外国留学芬兰留学申请书范文外国留学芬兰留学申请书范文 Dear _, As a member of the third generation after founding of the Peoples Republic of China, I grew up as a witness of the rapid economic development of China as a result of its reform and opening up policy. I consider myself more fortunate than people of my previous generations because today China is experiencing dynamic development and facing unprecedented opportunities and challenges brought by its accession into the WTO and deepening economic globalization. I was aware of the importance to study economics and management in a diversified cultural environment early in my undergraduate study in business administration. After I started working, I felt more deeply in the urban planning and construction projects I undertook that the rapid development of public transportation boosted material expansion and accelerated the inherent instability in urban life. Endless segmentation has been seen in an extensive range in rapidly emerging residential areas and community construction. This is no doubt the result of the serious lack of scientific planning in urban expansion in China. As a young man of the largest developing country in the world, Im more oriented to observation and reflections everyday. I long for opportunities to learn more about western societies and study in an environment that is disparate with China in beliefs and habits because in the mirrors of differences, I will be probably more capable of reflecting on the culture and beliefs of my own nation. It is because of the above reasons that Im applying for pursuit of further studies in urban and regional planning (URP) in the University of _. I hope I will be able to learn from the experience, ideas and methodologies of the _ in the field Im so interested in and combine them with the actual circumstances of China to change the inappropriate practices and concepts in urban planning in China. With the marriage between more internationalized cultures and Chinese traditions, I hope I will be able to find a balance between Chinas traditional culture and the modern trend in urban planning and development. I think I already have a clear motif and I have also equipped myself with all the qualities required for successful study and research at your university. Im proud to say that I have built for myself a sound specialized theoretical foundation through my four years of study in business administration in _ University. With an average GPA of 83 in four years, I ranked the third in all 100 students of the major. I received Scholarship for Excellent Students many times and I was honored an Excellent Graduate in 2003. I was a top student in the courses of Economics, Management, Statistics, etc. At the same time, I read extensively after class and I studied a full set of curricula offered by _ Business School. I had the notion that economic business is but business competition-based independent practice using pure economic theories or models. But with my deepening of study, I found it is a discipline that incorporates profound philosophical ideas, cultural differences and a wide range of natural sciences. This certainly echoes a well-known saying in _ Business School: doing business is like being a man. Moreover, I have shown competent research ability in the two specialized academic papers I published. In writing my graduation thesis entitled _, I investigated thirty state-owned enterprises and foreign-invested enterprise and conducted 500 tests and data analysis. Based on a study on the human resource management models in _ and _ enterprises, I have summarized the peculiarities and discrepancies of Chinese enterprises through comparisons. The 25,000-word thesis analyzed moot points including the autonomous power of talents and psychological contract from the perspectives of strategic management, mathematical statistics and cultural operation models. The thesis received a high score of 95 from the assessment panel and was published in _, a core national academic journal. My another thesis entitled _, which discussed the role of personnel tests and evaluation in human resource management in a market economy system from the perspectives of the screening, promotion, training, optimal allocation of personnel and salary package design and pointed out the wrong concepts in personnel evaluation in China and proposed solutions, was published in a top provincial-level journal. A theory will find its life only in practice. I accumulated more experience in my specialized field of interest in every internship and assignment. During my internship at the Bureau of Forestry of _ City of _ Province from June to September 2002, I collected data and produced statistics on the livestock husbandry and aquiculture of the entire city and made a significant contribution to the 2003-2007 five-year livestock husbandry and aquiculture planning program of _ City. In my internship in the Construction Committee of _ City of _ Province from