football, I also am a member of a snooker club which I believe also helps to improve my concentration skills. I am currently a member at my local gym which I use regularly this ensures that I keep fit and my mind stays active and focussed as I believe a healthy body leads to a healthy mind I believe am an individual who will benefit from life at university as I am eager to learn further and attending university is an aspiration not only for my professional ambition but for the intellectual challenge. Given the opportunity I will strive to succeed. May I take this opportunity to thank you for taking time to consider my application. Yours sincerely, xuexila 去泰国留学须要打算的行李 一、证件材料 个人的护照、签证和学术语言证明,须要随身携带好,保证在出入境检查的时候,不会被海关犯难,作为身份的证明,是须要进行严格的审核的,所以大家肯定要确认证件的有效期限。 二、现金资金 泰铢是这里通行的货币,大家动身之前,还要记得兑换好足够的现金,尤其是零钱的打算,还须要带上可以在泰国干脆刷卡运用的银行卡,来应对可能会出现的大额生活支出。 三、衣着服饰 穿什么就很简洁了,泰国的天气常年都是比较燥热的,所以大家只须要打算舒适轻薄的单衣单裤即可,而且不须要太多,因为这里购物价格也很划算,鞋子要以运动鞋为主。 四、洗护用品 牙膏牙刷、洗发水沐浴露、肥皂等,还有毛巾浴巾都是大家应当带好的东西,因为抵达后的第一天就须要,自己带了的话,就不须要额外挤时间出来去买,这些其实不会很占地方。 五、床上用品 和上面提到的一样,是大家日常要用的,床品同样不占地方,大家在购买了后记得清洗好,这样抵达后就可以干脆运用的,此外蚊帐和凉席也可以依据自己的需求携带。 六、眼镜隐形 近视的学生肯定不要遗忘了自己的配置,框架眼镜和隐形眼镜,是大家各个场合须要运用到的东西,多打算一些备用,可以保证自己不会因为他们而影响自己的生活。 七、日常药品 泰国的蚊虫是比较多的,而且气候和国内也不同,很简单会出现水土不服的状况,从而身体健康会受到影响,建议大家打算好肠胃药和感冒药,还有防蚊虫叮咬的药品。 八、电子产品 手机电脑是基础类的,要确认是自己熟识的系统,这样运用起来才不会有问题,记得打算好转换电压的插头,从而确认自己带过去的东西可以正常用。 泰国留学本科申请条件和费用 一、泰国留学本科申请条件 1、学历 申请泰国本科的学生,肯定是在国内已经完成了12年的教化的,可以是中学以上、中专以上或者是技校以上学历的学生,还可以是在国内已经上了一年本科的学生。中学毕业的学生高考的分数要在当地的二本线以上,泰国的一些学校只要学生的高考分数只要超过了大专的最低分数就可以,还有其他的学生也可以通过一些测试或者是面试来申请泰国的本科。 2、语言 泰国的每所学校对学生的IELTS要求有少许差别,差距不大,一般泰国的公立学校对学生的IELTS总分是要在6.0分以上,要求学生的写作要达到6.0分,假如是没有IELTS学生申请泰国的本科,一些学校会有语言的测试,也可以去参与泰国的高校的英语测试,只要你的测试通过了,一样是可以申请的。对于泰国的私立学校同样是这个要求。假如你没有IELTS也没有TOEFL的话,可以在泰国先把英语加强一下,等到参与学校的英语测试通过了之后就可以了。泰国其实许多的专业都是用泰语教学的,假如你想申请这种专业的话,泰语也是有很高的要求的。 3、经济 在泰国上学,每年的费用和欧美国家的费用相比较是有很大的差距的,泰国的费用几乎是全部工薪家庭都能接受的。在泰国每所学校和每种专业的学费会有很大的差别,一般比较少的学费是16000元到18000元的都有,绝大多数的专业都是在18000元到80000元之间,你在泰国每个月的生活费是2000元到3000元就够了。所以学生在经济方面是不须要有很大的顾虑的。 4、其他条件 去泰国读本科须要有良好的身体素养,没有一些身体上的疾病来影响你的学习,你在去泰国之前,会让你去做一下体检,检查一下你有没有身体上的疾病。还有你在国内假如犯过罪或者是有过行政惩罚的话,你就很难去到泰国学习了。 二、泰国留学本科的费用 1、学费 在泰国读本科一般都是须要花四年的学习,泰国的公立学校都是政府办的,所以要求学生交的学费就偏低一些,私立学校不是政府办的要求学生交的学费要偏高一些。公立学校的学费是13000元到40000元,跟国内的学费是差不多的,不过公立高校虽然学费收的少,但是一些隐性的支出还是不少的,比如有管理费用、学杂费等。私立的学校收费是3万元到5万元不等,在泰国的学校医学专业的学费是要比其他专业的学费要高的。假如你在读本科之前还要读语言的话,一般是2个月到1年的时间,学费是3500元到4万元不等,看你是学了多久的语言,就要交相应的学费。 2、住宿费 在泰国绝大多数的学校是没有宿舍的,个别的学校有宿舍但是分给在泰国之外的学生的数量是很少的。学生就会在学校的四周租一个合适的公寓,不同的公寓每个月的房租钱是有差距的,你租的地方交通假如很便利的话,房租也会很贵,每个月是500元到1500元之间。你可以跟你的同学一起合租,节约房租的同时还有一个伴。 3、餐饮费 要说吃饭的地方当然就是学校食堂了,一顿饭是5元到6元,在食堂还可以吃到不同国家的美食。假如是在外面的一般餐厅吃一顿饭也就10元左右,但是要求比较好的餐厅的话就要50元到100元不等了。主要是看你的经济实力。餐饮费你每个月至少得花700元,高的可以花上1000元,一年就要8400元到12000元不等的饮食费。 4、交通费 在泰国学生住得近就可以走路或者是坐公交车上学,交通费也就不是很高,平常要去哪里玩也可以坐地铁或者是出租车,在交通方面你每个月要用200元,一年至少是2400元。 5、日常消费 在泰国你要读四年的本科,你每天也是要有钱来买一些日常的用品,这边的物价还不是很高的,买一些生活用品一年要1200元到2400元左右。 2021简洁泰国留学申请书格式写法