February to May 2003, I took part in the planning project for a 200,000-square meter _ Residential District. I was specifically responsible for statistical calculation on compliance with national standards of noise control, compliance with national standards in mosquito and fly density and garbage bagging, classification and designated disposal, occurrence of criminal cases, etc. The residential district was honored a “National Leading Residential District” because of its outstanding planning. During this period, I also took part in many other public projects and construction administration. Since my graduation in July 2003, I have been working as a manager of marketing in _ Metal Industry Ltd Company. I successfully fulfilled my responsibility for the processing and selling of 400 tons of refined copper imported from _ and _. I was also responsible for some personnel management work at the company. Based on my large amount of observation and deepened reflections on a wide variety of issues in practice, I think that China has many wrong concepts and rooms for improvement in URP, e.g. mismatch between autonomous administration of residential areas and government function transformation, lack of attention on community construction in urban-rural connection areas and the unrestrained expansion and irrationality in residential space and communities in urban development planning. While China has its own peculiar circumstances compared with western countries because of its historic and cultural reasons, the learning of more advanced ideas and technologies in the field of urban planning will play an important role in solving the above problems. The University of _ has a long esteem in URP and it is known widely for its strong faculty. The URP Program is nearly-sufficient with its own planning library and exclusive computer laboratory. I especially extol its efforts to conduct and disseminate research on the “theory and practice” of urban society to plan for more equitable and sustainable communities. Im equally interested in areas of land use planning, land management, planning process theory, regional planning and economic development and transportation planning. After studying at your university, I will return to China and make more contributions to the prosperous development of China in first decades in the new millennium. I confidently believe that I will become an expert in URP and will have a much more successful career in this field with the amalgamation of the western and oriental cultures deep within me through studying at your university. Yours sincerely, 芬兰硕士留学申请条件与材料 一、芬兰留学硕士条件 学历要求 还未毕业的学生,可以边读书边提交申请,等到拿到了毕业的证明之后再提交正式的申请,或者干脆进行预科的申请,这样要满意的要求会相对宽松一些,不过须要在芬兰先进行一年的过渡学习。 是等到确定拿到结业的证明,能够出示合格的学士证书的时候,再进行申请,这样学校进行审核的时候速度会更快,大家在打算材料的时候也会更加的便利,不会耽搁时间。 成果要求 主要就是大家的考试平均成果,即我们所说的GPA,这部分须要大家向学校的学生办事处提出申请,相关的工作人员进行查询并且确认,没有错误之后,才会将材料打印出来并盖章。 到了硕士阶段的申请,GPA至少要有3.5分;有些学校还会要求学生出示自己在本科阶段的学术论文或者探讨成果,这部分都是成品,大家假如有存档的话,干脆打印并且公证即可。 语言要求 语言的打算重心照旧是英语,因为大部分专业授课都会运用英语,大家不须要再花时间特地学习芬兰语,打算IELTS的考试就可以了,认可度比较高,须要大家拿到6.5分左右的成果单。 不过芬兰语的学习还是很有必要的,终归大家在日常的沟通中,总是还会遇到本地人的,会一些简洁的口语,可以帮助大家更好的进行生活的适应,同理英语的口语也要仔细打算。 时间要求 探讨生的申请会比本科迟一个月,申请从2.1起先,一般会在3.1结束,周期是一个月,递交的早晚不会影响审核的时间,因为一般都是统一进行审核的,可以确保公允性。 但是比较热门的项目,会出名额的限制,假如提前等到了人数的限制,那么可能就会干脆关闭申请的通道,所以大家可以早一点进行提交,以免错过申请。 二、芬兰硕士申请材料 英语成果:雅思成果的提交须要在将成果送至芬兰,可以网递,比较便利和快速,交钱就行了。 成果单和毕业证(在读证明):这是对中国学生的特别要求,材料须要提交到_网(_网)进行认证。 动机函:个人陈述肯定要真实,而且须要短小精悍。 举荐信:要选择专业相关的举荐人。而且举荐人假如背景不具有信服力的话也就不必了。许多学校没有硬性规定须要举荐人,但有厉害的举荐人举荐确定是加分的。 商科特别要求:芬兰相对好的商科院校,如阿尔托和汉肯都须要GMAT成果,须要看专业而定,所以想申商科的话,肯定要打算好,不要因为这些细微环节误了申请。 艺术类特别要求:作品集。 其他的就是个人信息、教化经验之类的基本信息。 其他加分项:出国经验确定是特别加分的亮点。现在国外都特别注意学生的跨文化沟通实力。 三、芬兰硕士学位分类 1.Degree Student 在芬兰硕士留学中,这是比较正常一般的硕士生身份。须要学生通过入学考试后,从新生起先进入为期五年的硕士课程。和芬兰当地的学生待遇相同。申请这个课程的学生,须要大四在读或者已经获得学士学位。在正式考取后,可以将学位转换为学分,而不用从大一读起。 2.Guest Student/Free Move 这类探讨生课程不须要进行入学考试,并且有些课程须要交纳肯定费用。入读时间为一年,在这一年中学生可以在学校选择课程学生,但是结束后不能获得学位,类似于旁听生。 3.IMP Student 这是属于国际硕士项目的学生,也不用参与入学考试。这种课程的第一年都是GuestStudent,免费上课。当第一年成果和学分达到Degree Student的要求后,可以进入一般的硕士课程学习。毕业时能够获得和Degree Student一样的学位。 4、EXCHANGE STUDENT 芬兰学校跟国外学校有合同,互送的学生.自己无法办理EXCHANGE STUDENT。 5、国内已获得或将获得学士学位者申请芬兰硕士 假如自己所学的专业能够在芬兰的高校里找到IMP专业,是的,申请是干脆对所在的DEPARTMENT进行的,一般根据IMP的安排2年毕业。假如没有IMP专业,毕业时间不能保证。必需插读5年制DEGREE,一般须要入学考试,跟FRESHMAN起点的DEGREE STUDENT的录用方式相同。由于没有有安排的课程支配,能够转的学分多少也不能确定,毕业时间一般大于2年。 芬兰留学省钱攻略 一、便宜三餐 比较适合学生的方式,自然就是学校食堂,因为一方面便利,大家到店之后干脆前往,选择自己喜爱的类型,吃完之后不须要管其他的申请,另一方面是便宜,政府会赐予肯定补贴。 不过节约开销在外面消费确定是会比自己动手要贵一些的,有做饭的条件的话,还是可以尽量自己做;或者去便利店购买临期的便当速食,一般都会以半价出售,其实也没有很大的影响。 二、免费教材 每年交的学费中,教材是不包括在里面的,大家须要根据老师的要求自己打算,买书确定没有结束便宜,而借书则是比较划算的方式,去学校的图书馆会更便利,可以线上查阅。 这样大家假如能够抓住机会,在到期之后刚好的进行续期,这样可以保证一整个学年都有较才可以运用,至少可以省下500元左右买二手书的钱,假如预算少买新书会省下更多的钱。 三、平价宿舍 住宿支配在宿舍里,大家可以在省钱的同时,削减许多麻烦,终归租房前后要考察的事情是特别多的,对于独自前往生疏国家的学生来说,想找到合适的居处,还须要额外再花中介费。 而且宿舍的平安会更加有保障,入住的都是和自己一样的学生,整体的环境是特别舒适的,还有助于大家适应新的生活,相识更多适龄的挚友,对学习也会有帮助。 四、骑车出行 代步的工具,有不同的种类,对学生来说,公交地铁是比较便利快捷的选择,办了卡之后还会有更高的折扣,不错即便是这样,一个月至少也须要打算500左右的预算。 假如大家平常的通勤距离不远的话,完全可以自己买一辆自行车来进行代步,这样的话要花的钱会更少,还可以多次运用,二手的就足够运用了。 外国留学芬兰留学申请书范文借鉴